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2011-2012学年小学六年级英语毕业试卷学校 班级 姓名 (满分100分) 得分 一、请写出下列英语字母的左邻右舍的大小写。(5分)CcIiMmQqTt二、选出不同类的单词。(10分)( ) 1 A hamburger B cola C meat ( ) 2 A duck B dog C noisy ( ) 3 A cent B basketball C baseball( ) 4 A shine B enioy C sun( )5 A doctor B classroom C teacher ( )6. A. September B. July C. Sunday ( )7. A. baseball B. doorbell C. football ( ) 8. A. sunny B. warm C. funny ( )9. A. hot dog B. milk C. rice ( ) 10. A. Christmas B. China C. England三、请从栏中选出栏的答语,将序号写在题前的括号里。(10分) ( )1.What do you want? A. I want some bananas.( )2.What time is it ? B. Its four dollars. ( )3.How much is it? C.Its twelve .( )4.What are you doing? D. Thank you.( )5. Here you are. E. Im playing football. )6.What do you want? F. Sorry, I cant. Im doing my homework. )7.How much is it? g. I dont know. What about a hot dog?)8. Who can help me? H. Its going to be sunny.)9.Whats the weather going to be like in Beijing? I. Because there is a snake.)10. Why are you scared? J. Its thirteen dollars, in all.四、单项选择:(30分)( )1. What you want, Daming? A. do B. does ( )2. Its thirty and twenty-five . A. dollars, cents B. dollar, cent ( )3 Is it a really dog? - A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it isnt. ( )4. bananas do you want? A. How much B. How many( )5. What are you do today ? A. going to B. will ( )6、早晨见到老师和同学,说声 _. A.Good morning! B. Im fine,thank you.( )7、当别人对你说:“Thank you.”你应当说_. A.OK. B. Youre welcome. ( )8、想知道别人是否喜欢苹果,应该这样问_.A. Do you like bananas? B.Do you like apples?( )9、如果要问别人名字,可以这样说_. A.Whats your name? B. Whats this?( )10、新年的时候拜访亲戚朋友,你要说: A、Happy New Year. B、Happy Christmas.( )11. What do you want to eat? _A. some rice B. orange juice C. a book( )12. What time is it? A. Its redB. its fourteen years old. C. Its six. ( )13. How is the weather in Harbin tomorrow? A. Snow B. It was sunny. C. It is going to hot. ( )14. Did you fly into space?A. Yes, I do. B. No. I am not. C. No, I didnt.( )15. In this photo, the birds _ in the tree. A. sing B. are singing C. is going to sing( )16。 _can help me ?A. what B. when C. who ( )17. She is talking to her friend _her phone is ringing.A. And B. but C. with( )18. 与“cant hear”同义的词是_. A. Blind B. listen C. deaf ( )19. Why are you crying?_ A. I am playing games. B. I am happy. C. I am sad. ( )20. I will miss you._A. I will miss you, too. B. Sorry ,you cant. C. you are welcome.( ) 21.Whats _ matter? A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2 2. Were going to _ a baseball team. A. have B. had C. has D. having( )2 3. I didnt _ cups. I _ caps. A. say, say B. said, said C. say, said D. said, say( )2 4. I wanted you to _ the baseball caps. A. bring B. brought C. brings D. bring to( )2 5. Helen Keller was born _. A. in 1880 B. in 1881 C. on 1880 D. at 1880( ) 26. Helen Keller was a _ girl. A. blind B. deaf C. A and B D. normal ( ) 27. The story was _ the newspaper. A. in B. on C. at D. of( ) 28. Ningkang wants _ go _ space too someday. A. to, to B. to, into C. into, to D. into, into( ) 29. Last Sunday, I _ my kite in the park. A. flew B. flies C. am flying D. flying( 30. Yang Liweis first words in space were, “_” A. I feel good B. I feel nice C. I feel great D. I feel sad五、将句子的正确的翻译连起来(10分)1)Its going to snow in harbin. 我想念在中国的每个人。2)Were going to go to the park. 谁能帮助我?3)I am sending some photos. 我们将要去公园。4)I miss everyone in China. 我正在发送一些照片。 5)Who can help me? 明天,哈尔滨将要下雪。6)We had a picnic. 我给我爸爸买了一本书。7)I am looking out of the window. 我们进行了一次野炊。8)He spent about twenty-one hours in space. 我们将要学英语。9)We are going to study English. 我正从窗户向外看。10)I bought a book for my father. 他在太空度过了21小时。六、将下列单词重新排列成完整的一句话,写在四线格上,注意标点及大小写。(5分)are to Chinese we speak go
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