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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!完形填空突破(九)行文逻辑推理题完形填空中有些答案的四个选项从词汇搭配、语法和句子结构等角度考虑均行得通,但由于文章是一个完整的统一体,词、句、段三者存在着内在逻辑关系,因此考生还要从上下文中寻找有关的提示或暗示,对文章的情节进行逻辑推理,抓住含有关键信息的词语,理顺句子之间的关系,确定正确的答案。1运用词汇复现,轻松选择判断复现有原词复现、同义词复现、反义词复现、同根词复现、概括词复现等。完形填空题中,考生可以利用上下文的复现信息,确定正确的表达方式。(1)原词复现为了表达的需求,有时在上下文中同一概念会重复出现。考生可以借助于上下文中的这一信息选择答案。(2)同义词、近义词、反义词复现同义词、近义词和反义词复现是借助意思相同、相近或相反的表达方式,或解释性的语言使上下文语意得以连贯起来。做完形填空时,考生应注意分析上下文中出现的解释性语言。(3)同源词复现另外,考生还可借助复现的同源词来确定答案。典例The next morning the stranger,actually a sorcerer (巫师),thanked her by granting (允准) her 26 that anyone who climbed up her tree 27 not be able to come back down until she 28 it.When the children came back to steal her 29 ,she had them stuck on the tree.They had to beg her long 30 she gave the tree permission to let 31 go.Aunty Misery was free from the 32 at last.(2008陕西)BpromisedCanswered Ddeclared答案A解析本题属于同源词复现类试题,根据上下文,下一段中出现了permission,即permit的名词形式,结合语境,应选A项。此处意为“没有她的允许不能下来”。2高屋建瓴,把握主旨完形填空是考查综合运用英语知识能力的试题。它主要考查考生对上下文的理解和逻辑判断能力,而通常利用文章的首句,就能抓住文章的主旨文意并在主旨文意的引导下进行合乎逻辑的判断推理,从而正确推断出文章的隐匿信息。典例On the road of life,the help of strangers can 54 our loads and lift our spirits.How much sweeter the 55 will be when we make it a little smoother for others!(2008重庆)54A.move BincreaseClighten Dcarry BjourneyCsmile Dfriendship解析54.本句是对全文的概括。句意为:在人生的道路上,来自陌生人的帮助可以减轻我们的负担,振奋我们的精神。move移动;increase增加;lighten减轻;carry携带。55选文原文通过作者在公共汽车上亲眼目睹的一件事说明在人生旅程中给别人一点帮助能使世界更加美好。这一段点明了文章主题:假如我们都能为别人做一点善事,那么人生的旅程(journey)就会美好得多。1We recently treated our nowadult son and his girlfriend to a seafood feast,near Cocoa Beach,Florida.Our server,a grandmotherly woman skilled in the art of1,flew around the2juggling dishes and drinks while treating customers as individuals.She remembered their3tastes,likes and dislikesall of which shed learned after only the briefest4.At the end of the meal,she presented the bill,and then went to5the growing crowd of other dinners.My husband6with a credit card,added her7,and we were off.“Mr. Goldsmith!” our waitress ran out of the dinning room waving a receipt at him,“Thank you.”He looked at her as though he didnt8.Weve all seen that universal9of confusioneyebrows drawn together and head cocked to one side.“What did you give her?” I asked in a stage whisper, 10 if he had done something 11 or made a calculation error.“Wow,Dad,” our son said, 12 like an awestruck 10yearold.“Ive never seen a waitress 13 anyone out of the restaurant to saythank youfor the tip.”“She gave us great service.I just thought she deserved a little more 14 what I usually give.”It wasnt until later,when I accidentally heard our 15 retelling the story of the 16 waitress,that I realized she had given my family something 17 a “thank you”She showed our son the importance of 18 hard work and the rewarding sound of “thank you”Her show of thanks helped a dad earn a bit more 19 from a loving son.And it reminded me just why I 20 this thoughtful,caring man.1A.painting Bsmiling Ccooking Dserving答案D解析根据前面的server一词可知,这里指这个人有很好的服务艺术。 Bbeach Ccorner Dstreets答案A解析讲述的是餐馆里面发生的事情,其他选项都不合语境。3A.common Bspecial Cconsiderable Ddelicious答案B解析special特别的,此处表达的意思为她记得客人们的特殊口味等。其他选项不合题意。4A.arguments Bdiscussions Cconversations Ddebates答案C解析briefest conversations意思是“最简短的对话”,即她通过与客人之间最简短的对话,便知道了他们的特殊口味,他们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。5A.attend toBlook for Ccare for Dfind out答案A解析attend to照顾;接待,符合题意。6A.paid Bcalled Ccarried Dpushed答案A解析paid with a credit card指用信用卡付账。7A.advice Bsuggestions Ctip Dprize答案C解析tip指“小费”。即用信用卡付账后,又付她小费。8A.doubt Benjoy Chappen Dunderstand答案D解析根据下文内容可知,当作者的丈夫给了小费之后,服务员追出来说感谢的话,这是很不常见的事情,所以他们感到很奇怪,不了解为什么会这样。9A.feeling Blook Cattitude Dtension答案B解析look指“表情”,即脸上露出的不理解的表情。10A.thinking Bhoping Cwondering Dexpecting答案C解析作者感到疑惑,丈夫到底给了那个服务员什么东西,使得她跑出来向他表示感谢,是他做了什么不合常理的事情还是算错了账呢?所以C项符合题意。 Bappropriate Cunfair Dhelpful答案A解析见上一题解析。12A.looking Bsounding Cdoing Dimagining答案B解析这里是在说作者儿子的声音,因此用sounding like,即“听起来像”。13A.help Bkeep Cdrive Dfollow答案D解析follow表示“跟随,追随”。句意为:我从来没有看到过有服务员追出饭店,向客人感谢给她小费。14A.except Bbelow Cabove Dwithin答案C解析above表示“超过”。句意为:她给了我们非常好的服务,所以我认为她应该得到比正常要多一点的报酬。15A.son Bfriend Ccolleague Dparent答案A解析根据文章最后一段内容可知,作者的儿子从那位服务员身上学到了很多东西。而这些都是从儿子说的话里面感觉到的,因此,这里选son,即她的儿子在陈述当时的情景。 BskilledCgenerous Dgrateful答案D解析grateful感激的,符合原文内容,即上文提到的那位对作者的丈夫表示感谢的女服务员。17A.rather than Bmore thanCless than Dno more than答案B解析句意为:那位服务员给我们家的不仅仅是简单的一句感谢,而是更多的东西。 BrememberingCacknowledging Dignoring答案
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