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超声波探伤通用规程U GeneralSpcificati14/14 Material: EN-J-0018U-LT EFRRENCE: EN 126803 检验规程内容: Cnten 1.0适用范围/scpe2.参考规范/refence 3.检验人员/ -Personl.0超声波检测/Utrasonc teting5.0检验报告/Exmiatin rport10 适用范围 /scoe本规范是铸件的检验规程和验收标准。本规范覆盖检验区域。hi speciitios thipcion roedus adccetace citra ofcastig. npecion areas covere by this specifiati.20参考规范/efrenceB9445-99:中国机械工程无损检测学会无损检测人员资格及鉴定/n-dstrtiv tting insttio o th Chinese mehaial nginerin oety alificato an can of D prsnnelE3: NT 无损探伤试验人员的资格和资格证-总则/ quaifatin and ertifaio NDTperonneleerl prinles.SN-TC-1:无损探伤人员资质ifcatina certificatio of D prsonnelE12680-3:铸造-超声探伤-第3部分:球墨铸铁/Foning-Ultrsnic exminatio-a 3: Spherial raphite castironcastng.ISO 85:表面粗糙度vsua assssmet f urface leanlns993062:超声波设备的校准/Uasoicequment alibration and ericaiN28:无损检测-超声设备的特点和验证-第1部分:仪表。EN 1681:o-structiv testig rctrizatio ad verifiati of utrasoni exminaion equipment - Part 1: intrumts.EN266:无损检测超声设备的特点和验证-第3部分:设备组合。EN 12668-:Non-deructivetesting hacterition andverifiction oulrasonic examinatio eqipme -Par 3: Combnd euipenEN122:无损检测超声检测校准试块No.1的规范。EN 1223:Nne dtrucive tsig Utsoic examinio - ecfition o clibrainblck no.1.3.0检验人员/NDT-PerselDT人员至少应获得一个下述标准证书的认证:ND-rsnl usbeualified toon of th llowig cetfcaionstandards:GB944-99:中国机械工程无损检测学会无损检测人员资格及鉴定/nstrutiv estig niuon of h his mechc engneing octy qification d certiication fTpersonelEN473 : NDT 无损探伤试验人员的资格和资格证-总则/ ualificatona crtifatn of DT prsonelgeeral priniple.SNT-TC1A:无损探伤人员资质/ulificio and ctificato f NDTprsonne根据47 或ANT NT-T-1A的规定,所有无损试验的检验员,都要经过培训达到2级的资质水平。他们若不够级水平,则应在级甚至3级资质水平的人员指导下工作。供货方的3级人员,应定期培训自己的工作人员。All NT spector mstbe aine an ertife lver 2ispectors aordingto N4o ASNTSNTC -1A ortey shoudpeform te et unde dircueiion o ever 2 or lever3(accordi to oe of tearler entine standrs)ipecto.The leer 3inspeco of plier shold d peioic rinig fr thr inspectr.4 超声波检测/Ultraoc tstng4.1表面条件fe cnitioing在零件作超声波检查以前,表面要达到IO 8501-1规定的表面质量a.5级。riort Uth rfaceulit o he componet ust rach Sa 2/2 inaccordance withSO 8501-1.未经机加工的粗糙表面应根据所需的检查要求进行打磨。ough sufaces on un-machdeshalb round to the extentncsforperformn the xamination所有的待检表面应无溶渣、剥落、灰尘和其它可能妨碍检查的杂质。ll sufc to beiscedshall e ree of dros,scle, dirt nd ter egn ma tha ma trfere wit t insctio4.2检查范围Extent of eaminin应根据所述的零部件适用质量规范进行超声波探测评估。tasnic estg sall be evaluate inte zoneas tatedn appibe ualit spcificao for hesecfi cponet.4.3设备和耦合介质灵敏度/Epet d coupligmdum 4.3.1超声波探伤仪 Ultaonc nstrumen 超声波探伤仪须符合 6681中规定的要求(本厂使用EOCH 4和EPOCHL),须具有以下特点: Te ultrsonic irument shll eet the quiremet giv in EN12668-1(Thinsrument EPCH 4and CH LT shal beusdin y facory)ad shal have ologcharater:-量程设定,设定范围需至少为1mm2,需能够连续选择,需适合于钢中传播的纵波和横波;-ragesetting, from ateas1to mconiuously eletbe, forlogiudinal andtansvere;-增益,须能够在一个至少为80B的范围内进行调节,调节的最大差级为2dB,测量精度为1 dB;-gain, justae in 2dB aximm s or rang o leat8dB wth masuing acracof 1d;-时基和垂直线性度须小于显示屏幕调节范围的5%,水平线性小于1%;-tme-bas anerticalneates les tan ofthe justmentange ofe sceen, tehorizontallineariyshallb better than1%;4.探头和传感器的频率/Prbesd transdur fquencie-采用单晶探头和双晶探头的脉冲回波技术中,其适用的频率为2MHZ,-suitbiy for nminalfrequncies 2 MHZ i pse-eco techiqu ih singe-cysta andtw-crystal proes以下探头至少要有一个被使用: SEB-0(MSEB)和B2S(B2S)或者有一个相同特性的探头。探头EB2-0(M2)用于铸件壁厚00mm处,探头B2S(BS)用于铸件壁厚200500mm处。 首先使用SEB-0和B探头检测, 当需要精确测量缺陷的边界时使用MSB2-00和MB2S探头。-Fllig pbe had must a least ont be sed:SEB2-0 ( MSE2)and B2S ( MB2S)or havea sm cracteisic obe head. Th prbes f SE200 (MB2) are usedo th astinthikness f 20mm. he robe of2S(MB2S) re usd fo th catig thines o 2000mm. Fist se the pbe ofSEB2-00 ad 2for spetin. If need o idetify t aual borderline o the defc,use the robofSB2-0 a MB2S.-声束直径的补偿/he copensain of diaeter sound bem为了判定一个缺陷的大小是“可测量”还是“不可测量”,声束的直径可以进行补偿。补偿可以通过计算(对在远场中的单晶探头),或根据平底孔的测量值(双晶探头)进行。声束直径的补偿只能被用在不可测量缺陷的部分。-Ioder t deemine the siz of an i
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