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最新资料欢迎阅读大学生自我介绍范文(英文)自我介绍应简洁明了,英文自我介绍该怎么说呢?下面是 WTT收集整理的大学生英文自我介绍范文,希望能帮到你。大学生英文自我介绍范文 (1)Fromtheinitialtothefinalquestionnairewasfinalized,andrepeatedly revisedmany times. To gather more useful information, Idesigned two sets of questionnaires, covering income and expenditure,ruralsocialsecurity,education,agriculturalexpenses,landtransfer,rural six aspects of management of public affairs. Winter break, to theactual investigation. In the small Tamura, I was more than 40 familieswho homevisits,issuinga questionnaire,talkwithhundreds of villagers.DifficultiesinthesurveythatIdid not expect:thevillagers,speakingin local dialect, some of the details I have to repeatedly communicateto understand; some villagers entered the house to see me close, let meeat a lot of“cold shoulder ”; Some villagers are willing to provideaccount book apparently began, then changed their mind and I had notdelivered;Somevillagersdo notknow the word, overand over again Ionlyreadittothemthequestionnairetoexplain,tocompletetheinvestigation;irrespectiveoftheThe attitude,Ihavethemostenthusiastic attitude towards active, patiently explaining things overand over again, day off, I can not say any more. Collected a wealth offirst-handinformation,Iused the knowledge from books to startfurtherstatisticalanalysis,report writing.Under the guidanceof a teacher inthe Li Haiwei, I have repeatedly modified the survey. Submitted to theInstitutetoparticipateintheschool s game, thefield grade “ChallengeCup” philosophy and social sciences prize. Recommend the school toparticipate in the municipal race. When he learned I was in Tianjin1最新资料欢迎阅读“Challenge Cup” Philosophy and Social Class Grand Prize, my joy beyond words. I deeply thank those who guided me, encouraged me, given meto help the teachers!Studentshave jokedaround, WenJie was the gift of organizationandleadership, only the most clear my mind, and now all the success andexcellent work from the usual groping accumulated. While in high schoolwas named outstanding student leaders city, but entered college, I knowthe work of the Universityofthe requirementsof theirown higherquality,more effort.Started going to school,I trustby the teachersand students,as a branchsecretaryofeconomics056classgroup.Iam abletorealistically accomplish their own work, planning organizations, manycolorful activities such as Mid-Autumn Festival dinner, Fall Camp BBQ;To celebrate the“Shenzhou VI ” smooth launch,organized features of“Shenzhou VI launch • celebrate” Group Day; launched the classmembersto participatein“advocatingthattruth,the way honest people,to keep membersadvanced nature ” ofspeech contests,participatein thissociety,“12 •9” paper collection, visit the memorial hall weekto participateincaucus contestsofknowledge, “Three a day of ” socialpractice; for the construction of Tianjin Binhai New Area Design“forthe coastal or suggestions I am,” the paper collection activities; forschoolteachingevaluationandconstruction,to carry out “membersadvanced education ” activities;times,organized the“EightHonors andEight Shames ” theory learning activities to improve the quality of ourtheory;Evaluationtothe stage inmy school,theschool organizeda cleardisplay of small ad groups Day, and was reported Tianjin University ofCommercereports,etc. Through theseactivitieseffectivelytopromotethe unity of the class atmosphere, enhancing the cohesion of classes, Ialso received the“Tianjin University of Commerce outstanding member”2最新资料欢迎阅读of thetitle.Inthe periodIwas themission secretary,throughour jointefforts,my classwithhonorsclasseswitha good wind,and twicereceivedthe “Outstanding Tianjin University of Commerce in Class” “TianjinUniversity of Commerce优秀团支部” the glorious title . 06,07-yeareconomic and trade Academy Games, my class were given a“spiritualAward” “Group Totalsecond” good results.Apartfromservingassecretary, the reform of college freshman, I joined the OrganizationDepartment of Tianjin Business School Students participate in academicorganizationson gold,readingfestival,sportsfestivaland otheractivities. I also joined the Tianjin University of Commerce Council ofSocial Service Public Relations, with a series of good performance, wasnamed“TianjinUniversityofCommerceAssociationsexce
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