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LiteratureScript:Wondering how a writer creates a story that holds your curiosity throughout play or drama? Well, fiction is one of the types of literature that includes novels, prose, poems, short stories and dramas. Fiction is defined as a narrative that is based on imagination. A complete work involves how an author organizes his ideas, the points he covers. Has he used any techniques such as foreshadowing method (e.g. Shakespearean dramas like Hamlet, King Lear, Othello) to keep the interest of the reader or audience throughout the play? How does the poetic deviation method make Wordsworths poem a melody? Yes, there are lots of factors that help decide the flow of the whole story. These factors are specific methods used in literary language. A successful fiction story may make a reader feel strongly identified with one of its interesting characters even in real life, too. Lets respond to the above questions with the help of the elements of fiction.Elements of FictionPlotThe story revolves around the plot. A plot contains incidents composed of many parts. The sequence begins with an exposition (background), blooms in the conflict (rising actions, between two forces, protagonist or antagonist), climax (peak of the story in the middle) and resolution (victory, defeat, sad ending or happy ending). Platos concept of plot is based on place, time and manner.SettingThe actual place where the story takes place is the setting. Basically, the setting depends on the theme and choice of the places as the authors story may require such as a house, jungle, palace, or workplace. It can be different places according to the sequence of events in the plot.ThemeWhat the author wants to convey is the central idea of the story and is known as the “theme”. Sometimes, the theme may be more than one. The main theme supports the subject and the moral of the narrative, which the reader indirectly comes across in a play. Love, revenge, historic, political, picturesque and allegory are some of the themes used in romantic poem such as Robert Burns “My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose” - has love as a theme.CharacterWriter presents his characters in two ways. Direct presentation follows in theatrical plays. Second way is an indirect presentation where the characters words, actions and feelings are shown in indirect way with the support of imagery and soliloquy. A narrative fiction will generally have round, flat, dynamic and static characters. Sometimes there are two opposite characters, such as protagonist and antagonist.Point of ViewThe story presents the point of view of the narrator. Who is the narrator of the story? Is it writer himself or the character introduces others in the story? The point of view can be presented in different forms:First-person point of view: I, me, we - like the author or a character within the story.Second-person point of view: You - that includes readers. This form is rarely used.Third-person point of view: He, she, it or imaginary (or omniscient figures, god-like persons, fairytale creatures.)There are some more types found that are objective, subjective and multiple-person narrative mode point of view.Language DictionLanguage diction refers to the choice of wording used by the author. Every culture, all over the world, has its own literature. An author can use simple, ornamental, foregrounding, rustic language, figures of speech or amalgams of various languages in the narrative. In poetry, rhyme, rhythm, tone (rising and falling), deviation and exaggeration methods are followed to form it into a melodic stanza.Audience or ReadersThe passive listener/audience (in a drama) or readers (in a novel, poem or short story) are important factors in a narration, as the entire story unfolds. The true success of an authors work can be considered the attention or influence or impact it leaves on a reader. In the same way, active participation of the audience indicates the success of authors play.Text B British Literature is GreatScript: Poets, playwrights and novelists, Britain is famous for its literary talent. From Chaucers Tales to J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter so much of the worlds greatest literature has come from Britain.And the greatest British writer of them all is the Bard himself: William Shakespeare, and this is Shakespeares Globe in London, on the banks of the River Thames.William Shakespeare wrote some of the most famous plays in the world. Romeo and Juliet, Hamletand Macbeth are among his best-known works.Many of his plays were performed at the original Globe Theatre, a short distance from here. It burnt down in 1613, during a performance of Henry VIII.Shakespeares Globe opened to the public fifteen years ago. Its an idea or “best guess” at what the Globe might have looked like. Its a theatre, exhibition space and place of international education. It aims to bring an appreciation of Shakespeare to a wider
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