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资源描述小学英语四年级下册Unit 6 At a farm Part A Lets talk 教学设计 11学情分析:本节课的授课对象是四年级的学生,学生是在学习了本单元第一课时表示动物的单词及句型“What are they? They are的根底上继续学习,培养学生的语言运用能力和持续性的学习兴趣。2教学目标:1 知识和能力目标:能听说认读单词:hundred,donkey。2 情感目标:能得体询问事物名称。3教学重点:1 单词hundred和donkey的认读。2 句型Are they的问答及运用。4教学难点:1 单词hundred和donkey的发音2 名词复数形式及发音。Step1:warming up1师生对话,复习句型“How much is it?并教学单词hundred.T: Your pencilcase is so nice. I like it. How much is it?S4: Twenty yuan.T: Your pen is so colourful. I like it. How much is it?S5: Ten yuan.T: Look at my dress. Is it nice on me?Ss: Yes.T: Thank you. But how much is it? Can you guess?S1: Forty yuan.T: Maybe. Go on please.S2: Sixty yuan.T: 在生答复时,把生猜到的数字forty和sixty贴在黑板上Let me tell you, its one hundred yuan. One hundred means forty plus sixty.(在刚刚贴的数字卡之间用加号连接帮助学生理解one hundred的意思)。T: What is one hundred about?Group1: one hundred booksGroup2: one hundred cowsGroup1: one hundred hensGroup2: one hundred horses2师生齐唱歌曲Old MacDonald had a farm,介绍活动的内容和评价方式:T: Yes, Old MacDonald had a farm, I have two farms here. This farm is for you, Group 1,and this farm is for Group 2. Lets see which group can get more animals.Step2: Presentation1. 师利用图片快速复习单词cow, horse, lamb, sheep, goat和henT:呈现图片Whats this?Ss: Its a cow.T: Whats this?Ss: Its a hen.T: Wow!板书并教学单词fatThis hen is so fat.2.利用图片,教学单词donkeyT:出示图片一局部Is it a horse?Ss: No.T: Its a(出示单词卡donkey)3利用图片,带着学生快速复习句型“What are they? They are 并在复习hens的过程中引出句型They are fat.T: Look, what are they?Ss: They are donkeys.T: What are they? Ss: They are hens.T: And they are fat.(教学并板书这一句子)。4.教师用句型“Are they 向学生提问,并引导学生答复T: Its easy for you , right?Now more challenges for you. Look, what are they? (师把图片反贴在黑板上,让学生根据看到的反面轮廓问答)Are they cows?T: And you can answer my question like this: Yes, they are or No, they arent.教师教学并板书句子:Yes, they are. No, they arent.5.教师引导学生提问:“Are they ,师答复:Yes, they are. /No, they arent.Step3:Lets singT: You all did a good job. As a present, lets sing a song. Listen to me first.要求学生看着板书及图片,利用“两只老虎的旋律唱如下歌曲: Are they cows, are they cows?No, they arent. No, they arent.Are they donkeys, are they donkeys?Yes, they are. Yes, they are.T: Can you? Now, come on, children, try with me.Step4: Lets talk1. 从上一环节对学生的评价引出本课对话:T: You all did a good job, so each group can get a animal. Now look at this farm,(出示事先准备好的一幅农场图)wow, this farm is so big.边说边伴以动作表示农场大并领读这一句2T: Yes, this farm is so big. But what animals are there on the farm? Now listen to the tape and find the answer.学生听录音,并找出相应的动物图片贴在大农场图上。3T: Good job! Now listen again, and then answer this question: How many cows?学生听录音答复下列问题。4.学生听录音跟读对话,然后学生分角色读并上台表演。Step5: Consolidation and extension1.教师出示一些水果图片反面,让生猜想正面是什么水果。在猜的过程中操练句型:Are they,并滚动复习了学生以前学过的单词。2借用“幸运52中“在我的描述中猜一猜这一活动形式继续操练句型:T: Do you like “Lucky 52?Ss: Yes.T: Now please guess what they are. The first one, please listen carefully: They are a kind of animals. They are very smart. They have long tails and they like bananas very much.S1: Are they monkeys?T: Yes, they are. Youre so clever. The second one: They are a kind of animals. They have long noses and big ears.S2: Are they elephants?T: Yes, they are. 3T: Now lets look at our match. Group 1 got six animals. Group 2 got five animals. So, Group 2 are the winners, congratulations.Now I have a task for you, look at your “own farm, please discribe it and then make a dialogue.Step6: Assessment1生共唱歌曲“Old MacDonald had a farm。2小组合作画出你理想中的农场,并模仿课文编对话。
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