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【转】双语美文:与老朋友们保持联系 I recently met an old friend I hadnt seen in ages. 我最近见了一位许久没见面的老朋友。He said that he had been busy and also didnt really know to contact me. 他说自己过去一直很忙,也真的不知道与我联系。I told him the same. 我告诉我也是一样。The truth is, we have a few mutual friends, and if we had really wanted to contact each other, we could have. 事实是,我们有一些共同的朋友,如果我们真的想联系对方,我们可以马上联系得到。But with busy schedules, and family life-and all sorts of things going on -well, I guess we just lost touch. 但是繁忙的日程安排和家庭生活及各种各样的事情嗯,我想我们就失去联系了。So, I got to thinking about the people I am in touch with now and those Id like to contact. 所以,我开始思考我现在联系到的人及我想联系的人。I have a lot of friends and acquaintances, 我有很多朋友和老相识, I used to have many more. Somewhere along the line, 我以前有更多。但事与愿违, we just lost contact with each other. 我们刚刚失去了联系。Id like to contact some of my friends from high school. 我想联系一些高中的朋友。Id like to say hello to some of the people I used to know in New York and California, 我想和一些自己曾经在纽约和加利福尼亚州认识的人打个招呼, I know I could do it. 我知道我能做到。It wouldnt require me to bend over backwards, 它不会让我使出浑身解数, but I am not sure if I should. 但是我不确定自己是否应该这样做。I mean, I have my hands full right now with family and work. 我的意思是,现在的工作和家庭已经让我分身乏术。Plus, I have people that I am in contact with now, 另外,我现在也和一些人保持着联系, and I fell kind of guilty that I am not able to spend more time with them. 有种罪恶感蒙上我的心头,我不可以在他们身上再花更多的时间。Who needs more guilt? Not me! 谁需要更多的罪恶?不是我!
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