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词汇语法知识形容词1. Do you think our teacher is?Yes, he always corrects our homework and prepares his lessons. A. careful;careful B. careful;carefully C. carefully;carefully D. carefully;careful2 Yesterday our head teacher made such anspeech that we all felt. A. exciting;exciting B. excited;excited C. exciting;excited D. excited;exciting3. It is not_ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need them. A. difficult B. convenient C. available D. important 4. She is so _ that no one can ever persuade her. A. reliable B. stubbornC. artificialD. intelligent5. We are discussing the most _ way of heating this building in winter. A. economic B. economical C. economist D. economy6.Man is created _.A. equal B. equally C. to be equal D. equality7. From his _ voice on the phone, I know everything is going under way. A. satisfactory B. satisfying C. satisfied D. satisfaction8. Tom reached home at last, _. A. tired and hunger B. tired and hungrilyC. tired and hungry D. felt tired and hungrily9. -Have you finished your report yet?-No, I will finish it in _ ten minutes. A. another B. other C. more D. less10. Would it be _for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport? A. free B. vacant C. handy D. convenient 11It is reported that some wild animals were found_ in a big cave in the mountain. Ato hide dead Bhidden dead Chiding dead Dhidden death12. Our _ resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages of developing their businesses. A. generous B. limited C. narrow D. abundant13. There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country.A. present B. available C. precious D. convenient14. People hope to become more _ in predicting earthquakes. A. absolute B. steady C. ideal D. accurate15. It was very _ of you to send me a postcard when you were on holiday in Hong Kong. A. considerable B. innocentC. considerateD. unconscious16. It is important to keep _ in an emergency.A. quiet B. calm C. silent D. still 17. She felt even more _ when she was waiting _ among strangers.A. lonely; lonely B. alone; alone C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone18. We noticed an old man lying on the ground, _. A. coldly and hungrily B. coldly and hungry C. cold and hungrily D. cold and hungry19. The bridge is closed so we advise you to use a(n) _ route.A. accurate B. alternative C. tentative D. primitive20. It is very of you to notice that detail straightaway Asharp Benthusiastic Ceager Daware21. -Sir, do you have any double room _ now?-Just a moment, I will find out.A. available B. fitC. reachedD. suitable22. I feel _ to say that popular science readings should also _ the need of farmers.A. like; suit B. necessary; meet with C. bound; cater toD. right; satisfy23. She is so _ that no one can ever persuade her.A. reliable B. stubbornC. artificialD. intelligent24. If it is quite _ to you, Ill visit you next Tuesday.A. constant B. common C. comfortable D. convenient25. The workers are so _ to the noise of the machine that they dont even notice it during their work.A. accustomedB. subjectiveC. familiar D. associated26. His body temperature has been _ for three days, the highest point reaching 40.A. uncommonB. disorderedC. abnormalD. extraordinary27. There is no _ method of measuring intelligence.A. precious B. previousC. primary D. precise28. The _ amount of money was not known though they knew it was large.A. real B. exact C. possible D. great29. He is a highly _doctor throughout the town. A. respective B. respected C. respectful D. respecting30. I hope you will prove _to the job. A. adequate B. abundant C. accurate D. attached31. She said she was in great need of such a table and asked me how much _table would cost. A. such a beautiful wooden round B. one such beautiful round woodenC. one such round beautiful wooden D. such a round beautiful wooden. 32. It was most _ of you to lend me the money when I was in troubleAgratefulBgenerousCgentle Dguilty33.-Did you know that Tom got an A in the exam?-Yes, but he must have cheated in the exam, if Im not _. A. appropriate B. straightforward C. harmful D. mistaken34. Letterboxes are much more _ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead. A. common B. normal C. ordinary D. usual35. Those who are of great dete
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