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英语教育专业毕业论文 如何激发学生对英语的学习 姓 名:- 学 校:- 学 号:- 指导老师:- Project Title: How to stimulate students interest in English studyI. IntroductionOur countrys reform and the opening up to the outside world make the education in our country develop continuously. Education is a matter of fundamental importance that is concerned with the countrys development and the progress of human beings. As everyone knows, English is a language which is different from our native tongue.English is widely used in the world, and people are aware of the importance and necessity in English learning. With the rapid development and reform of the education in our country, people begin to know that the educational quality of schools depends on the quality of teachers. Harmer (2005) defines the teachers role as a controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant and resource-provider. Besides, according to FuDaochuns opinion (2005), the teachers role is not static. The teachers thinking should change with the development of society. Teachers are considered as facilitators, guides, and researchers and so on. Interest is the internal power to spur students learning. Teachers should according to the different time, different places and different persons find out more useful teaching methods that can spur students interest, enhance the teaching effect in English classroom and increase the students motivation in English learning.It is natural that interest is the positive factor of learning English. Teachers should pay more attention to the whole English teaching and learning. Interest is also the active power of English learning, and runs through the whole learning process. So in the school education, teachers should also pay more attention to the English practice and maintaining the students interest in English learning. It is clear that interest can decide the success of the whole English teaching and learning. In the teaching and learning process, teachers should renew the teaching concept and change their teaching methods, and use the scientific, creative and constructive teaching methods to build and maintain the students interest. Teachers should make students gain lots of knowledge and happiness from their studies. Its necessary that teachers should keep their students active and creative in English learning.As the saying goes that interest is the best teacher and it is quite true that the students initiative in learning is difficult to spur without interest. All the teachers should try their best to arouse their students interest in English learning in order to help students learn English well in the shortest possible time. The Importance of English LearningAs we know, English is a language different from our native tongue. However, people learn languages in different ways for different reasons, and have different understandings about the language learning .For Chinese students, they have not enough exposure to good circumstances of English learning and will face various problems in learning English. English is a very useful foreign language and is a widely-spoken language in the world. Now people are aware of its importance and the necessity of learning it. However, for students, there is still a long way to go to keep them interested in English learning.Language is a tool for people to communicate with each other or change their ideas and information. In the whole process, students are the main body in the course of English teaching and learning. So the teacher should guide his students to appreciate and discover the beauty of English language, practice the language skills, express their ideas freely, and exchange information. The most important point is to communicate with others and understand cultures and customs of foreign countries. On the other hand, as students, they should pay more attention to cultivating their interest in English learning, have correct attitudes, set clear goals and have right ways of learning English. English has its own features, and the teacher should make full use of the features to attract the students attention and interest. Students should try their best to have themselves built their interest. Teachers and students should raise their consciousness of English learning. In many foreign countries, English is used as a basic and important language to learn, and people in many parts of the world learn it very hard, and use the language for communication with other persons for different purposes. Students should realize that English learning can improve their abilities to express themselves, and expand their knowledge greatly. Using English as a useful tool, they can enter int
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