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荆州工作站推荐There be句型精讲精练 There be 句型是英语中一个常用的重要句型。由于它有着不同时态和句式的变化,因此有着一定的难度,为数不少的学生始终不能真正掌握并正确使用它。本文将尽可能对此句型进行详细地分析和讲解,以期为对此句型感到困惑的学子排忧解难。一、There be句型的表义作用和句型结构There be 句型常被用来表述某地或某时段存在某人或物,因此也被称为“存在”句型。许多学生常把这个句型与have/has(有)的用法混淆或混杂,写出如 There has a painting on the wall.和 The classroom has 60 students.等类似的错误句式。在此需要指出have/has 应被用来表述某人或某物拥有某事物,它体现着一种拥有和所属关系。换言之,在句型A have/has B 中,B为A所有或本身就是A的一部分,如:He has a beautiful bike. A bike has two wheels.另外,There be 句型的句子结构从本质上说是一个主系表结构的倒装句。即在句型there be +sb./sth. 中,sb./sth.实际为句子的主语,be为系动词,there实际上是表语,由于约定俗成的原因在实际运用中成了表系主结构,如There is a painting on the wall。作为语言学习者,我们必须忠实于这个用法而不能擅自更改。而在上文提到的句型A have/has B 则是一个普通的主谓宾结构。二There be句型的时态和语态There be句型常可应用于一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在完成时,过去将来时,过去完成时,没有进行式。从语态方面来看,只有主动式,没有被动式。(1) 一般现在时:There is + n (u) 或the is +a(n)+n (c) 或there are + n-es (c)Eg: There is a painting on the wall. There is nothing in the bottle. There are 60 students in the classroom.(2) 一般过去时:There was/ were + n Eg: There was nobody on the dark street for her to turn to. There were more than 1200 passengers on board when the ship hit an iceberg. (3) 一般将来时:There will be +n 或 There is/are going to be +n Eg: There will be more than 100 guests at the party. There are going to be 30 major items and 300 individual events in the next Olympics. (4) 过去将来时:There would be + n 或 There was/were going to be + n Eg: The teacher told us that there would be an English test the next week. The marshal announced that there were going to be 30 major items and 300 individual events.(5) 现在完成时:There have/has been + n Eg: There has been no rain for over a month.There have been no accidents at this place for many years. (6) 过去完成时:There had been +n Eg: There had been no rain for two months by the end of last week.对于there be句型,我们在实践中要考虑实际的语言环境来选用适合的时态。尤其是要多关注多揣摩其完成形式的用法并真正掌握,因为在教学过程中我们发现许多学生对这一点的掌握情况尤其不如意。 三There be句型的非谓语用法There be句型有时也用语于非谓语动词形式。此用法是这个句型的升华和难点,若能准确运用可让语言紧凑而简练有力,因而提高档次。但这个用法对很多学生来说也是一个“技术瓶颈”,须用心体会揣摩直至掌握。1. There be句型的不定式用法:There to be sth./sb.Eg: We just expect there to be equal opportunities for everyone. 我们只是期待每个人都能有公平的机会。此句中之所以用there to be是因为根据表意需要既要用上expect sb/sth. to do 结构又要用上there be 句型。从理论上说实际上是expect sb./sth. to be there的调整。能用于此结构的动词即可用于“vt +sb.+to do”结构的动词,如wish,want等。Eg: Itwasunusualfortheretobesofewpeopleinthestreet大街上人这么少,这不大正常。(it is adj for sb. to do sth.与there be 句型的结合)2. There be句型的动名词用法:There being sth./sbWhatsthechanceoftherebeinganelectionthisyear?今年举行大选的可能性有多大?(动名词作介词宾语)Therebeingabusstopsonearthehouseisagreatadvantage离屋子这么近有一个汽车站,这太便利了。(动名词作主语)There being no bus shouldnt have been an excuse for your coming late. 没有公汽不应该成为你迟到的借口。(动名词作主语)3. There be句型的现在分词用法:There being sth./sb There being nothing to do, we went home. There being no bus, we had to take a taxi. 这里的there being sth./sb 也可认为是一种独立主格结构。四There be句型的一些特殊句型1There be句型与情态动词合用。 There cant be such person. 不可能有这种人。 There must (have to) be some changes. 不能再这样了。 There used to be a beautiful lake here. There may be a better solution.2. There happen to / seems to /is likely to /appears to/ bound to (必定) be Therehappenedtobeanoldfriendofmineintheclub在那个俱乐部碰巧有我的一个老朋友。 Thereappeartobeseveralreasonsforchangingourplans看来改变我们的计划有几个理由。Thereareboundtobeobstaclesforustogetover一定会有障碍需要我们去克服。3. There is no point/sense (in) doing sth. 做某事无意义 There is no good doing sth. 做某事无益 There is no use doing sth. 做某事没有用处 There is no doing sth/that-clause. 不可能做某事;无法做某事 There is no need to do sth. 没必要做某事There is no chance/possibility that-clause 没有的可能(性)There is no doubt that-clause 毫无疑问There is some doubt whether +clause 还不一定There is some doubt whether their football team will win the match. 他们的足球队会不会赢得这场比赛还不能肯定。There is no denying. 想否认是不可能的。五There be句型的变体除动词be外,其它一些动词也可以与there连用。这些动词有两类:一类是表示存在概念的状态动词,如:exist,remain,live,lie,stand等;一类是表示某事发生或某人到达等概念的不及物动词,如:come,enter,arise,occur,follow,appear等。There与这些词的搭配可以看作是there be 句型的变体。例如: Thereliesariverbehindthehouse屋后有一条河。 Thentherecameaknockatthedoor然后听到敲门声。 Atalaterstagetherearosenewproblems whichseemedinsolvable在后期出现了似乎无法解决的新问题。 Therefollowedanuncomfortablesilence接着是一阵令人难受的沉默。Exercises: 1There_abedandabigwardrobewithamirror Aare Bwere Cwas Dbe 2Noonewouldhavedreamed of _suchagoodplace Athereis Btheretobe Ctherebeing Dtherewas 3Ishouldprefer_nodiscussionofmyprivateaffairs Atheretobe Btherebeing Cthereis Dthereare 4Itwastoolate_anybuses Afortheretobe Btheretobe Ctherebeing Dfortherebeing 5There_awarbetweenhisheartandhishead A. being B. appearedtobe C. to
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