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Built-in Mobile Device Management for Office 365 FAQWhat was made available today?Today Micro so 代 released built-in mobile device management (MDM) capabilities to help organizations manage iOS, Android, and Windows Phone devices that connect to Office 365. The MDM capabilities in Office 365 are powered by Microsoft Intune and can be accessed through Office 365 admin center.What features are included in this solution?The key capabilities include:FeatureDescriptionConditional AccessIT admins can set policies to ensure only enrolled and compliant devices are able to access Office 365 corporate email and data.Device SettingsManagementDuring the device enrollment process, IT admins can enable and enforce device settings, such as: Passcode/pin Data encryption and jailbreak detectionFor a complete list, refer to TechnetSelective WipeIT admins can wipe Office 365 corporate data from devices while keeping personal data intact.Integrated AdministrationIT admins can set policies directly from within the Office 365 administration center via an easy to use interface with a wizard-based set up.Whafs the difference between these built-in MDM for Office 365 capabilities and Microsoft Intune?The built-in MDM for Office 365 capabilities are a subset of the features offered by the Microsoft Intune service. MDM for Office 365 allows IT admins to control which devices have access to Office 365 data, provide the ability to erase Office 365 corporate data without wiping the entire device, and manage device settings, such as requiring PIN lock, jailbreak detection and encryption.Organizations that need protection beyond whats included in Office 365 can subscribe to Microsoft Intune to obtain additional device and app management capabilities. Microsoft Intune provides companies withcomprehensive device management (for both mobile devices and PCs) along with in- depth management of corporate applications (such as Office 365 and non-Office 365 apps).What capabilities come with Microsoft Intune versus built-in MDM for Office 365?Details can be found on our TechNet articleFeature ComparisonFeatureExchange ActweSyncMDM for Office 365Microsoft IntuneInventory mobile devices thM access corporate AppiobonsRete factory reset (full device wpe)MoWq device configuration settings PIN length. PIN roquird. lode time, tc).Self-seryice password reset (Office 365 doud only users)Pravbes reportng on devices that do not meet IT policy.Group-based poke$ aP sporting (ability to use groups for targeted devke configuration).Root and Grtxeak deteeben.Rtma.w Offkt 365 app daU from mob. dtvkes Mile loiving ptnonl data and apps mtact (wtoctve wipt).Prevent access tomad W doaznents based upon drce enrolment and ccxnpnce pcikiesFeatureExchange ActweSyncMDM for Office 365Microsoft IntuneInventory mobile devices thM access corporate AppiobonsRete factory reset (full device wpe)MoWq device configuration settings PIN length. PIN roquird. lode time, tc).Self-seryice password reset (Office 365 doud only users)Pravbes reportng on devices that do not meet IT policy.Group-based poke$ aP sporting (ability to use groups for targeted devke configuration).Root and Grtxeak deteeben.Rtma.w Offkt 365 app daU from mob. dtvkes Mile loiving ptnonl data and apps mtact (wtoctve wipt).Prevent access tomad W doaznents based upon drce enrolment and ccxnpnce pcikiesSelf-sennce Company PorUI for men to enroll their own devces and install corpora健 appiApp deployment (Windows Phone. OS. Android)Deploy certcMes. VPN profiles GrKbding dpp*$pec(fk profits), email profiles, and Wi-Fi profilesPrevent cuVcopy/paste/save as of data from coqxxate spps to personal apps (mobie application management)Secure ccctent viewing via Managed Browser. PDF Viewer, imager Viewer, and AV Player apps for ltuneRemote dece kxk via se-servke Cooipany Portal and via admin consoteCient PC management (t.g. Window! 8.1. inventory,pitch, pokier etc.).PC software *nanagement.OS deployment via mtegrabon wth System Center Configuration Managef.Comprehenjr/# PC mar*gnwnt、U integration with System Centtr Configuration Maroigtr(e.g. Windows Sever/bnux/Mac OS X suopoa s2l desktop and pOAer management custom repotr etc.).Can customers mix built-in MDM capabilities and Microsoft Intune within a single tenant?Not today, but in a future release customers will be able to apply the built-in mobile device management for Office 365 capabilities to some users and provide full Microsoft Intune capabilities to other users within a single tenant.How do these capabilities compare with third-party MDM solutions?Unlike some third-party mobile device management (MDM) solutions that have replaced productivity apps with restrictive all-in-one apps for corporate email, ca
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