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毕业设计(论文)论文题目:传输设备速度控制器的设计 摘 要转速是直流电机运行中的一个重要物理量,如何准确、快速测量出电机转速,并且实现对电机的调速在实际工作中具有非常大的使用价值。直流电机具有良好的启动性能和调速特性,它的特点是启动转矩大,能在宽广的范围内平滑、经济地调速,转速控制容易,调速后效率很高。本文设计的直流电机调速系统,主要由51单片机、电源、驱动电路、LED液晶显示器、霍尔测速电路以及独立按键组成的电子产品。电源采用78系列芯片实现+5V、+15V对电机的调速采用PWM波方式,PWM是脉冲宽度调制。本系统以AT89S52单片机为控制核心,产生占空比受数字PID算法控制的PWM脉冲实现对直流电机转速的控制。通过独立按键实现对电机的启停、调速、转向的人工控制,LED实现对测量数据(速度)的显示。电机转速利用霍尔传感器检测输出方波,通过51单片机对1秒内的方波脉冲个数进行计数,计算出电机的速度,实现了直流电机的反馈控制。 关键词:直流电机;调速;单片机;霍尔传感器;PWM;PIDABSTRACTSpeed is an important physical quantity in the running DC motor, how to accurately and quickly measure the motor speed has a very large value in use in practical work on the motor speed control. DC motor has a good startup performance and speed characteristics, it is characterized by starting torque, maximum torque, in a wide range of smooth, economical speed, speed, easy control, speed control after the high efficiency.This design of DC motor speed control system, mainly by themicrocontroller 51, power supply, driver circuits, LED liquid crystal display, the Hall velocity and independent key component circuits of electronic products. Power supply with 78 series chip +5 V, +15 V for motor speed control using PWM wave mode, PWM is a pulse width modulation, duty cycle by changing the MCU 51. Achieved through 3independent buttons start and stop the motor, speed control, turning the manual control, LED realizes the measurement data (speed) of the display. Motor speed using Hall sensor output square wave, by 51 seconds to 1 microcontroller square wave pulses are counted to calculate the speed of the motor to achieve a DC motor feedback control.KEY WORDS: Dc motor; Speed regulation; Single chip microcomputer; Hall sensor; PWM;PID目 录1 绪论11.1 课题背景.11.2 选题的目的和意义.21.3 研究方法.22 基本原理阐述.32.1直流电机调速.32.1.1 直流电机原理.32.1.2 直流电机调速方法42.2 PWM原理及其实现方法6 PWM基本原理72.2.2 PWM脉宽调制方式.82.3 PID算法简介82.3.1 PID控制.82.3.2 数字PID算法.8 2.3.3 数字PID参数整定方法.103系统总体设计方案113.1 单片机设计方案113.2 驱动电路设计方案.123.3速度采集模块设计方案.123.4显示电路设计方案.133.5输入电路设计方案.133.6 电源设计方案.134 系统硬件设计.154.1 系统基本组成.154.2 电源电路设计.154.3 电机驱动电路设计.164.4 转速测量电路设计.174.5 AT89S52的简介.184.5.1 AT89S52主要性能.18AT89S52主要功能例举.18AT89S52各引脚功能介绍.194.6 LED显示电路设计.194.6.1 LED简介.194.6.2 LED七段数码管的结构.204.7 键盘电路设计.204.8 整体硬件电路图215系统软件设计225.1主程序流程图225.2 直流电机速度控制程序设计225.3 键盘程序程序流程245.4 定时程序流程256 系统调试.276.1 keilc51软件简介.276.2系统Proteus仿真.276.3 仿真结果分析
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