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怎样用英语描述人外貌 长相:handsome, good-looking, athletic letk运动会, muscular mskjl(r) 肌肉发达的, fat, overweight, pretty, beautiful, good-looking, attractivetrktv 有吸引力的, plain plen 朴素的, slim slm 苗条的, plump plmp 丰满的, thin, skinny skni 皮包骨头的头发:short hair, medium length hair, long hair, long wavy wevi 波浪形的dark hair, long and straight stret 直的hair, short and curly kli 卷的hair.辫子:pigtail, ponytail(马尾辫)波浪发:curly hair, 卷发:wavy hair, 直发:straight hair, 脸型:He has got a baby face/ chubby tbi 圆胖的face/ round face/ an intelligent nteldnt 聪明的face. She has a slim/ plump/ face.前额:His forehead is high/ broad brd 宽的/ low/ flat/ narrow nr 窄的/ perfect. 眼睛:Her eyes are big/ bright/ dark/ warm/ attractive/ intelligent. 鼻子:He has a snub snb 短平而上翘的/ sharp p 锋利的/ straight/ hooked hkt 有钩的 nose and a square正方形的chin.脸部其他特征:beardbd下巴上的胡子, moustache mst 上唇的胡子, clean-shavenevn胡子刮得很干净的。眼镜:glasses,spectacles spektkl 眼镜, contactlens隐形眼镜. 酒窝:dimple疤痕:scar sk(r) 疤痕体形:tall 高,high 高, short 矮, small 矮小的,fat 胖,stout stat 肥胖的,stocky stki 粗壮的,medium-built 中等身材的, slim 瘦的, thin 瘦的,slender slend(r) 苗条的She/Hes tall / short / of medium height/ of average vrd 平均的height/ about 5 feet tall. He has fine/ strong/ sharp/ regular features. fit(r) 容貌 年龄:Shes in her / his mid-40s. / She is between 25 and 30 years old./ Shes at least 30 years old. / Shes 40 at the most. 服装 Shes very well-dressed. He is dressed in a light brown suit and a red tie. She looks very smart in a pale pel 苍白的gray dress. She always wears casual clothes like jeans and T-shirt. 性格 Positive(正面的):confident knfdnt(自信的), modest mdst(谦虚的), brave, kind, friendly, generous denrs(大方的), honest, independent ndpendnt(独立的), reliable rlabl(可信赖的), patient pent(耐心的), outgoing(外向的), sensitive senstv(敏感的), decisive dsasv(果断的), ambitious mbs(有野心的), punctual pktul(守时的), sociable sbl(善于社交的,合群的), easygoing(好相处的), gentle, thoughtful(善解人意的), understanding, optimistic ptmstk(乐观的), frank(坦率的), childish tald(孩子气的),diligent dldnt (学习刻苦的)Negative (负面的):bad-temperedtemp(r)(坏脾气的), boring, bossy bsi (专横的), dull乏味的, dishonest, envious envis (嫉妒的), fussy fsi(挑剔的), impatient, jealous dels(羡慕的), lazy, rude, mean(小气的), selfish self(自私的), shy, stubborn stbn(顽固的;倔强的), careless, greedy ridi(贪婪的), pessimistic pesmstk(悲观的), aggressive resv(激进的), cruel krul (残忍的)补充:Youre sweet. 你长得很甜。You look gorgeous. 你真美。Her beauty left me breathless brels(喘不过气来的). 她美得使我喘不过起来。描述个性的词汇优点optimistic ptmstk 乐观的humorous hjumrs 幽默的warm-hearted 热心的honest nst 诚实的upright prat 耿直的responsible 有责任感的popular 有人缘的unselfish 无私的modest 谦逊的tolerant tlrnt 容忍的gentle 文雅的courageous kreds 有勇气的thrifty rfti 节俭的smart 聪明的hardworking 好学的curious kjris 有好奇心的frank frk 坦率的skillful sklfl and patient 循循善诱的caring 理解人的gentle and understanding 温柔体贴的full of humor 风趣的experienced ksprinst 有经验的having high prestige presti(威望) and universal junvsl(普遍的) respect rspekt(尊重) 德高望重的versatile vstal 多才多艺的gifted=talented tlntd有天赋的caring 善解人意的缺点cowardly kadli 懦弱的self-satisfied stsfad 自满的fool-hardy 莽撞的miserly mazli 吝啬的lazy, idle adl懒惰的extravagant kstrvnt 浪费的naughty 淘气的unruly nruli不守纪律的dependent dpendnt独立性差的描述人的面部特征头发bold bld 秃发center parting 中分curly hair 卷发fringesfrnd 刘海hairstyle 发型parting 头发的分印pigtails 两个编的辫子plait 一个编的辫子ponytails 一个马尾辫shoulder ld(r) -length hair 齐肩的头发side parting 偏分straight hair 直发wavy hair 波浪式卷发胡须a clean-shaved face 刮得光洁的脸a goatee ti beard 山羊胡子beards 胡须stubblestbl胡须茬儿moustache mst 胡须(唇上部)脸庞a beauty spot 美人痣a double chin 双下巴a haggard hd face 瘦削的面孔a pale complexion 肤色暗淡的a roman rmn罗马的 nose 鹰钩鼻dark brown eyes 深棕色的眼睛frecklefrekl 雀斑high cheek tik(面颊) bones 高高的颧骨plump cheeks, chubby cheeks 胖乎乎脸蛋pointed chin 尖尖的下巴thick k(厚的) bushy bi(浓密的) eyebrows 浓密的眉毛描述外表的词汇高矮a short person 矮个子a tall person 高个子build 体格height 身高of medium height 中等身材的胖瘦a lean lin(瘦的) person 瘦子a man of stout build 矮胖的人fatty, a fat person 胖的gentle and graceful resfl(优雅的;得体的) 窈窕的healthy and strong 健壮的lanky lki瘦长robust rbst强壮的slim 苗条的stout 结实的, 矮胖的thin and small 瘦小描述年龄的词汇sixty years old 六十岁in ones thirties 三十来岁about/around forties 大约四十岁nearly fifties 年近五十in ones early twenties 二十出头be ones age 在某人的年纪时be of the same age 同龄approach prt(靠近;接近) old age/middle age/the age of boyhood bhd(少年时代) 年近老年/中年/少年boys of preschool priskul(学龄前的) age/teen age 学龄前/十几岁的男孩gi
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