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铸件及产品表面处理工艺:压铸件:Die casti ngs铸件表面处理 Surface finish for the cast ings: 做黑:blacki ng镀锌:Zinc plat ing镀铬:chrome plat ing镀镍:ni ckel plat ing磨砂面处理:grit satin fin ish抛光处理:tumble bright手工拉丝(圆形拉丝,放射线拉丝,对角线拉丝):brushed metal surface/drawbench (circularmetal brushed texture, radius metal brushed texture, diagonal metal brushed texture )哑光面处理:hand dull polished finish镜面抛光处理:mirror polished fin ish金属孑 L: metallic holes氧化铬钝化处理: passivati on treatme nt电抛光处理:electrolytic polished喷砂处理(玻璃砂,钢玉沙,石英砂):sandblasting( glass bead blasting, corundum-sand blasting, quartz-sa nd blasti ng)Sat in fini shed surfaceTPU 或橡胶凹刻:TPU,rubber text intaglioCell phone TPU text intaglioCD 纹样:CD pattern镀枪色: gun color plati ngCell phone n avigati on key used CD patter ngun color plated真空镀:PVD vacuum plati ng(PVD: Physical vapor depositio n)UVcoati ng+PVD tech nics紫外固化(增加表面耐磨层及使用寿命):UV curing字符镭雕: Laser carvi ng text字符丝印:Silk-screen printingSilic one rubber keypad nu mbers by laser carvi ng tech nicsPhone text silkscree n prin ted般电镀:electroplati ng effectsElectroplated mobile手机壳使用材料:ABS+PC (塑料)Zinc Alloy (锌合金),Aluminum Alloy (铝合金)Alumium Alloy按键材料:Keypad made of PC plasticPC plastic镜片屏幕材料:Lens, screen made of PMMA (亚克力),PVC plasticPMMA materialClear PVC FilmUSB 软胶塞材料: USB stopper made of Rubber, TPUTPO material cover电镀可用在ABS和金属材料,真空镀可用在 PMMA和任何材料上,真空镀价格相对便宜:Non con ductive PVD platedElectroplating can be done by ABS and metal materials, PVD vaccum plating can be donw on any other materila such as PMMA 亚克力,PVD plating cheaper不导电真空镀处理:Non con ductive PVD vacuum plat ing注塑材料:injectio n moldi ng plastic喷漆处理:paint spray ingPain t-sprayi ng+UV coat ing模具蚀纹(手机壳花纹工艺):in-mould metal etching technique不锈钢拉丝电镀处理:sta ini ess steel brushed surface by chrome plat ingComputer cover etch ing阳极氧化处理:ano dic oxidati on treatme ntAlumi num Ano ide oxidati on treatme nt on surface表面电镀:surface electroplat ing 电泳处理:Electrophoresis不导电真空溅镀工艺(和电镀效果一样都是在塑料表面镀金属色,但是有镜面效果非常亮):Non conductive vacuum metallization technics(lt is similar to electroplating effects, but colors can be mirror fini sh)PVD vacuum metallizatio n不锈钢表面进行处理(表面本色白化处理,表面镜石光亮处,表面着色处理,光亮处理方法,喷砂处理法,机械抛光,化学抛光,电化学抛光):Stai nless steel surface treatme nt(color bleach ingtreatment, mirror finish treatment, sand blasting, mechanical polishing finish, chemical polishing finish, electrochemical polishing finish).双色注塑: two-color injectio n moldi ng tech nics部分纹理突起:Texture bump彩镀:color plat ing底面镀膜:un derside coati ng with thin film钢板花纹镭雕:Steel sheet with laser engraving treatmentLaser En gravi ng texture电池盖常用材料:battery cap made of alumi num alloy, ABS+PCAlumium Alloy cap表面腐蚀纹:Electrochemisty corrosion pattern finishLighter metal corrosi on texture表面氧化处理:Surface oxidati on treatme ntHigh glossy finish car body with black paint spray+UV coati ng哑光面处理:matte finish批花纹处理:radiation pattern功能键镀膜效果:function keys made of tran spare nt PC with coati ng effect手机壳体分件:上壳:Front Hous ing壳上装饰件: cap decorative pieces中壳:middle cover 后壳:Rear Hous ing按键:keypad天线:Antenna电池盖:battery cover侧按键:side fu nction key 导航键:n avigatio n key功能键:fun ction key喇叭孔:Mic振动器:Vibrater测试端口: Test port and 嗡鸣器:Buzzer常用材料及应用ABS :汽车(仪表板,工具舱门,车轮盖,反光镜,冰箱,大强度工具如头发烘干机,搅拌 器,食品加工机,割草机,电话机壳体,打字机键盘,娱乐用车辆如高尔夫球手推车,喷气 式雪橇车。SA :电气插座/壳体,日用商品(厨房器械,冰箱设置,电视机底座,卡带盒),汽车工业(车头灯盒,反光镜,仪表盘),家庭用品(餐具,食品刀具等),化妆品包装等。PVC :供水管道,家用管道,房屋墙板,商用机器壳体,电子产品包装,医疗器械,食品包PS:产品包装,家庭用品(餐具,托盘等),电气(透明容器,光源散热器,绝缘薄膜等)。POM :耐高温特性,管道器件(管道阀门,泵壳体),草坪设备等。PMMA :汽车工业(信号灯设备,仪表盘等),医药行业(储血容器等),工业应用(影碟,灯光散射器),日用消费品(饮料杯,文具等)。PC:电气和商业设备(计算机元件,连接器等),器具(食品加工机,电冰箱抽屉等),交通运输行业(车辆的前后灯,仪表板等)。PC/ABS :计算机和商业机器的壳体,电气设备,草坪和园艺机器,汽车零件(仪表板,内 部装修以及车轮盖)。PC/PBT :齿轮箱,汽车保险杠以及要求具有抗化学反应和耐腐蚀性,热稳定性,抗冲击性 以及几何稳定性的产品。PP:挤塑制品,纺织纤维和单丝,容器,密封其,汽车股方面,家庭用具用品,玩具及消 费品市场。ASA :汽车外侧视镜壳体,保险杆封皮/装饰,游泳池泵过滤器外壳。PPS:电器材料,结构材料,防腐蚀材料,作为电气构件用量约占60%。PPO:电子仪表,汽车,机械设备零件。PA66尼龙:各种齿轮,凸轮,蜗轮,轴套,轴瓦等耐磨零件。工艺化表面处理镀膜效果:Film plated橡胶材质:P+R, Rubber.字符凹刻: markings en graved氧化枪色: ano diz ing dark color斜面镜面: bevel glossy finish 透明材质:PMMA,PC, tran spare nt materialsClear PCIn-mold etchi ng功能键数字镭雕:character laser etch ing模具纹理:in-m ould etch ing texture透明PC:注塑镜片 切割镜片 表面电镀PC(clear) injected lens cut lenschrome plated表面凸起纹样:Embossed patter nEmbossed texture on carb on fiber bag
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