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Unit 6 It is raining一、单项选择1. It is Sunday today. Look! Alice and Bob in the park. A. is playing B. are playing C. plays D. not2. What do you do when it ?A. snowing B. snow C. is snowy D. is snow3. -Where is Sam? Do you know? -Hes _ on the beach. How cool!A. swimming B. lying C. looking 4. Its today. I think its going to . A. cloud, rain B. cloudy, raining C. cloudy, rain D. cloudy, rainy5. Im not a book like this. A. watching B. reading C. looking at D. seeing6. Its too _ outside, you must put on your coat. A. hot B. cool C. cold D. sunny 7. The girl sings _ well.A. many B. much C. quiet D. pretty8. This is my new coat, _ I dont like it.A. butB. orC. and D. yet9.Her mother is . She her students now. A. a teacher, teach B. teacher, teaches C. a teacher, teaching D. a teacher, is teaching10. Reading in the sun is _ the eyes.A. good to B. good for C. bad to D. bad for 11. There are many students in the reading room. _ are reading and _ are writing.A. Some, other B.Others, some C. Some, others D. Some, the other 12. Sorry sir, _ do you want ?A. How much milkB. How much milks C. How many milk D. How many milks13. On the wall there are two pictures. _ is Toms and _ is Marys. A. One, one B. One, other C. One, the other 14. There _ snow in Canada every year.A. has many B. has much C. are many D. is much15. What _ your friend _ right now. A. is, do B. is, doing C. are, do D. are, doing16. -Who is standing under the tree?-_. A. Tom are B. Tom is C. Tom does D. Tom do17. -Long time no see, Jill. How _ things going? -_ , thanks.A. are, Too bad. B. are, Pretty well C. is, Terrible D. is, Not bad18. -_ do you study English?-By listening to tapes A. What B. Where C. Who D. How19. -The sun is shining here now. -It great. A. sounds B. sound C. is sounding D.is sound20. -_ the weather in Moscow ? - Its snowy and icy.A. How B. What C. Hows D. Whats 二、句型转换1. The twins are eating some strawberries.(对划线部分提问) 2. It is snowy today. (对划线部分提问) 3. They are swimming at the pool now (用often改写句子) 4. The kids are having fun.(改为同义句) 5. Thank you for bringing me the book? .(改为同义句) 三、用所给单词旳合适形式填空1. The weather is quite _ (wind) in Jinan in winter.2. Thank you for _ (help) us so much.3. Some children are dancing. Others _ (sing) over there.4. You cant go there. It _ (rain) now.5. What an _ (interest) book it is.6. Everyone _(be)having a good time.7. Kate likes taking _ (photo) in the garden.8. They are playing games. They are very _ (relax).9. Lets _ (buy) some oranges. 10. Could you _(give) me some milk?三、完形填空Its a summer afternoon in the city of Jinan. The weather is sunny and 1 . 2 are staying at home. Mr. Green is 3 a storybook on the sofa. Mrs. Green is 4 . What is Bill doing? Hes doing his homework 5 . Bills parents 6 in the living room. Bills sister, Mary isnt 7 . Shes swimming in the lake with her friends. They dont like hot weather. 8 they can do 9 to keep it away. The radio says it will be cool later on and they are all 10 to hear that. They hope they can enjoy themselves then.1. A. cold B. hot C. rainy D. cloudy 2. A. Mr. Green B. Mrs. Green C. The Green D. The Greens3. A. reading B. looking C. seeing D. looking at 4. A. doing some washing B. doing some washing clothes C. do a washing D. do many wahing5. A. under the bed B. in his study C. on the table D. in the kitchen6. A. is watching TV B. watch TV C. watching TV D. are watching TV7.
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