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湘少版五年级英语上册第5-8综合测试题 姓名 得分 一、 写出下列单词的现在分词,并写出它们的中文意思。 10分1. read ( ) 2. write ( ) 3. eat ( ) 4. have ( ) 5. swim ( ) 6.get ( ) 7.play ( ) 8.throw ( )9. run ( ) 10.sing ( )二、补全单词,并写出它们的汉语意思。 18分X Kb1. Co m1.h bb ( ) 2.c ll ct ( ) 3. r ller-bl ding ( ) 4. s tr ( ) 5. m th ( ) 6. cl ss ( ) 7. m s c ( ) 8. st ck ( ) 9. t met ble ( ) 10.Ch n s ( ) 11.r in c at ( ) 12.sw t ( ) 13. h d ( ) 14. s ft ( ) 15. t th ( ) 16. n t ( ) 17. j ll ( ) 18. ice-cr m ( ) 三、找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。10分( )1. A. bed B. school C. home ( )2. A. three B. there C. eight ( )3. A. Chinese B. math C. China ( )4. A. music B. English C. class ( )5. A. hobby B.roller-blading C. cycling ( )6 A. book B. nut C. jelly D. sweet ( )7. A. hard B. soft C. box D. small ( )8. A. teeth B. tooth C. T-shirt D. coat ( )9. A. yellow B. red C. nice D. blue ( )10. A. which B. what C. where D. here四、 写出下列短语的汉语意思. 10分。新 课 标 第 一 网1. have breakfast 2. have English 3 . go to school 4. go to bed go home 5. do my homework 6. watch TV 7. half past eleven 8. lunch break 9. take the school bus 10. read stories 11. 6:00 12、7:10 五、 单项选择。30分。( )1.-Do you have hobbies? - I like A. any, writeing B.any, writing C. some, write ( )2. -What hobbies Tony have ? -He roller-blading. A. Do, likes B. does, likes C. does, like( )3. is his hobby. A. Reading B. Read C. Reads( )4. Can I you some questions ? A. ask B. asks C. asking( )5. I usually get up half past six. A.in B.at C.to( )6. This timetable is your day. A.on B.about C.for ( )7. Its 9:30. Its time bed. A.go B. to go to C. to go( )8. I like music computer. A.and B. or C. but( )9. We have math the morning. A. in B. on C.at( )10. - do you have English class? -At half past ten. A. What B. What time C. What hobbies( )11. Which coat do you want, a big one a one ? A. and, small B. or, small C. or, thin( )12. -Can I have a rabbit ? - A. Yes, you cant . B. Yes, I can. C. No, you cant.( )13. - -Of course. A. What do you like ? B. What would you like ? C. May I have some noodles?( )14. How many are there in the picture ? A. child B. children C. pupil( )15. is the scarf ? - Its fifty yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How( )16. Helen likes very much. A. read B. reads C. reading( )17. He chocolate. A. want B. wants C. wanting( )18. -What you like ? - I a box of sweets. A. do, like B. does, likes C. are, like( )19.- What Anne like ? - She hard nuts. A. do, like B. does, likes C. is, like( )20. Three like . A. pupil, nut B. teachers, nuts C. boys, nut 六、找出下列句子的应答语。10分。X| k |B | 1 . c| O |m ( )1. What does Mingming like ? A. I like roller-blading. ( )2.What do you want ? B. The short one. ( )3.What time do you get up ? C. A sticker album. ( )4.What hobbies do you have,Peter? D. He likes eating. ( )5. Which one do you want ? E. At half past six.( )6. Which one do you want , a thin one or a thick one ? F. I like lollipops. ( )7.What do you like ? G . A thick on, please. ( )8. How much is that cake ? H. OK ( )9. Look at the picture. I . In the box. ( )10. Where are my biscuits? J . Thirty yuan.七、 根据对话内容判断句子正(T)误( F )。10分。(Anne and her mother are going shopping.) M: My dear! These raincoats are nice. Which o
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