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20092010学年三年级英语上学期期末测试卷班级_ 姓名_听力部分(20分)一. 听录音,用 画出你所听到的单词。(10分)1) A. boy B. body 6) A. eleven B. seven 2) A. head B. hand 7) A. arm B. are 3) A. father B. farmer 8) A. kite B. cake 4) A. birthday B. bird 9) A. yellow B. window5) A. Mr B. Ms 10) A. mouth B.mother二 听音用 圈出你所听到的单词。(10分)1. This is his ear / eye . 4. Wheres your kite/ cat ?2. This is her head/ hand . 5. Im a teacher / pupil . 3. This is my grandpa / grandma .笔试部分(80分)一选择汉语写在对应的英语之后的横线上。 (17分) 门;狗; 眼睛; 风筝; 鼻子; 是的; 看; 农民; 蛋糕; 司机; 姐妹; 钢笔;医生; 书包; 母亲;学校; 教师; 1.mother2. kite3.teacher 4. eye 5.look 6.farmer7.cake8.bag9.driver 10.sister 11.doctor12.door13.dog14.school15. nose 16.pen17. yes 二. 连线(20分)(1)请展开想象他们的颜色,并连线(10分)大海 小草 太阳 黑板 香蕉 black yellow blue green red (2)把图片与单词连起来。(10分)farmer doctor driver teacher policeman nurse三、涂黑 (每题有12个小格,按数字要求把对应格子涂黑10分)例:five seven three nine eleven two四.如果遇到下面的情景,你会怎么说呢?(8分)1、向全班同学介绍自己时,你应该怎么说?( )A. Goodbye B. I am Tom2、下午两人相见时,用哪句问候语?( )A. Good morning B. Good afternoon3、当你想知道对方的名字时,你如何问?( )A. Whats your name? B. My name is Lili.4、你回答完老师的提问时,老师会对你说( )A. Stand up, please. B. Sit down, please.5、当别人表扬你时,你应该对他说()A. Im fine. B. Thank you.6、当你想问别人这是什么东西时,应该怎么问?( )A. This is a book. B. Whats this?7、田老师问小明几岁了,应该这样问 ( ) A How old are you ? B How are you ?8、当有人问你How old are you? 你回答( ) A. Im fine, thank you. B. Im nine.八、把相应回答的序号填写在括号内。(5分)( )1. Whats your name?A. Im fine, thank you.( )2. How are you?B. Im twelve.( )3. How old are you?C. Three boys.( )4. Is it a pencil?D. Im Sam.( )5. How many boys ? E. Yes, it is.二 、 选择,把序号写在括号里。(12分)1 . ( ) This is my . A chair B desk C door 2. ( ) Its a .A kite B cake C hat3. ( ) This is a .A blackboard B window C door4. ( ) My brother is a .A driver B doctor C farmer5. ( ) Point to the .A desk B window C blackboard6. ( ) This is my . A brother B sister C father四 、读单词,连线。(8分)eye footarm handear legmouth head2
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