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China has 41 brand new billionaires thanks to a surge in share prices.股价的飙升让中国新增了41位亿万富翁。The recent surge in share prices on the mainland has created at least 41 new super-rich people in the nation whose individual net worth exceeded US$1 billion during the past two months, Forbes business magazine estimates.据福布斯财经杂志估计,近来大陆股价的飙升造就了至少41位新晋富翁,他们的个人净资产在过去的两个月里超过了10亿美元。At least half of them work in manufacturing industries, and others mostly focused on the finance, energy and retail sectors.他们当中至少一半的人都来自制造业,其他的大部分来自金融、能源以及其他的零售行业。Zhou Qunfei , 45, founder of touchscreen maker Lens Technology, tops the list. Shebecame Chinas richest woman after her company, which supplies screens to electronicgiants including Apple and Samsung, debuted on Shenzhens ChiNext A-share market on March 18.位于榜首的周群飞,45岁,制造触摸屏的蓝思科技创始人。她的公司为电子行业巨头苹果和三星提供手机屏幕,并在3月18日的深圳A股市场创业板中上市,自那之后,她便成为了中国的女首富。Zhou holds nearly 90 per cent of the companys stake and her personal wealth reached 67.4 billion yuan (US$10.9 billion) as her companys shares hit the daily trading limit for 16 consecutive days and closed at 113.87 yuan yesterday.周群飞持有公司近百分之九十的股权以及她的个人财产总值达到了674亿元(109亿美元),还有她的公司股票连续在16个工作日达到每日交易限额,并在昨日以113.87元的价格收盘。Two others who have done well on the stock market are Chen Chichang, 44, and Lin Xiaoya, 42, a couple from Guangdong province, who founded Guangdong Qtone Education in 2005.另外两个股票市场成功人士是44岁的陈炽昌以及42岁的林小雅,这对夫妻来自广东,他们在2005年创办了全通教育。In the past year, investors expectations about the robust growth in online education have pushed up the Shenzhen-traded companys stock price by as much as five times to 252.4 yuan per share yesterday. The couples personal wealth has soared to about US$1.4 billion.在过去的一年里,投资者对稳健增长的在线教育的期望让这家在深交所上市的公司股票价格高了5倍,昨天竟达到了每股252.4元。这对夫妇的个人资产飙升到大约14亿美元。Other new billionaires include Zhang Desheng, founder of multi-industry conglomerateZhejiang Wanma Group.其他新晋的亿万富翁包括跨行业企业浙江万马集团的创始人张德生。Zhang, 65, and his daughter own 51 per cent of the listed company - a stake that was worth more than US$1.06 billion, as the share price closed at 14 yuan yesterday.张德生,65岁,跟他的女儿共同持有上市公司51%的股份价值超过了10.6亿美元,昨天以14元的价格收盘。New billionaires wealth also changes rapidly because of the rapid fluctuation of stock prices.新晋亿万富翁的财富也在因股票价格的急剧波动而迅速变化。Yao Wenchen, chairman of Shanghai Yaoji Playing Card, became a billionaire on April 7 when his companys shares closed at a record high of 25.65 yuan on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.姚文琛,上海姚记扑克股份有限公司董事长,4月7号,他的公司股票在深圳证券交易所以25.65元的价格达到历史新高,自此成为了一个亿万富翁。However, the stock price of the company fell to 23.41 yuan yesterday, sending his personal wealth below the magic US$1 billion mark.但是,公司股价昨天下降到了23.41元,他的个人资产又降到了神奇的界限10亿美金之下。The Shanghai Composite Index has surged 30 per cent during the past two months, while that of the Shenzhen exchange has risen by 23 per cent.上海股票市场综合指数在过去两个月的时间里升高了30%,同时深圳交易所的综合指数上升了23%。Other mainland businessmen who have recently become billionaires thanks to a share-price rally on the stock markets include He Ye, director of Shenzhen InfoTech Technologies, Shao Qinxiang, chairman of Zhejiang Garden Bio-chemical High-tech, as well as Chen Qixing, chairman of Shenzhen Everwin Precision Technology.其他的最近因股价上涨成为亿万富翁的大陆商人包括深圳银之杰科技股份有限公司董事何晔、浙江花园生物高科股份有限公司董事长邵钦祥以及深圳市长盈精密技术股份有限公司董事长陈奇星。China had a record 213 people on the 2015 Forbes Billionaires List - second only to the United States.2015年的福布斯全球富豪榜上,中国创下了213人的记录仅次于美国。更多英语学习方法:企业英语培训 http:/www.spiikers.com/
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