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托业Part2:整理特殊疑问句:Why don ou/we ? ?How about ? ?表示提议/征求意见,不能用Yes/No回答I.Who疑问句Who ? ?回答:人名、职责、对话者的关系、部门、机关、公司名称、国名等等Who is in charge of employee safety in the factory?The pla nt man ger. (职责)Who supplies parts that we use for our computer?They are imported from Asia.我的错题:Who is going to come and see the computer hardware? -The tech support team will send some one.(回答部门名称)Who should I tell if I need to take a day off? -Ask your supervisor first.(回答职务)2.When疑问句When ? ? 直接的回答: at, in, on+时间whe n, whe never, before, after, as soon as+ 主语 + 谓语Whe n can I get the results of my check-up?We will call you with in a week.Whe n is the train supposed to arrive?Any mi nute now. / Itspri nted on you ticket.我的错题:Whe n could you order this supplies?-I have to get permissi on first.(没有提及时间的间接回答)3.Where疑问句Where ? ?直接的回答: in, on, at, next to, under, across from+ 地点Where can I find the manual for this fax machine? - Have you checked the reference section?Where would Jane want me to put these files? -On her desk would be fine. / You我的错题:Where does Samuel live now? -Near the uni versity.(容易听错leave)better ask her assista nt.4.Why疑问句Why ? ?注意why后面的谓语,不能一听到开头because, because of, due to就选答案Why did ou tell me you gotten a promotion?I just fo und out myself.我自己也不知道Why are you still in bed at noon on Tuesday?I m little under weather.5.How疑问句How单独使用,询问手段、方法、状态How+adj.How man y/much/lo ng/ofte n/soon /farHow did you like that prese ntati on Jerry just gave?It was rather confusing, was t?How much does it cost to send it by express?3 times of the regular price.6.What疑问句Whe n( what time ,what day)why(what reas on)where(what place) how(what way) how much(what sthe cost)what should I do with these books?-1 m not sure. Let me check. / I 1lget some one to help you.What sthe matter with this copy machine? -It sout of papers.What made you so late for the meeti ng?-I was stuck in traffic.我的错题:What was the topic of the speech Mr. Bennett gave? -1 wish I knew.( “不知道”类型的回答)What do you thi nk of this mon thsevaluati on? -Looks like I have to try harder.( 回答自己的意见 )一般疑问句,否定疑问句,反意疑问句可以用yes/no回答。一般疑问句:以be/ do/ have/一般助动词开头Is it true that Sea n got the promoti on?-Yes and a big raise to go with it.Did Rachel get that promoti on she was hop ing for? - No, they give it to some one with more experie nee.Has Jack returned from his overseas bus in ess trip yet? I run into him in the lobby.Are there any tickets available for todayshow? - Sorry, theyre all sold out.我的错题:Do you know a shortcut to the headquarters? - I m afraid this is the only way.( 省略 no 的否定回答 )Do you have change for $20?-Do you want coins or bills?( 省略 yes 的肯定回答)Did you have coffee this morning? -I was about to. Would you like some? (省略 no 的否定回答 )否定疑问句:表示“XX不是要做?吗?”-No, Wendy is tak ing care of it.compare the prices.(暂时保留意见的间接回答)ssays to press zero.( 否定回答并且修正)move it back.( 肯定回答 )省略no的回答)省略no的回答)Don tyou need to order refreshments for the party?Shouldn twe go with another shipping company? -Let我的错题:Shouldn tyou dial 9 to reach the hotel operator? -No, itWasn he side table more useful in that corner? -Yes, letIsn he shop closed? - Theyre open twenty-fours a day.(Did n tMr. Simps on want to see the audit report? -Actually, it was Mr. Joh nson.(反意疑问句:You wouldn thappen to know when Mr.Smith will come, would you? -Yes, he will be here around 3.You ve read the new novel by James Kim, have n tyou? -1 haven thave time. (no 省略)我的错题:She is the n ew in ter n in the sales departme nt, right? -No, i n the mark ing departme nt.That is not today s paper, is it? -Yes, I bought it this morning.选择疑问句:A or B单词or单词 不能用 yes/no回答句子or句子可用yes/no回答Would you rather take a bus or walk?-1 wouldn tmind getting a little exercise.(间接回答 )-I d rather drive my car.(既不是 A 也不是 B,而是 C)Do you have my nu mber, or should I write it dow n for you? -1 have you bus in ess card here.Can I pay by credit card, or I do I have to pay by cash?-Either is fine.我的错题:Do you want to eat dinner at home or dine out today? -Why don twe order something since it sraining? (回答C)Would you like this jacket or should I give you a differe nt color? -What colors do you have?(选择 B 进一步询问)Is Mr. White here today, or is he still in London? -He will be back on Friday.(选择回答 C)Do you need to leave now or can you stay until Anna comes? - I d better go soon.( 选择 A)Should I give you my home or office number? -Whatever I can reach you at./ It sdoesn tmatter as long as I cancon tact you.陈述句:没有典型的回答形式,保证提问和回答自然。I v forgotten how often the n
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