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页码Page: 5/9 安全生产管理制度REGULATION OF SAFETY PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT一、 总则GENERAL PRINCIPLES1.1 为加强公司生产工作的劳动保护,保护劳动者在生产过程中的安全和健康,促进公司发展,根据有关法律及地方规章、行业标准的要求,为预防各类生产安全事故,结合本公司生产的实际制定本制度。We establish this regulation to protect labor during production actions. This regulation according to the requirements of related law, local regulation, trade standard and the real conditions of our company; the purpose is to avoid production accidents. 1.2 各部门必须贯彻“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的方针,坚持生产必须安全的原则,在全公司范围内的各级各部门、所有员工全面实行安全生产责任书管理,做到安全管理不留死角。The principle is “Safety first, mainly prevent, comprehensive control”. Insist the production must be safety in every department for all the staff. Sign safety responsibility contract; perform safety management in every corner.1.3 安全管理人员、其他管理人员依照本总则及制定的规章制度进行安全生产管理,同时,职工也需要按照相关要求履行安全生产的义务。Safety management people and other management people must manage the production abide by this regulation; staff also must do the production abide by this regulation.二、 机构与职责ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITY22.1 公司安全生产领导小组是本单位安全生产最高决策、管理机构,其职责涉及安全生产的各个方面,主要有以下几个方面:Safety production leader group is the top management organization for safety production decision and management in this company. The responsibility of it relates to every section of safety production, mainly are:1) 负责贯彻执行国家有关劳动保护、安全生产的法律法规和上级有关安全生产的规定。传达安全会议、文件、通知的精神,按要求布置公司的安全生产工作。To perform safety production abides by the law and national regulation. Transfer the spirit of safety meetings, documents and notices; arrange the safety production work according to requirements.2) 制度、修订公司的安全生产制度、职责、操作规范、责任书等相关资料,并做好安全生产所有资料的收集、整理、建档。Establish, revise the safety production regulation, responsibility and operation specification, responsibility contract and related document for this company; and also do well the collection, arranging and filing for all the documents of safety production.3) 组织定期、不定期安全生产检查,督促整改和落实检查中发现的隐患。Organize regularly or irregularly safety production inspection; supervise and urge the improvement and correction for the risk from inspection.4) 宣传安全生产、劳动防护、消防等法律法规,不断提高全体员工的劳动保护和安全防范意识。Advertise the law and regulation related with safety production, operation protection, fire fighting; to enhance the protection and safety awareness of staff.5) 组织安全生产应急预案的演练,提高员工的自救能力。Organize the exercise of safety production emergency action plan; enhance the self-helping ability of staff. 6) 监督各部门的安全生产工作Supervise the safety production work in every department.7) 依照公司安全生产的规章制度、操作规范、劳动保护、治安消防等相关规定,对违章违纪事件的相关人员进行处理、处罚。Give sanction to who violates the regulation or discipline according to the safety production regulation, operation specification, work protection, fire fighting and other related regulation.8) 组织或参加安全生产事故的调查。Organize or join in the safety production accident investigation.2.2 安全负责人是公司安全生产的直接责任者,对公司的安全生产负总的责任。其主要职责如下:Safety responsible person is the direct responsible person for safety production in this company; he takes the general responsibility of safety production. His main duty is:1) 贯彻执行安全生产政策、法规和标准,建议公司的安全生产管理制度、安全生产教育培训制度和操作规程。Perform the safety production policy, law and standard; give the suggestion to management regulation of safety production, education and training regulation and operation specification.2) 提出公司安全生产目标并组织实施。Propose the target of safety production in the company and organize the performance.3) 组织定期、不定期的安全工作会议并主持召开,研究、部署安全生产工作。Organize regularly or irregularly safety meeting to consider and arrange the safety production work.4) 组织修订公司的生产安全事故应急预案并定期组织演练。Organize and establish safety production emergency action plan and organize regularly exercise.2.3 安全管理员是安全生产工作的直接执行者,其主要职责如下:Safety management person is the direct performer of safety production work. The responsibility is:1) 在安全生产领导小组、安全负责人的领导下,做好生产中的安全管理工作。Obey the arrangement from leader group and safety responsible person, to do the safety management work well.2) 督促公司员工认真贯彻执行国家颁布的安全法规,及公司制定的安全规章制度、操作规程等。Supervise staff to abide by law related with safety, company safety regulation, operation specification and so on.3) 经常深入现场了解情况,检查督促生产安全,发现违章指挥、违章作业行为应马上制止。不听劝阻的,直接报告部门负责人。To know the situation in site usually, inspect and supervise the production safety. Stop the wrong operations when it is found. Report to department responsible if the person wont yield to persuasion.4) 组织定期、不定期安全生产检查,对存在的安全隐患,应当及时研究,解决事故隐患,把事故消灭在萌芽状态。Organize regularly or irregularly safety inspection. Try to eliminate hidden dangers in the bud.5) 按规定签订安全生产责任书。Sign the safety production responsibility contract.6) 建立安全生产教育培训管理台账,做好新员工的安全教育。Establish the records book of safety production education and training; train to new labor.7) 发生工伤事故,要保护好现场,认真负责参与工伤事故的调查,不隐瞒事故情节,真实地汇报情况。When the accident happens, protect the site. Investigate the accident and report the accident.2
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