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课时教学设计课 题Unit5 My clothes Lets learn A课时第 11 周第 3 节教 材分 析本课通过Amy 和Sarah逛服装店的情景,呈现了五个服装名称的词形和词意,并能表达自己对于某件衣物的喜好。学 情分 析服装名称对学生来说是新知,但与它相关性很强的颜色,大小等形容词在上册教材中已经有过认知,可以以此为切入点展开对服装名称的学习。教 学目 标1.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要词汇: skirt,dress,pants, clothes,hat 2.能够熟练运用句型I like that green skirt/ those pants.表达自己对于某件衣物的喜好。教 学重 点听、说、认读本课时的主要词汇: skirt,dress,pants, clothes,hat教 学难 点1、 难点是表示服装的名词与表示颜色的形容词连用及其读法。2、熟练运用句型I like that green skirt/ those pants.表达自己对于某件衣物的喜好。教 具准 备 衣服(实物)、单词卡、学生准备一张白纸和彩笔。时 间教 学 过 程修 订2分3-5分3-4分5-6分5-6分4-5分1热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)(1)Enjoy a song:My clothes(2)Lets chant【设计意图:愉快的歌曲和TPR带学生进入学习状态。】2呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)(1)教学dressa引入: 播放歌曲“Whos wearing yellow today?”b呈现:当唱到“Whos wearing yellow today?”时,T: What color is she wearing? S: Blue.T: Yes, shes wearing a blue dress today.学生跟读dress,blue dress。教师出示dress图片,Whats this in English? What color is it? T: Yes. Its a blue dress.c操练:教师在教室中走动,并根据学生的穿着,做以下问答:T: Who is wearing a dress today?What color is your / her dress?(2)教学skirta呈现:教师指着一位穿skirt的学生,问:Is she wearing a dress, too? S: No, it isnt. T: Its a skirt.b操练:学生跟读,并根据卡片或实物描述其颜色,如:pink skirtc巩固:学生根据同学穿着对话S1: What is she wearing?S2: A pink skirt. / A red dress.(3)教学hat, pants并复习初学单词游戏:Whats in my bag?游戏进行几次后,在袋子中放入hat和pants,呈现并新授单词。【设计意图:边学边练,培养学生的听说表达能力。】3当堂检测: 各小组认读单词卡片比赛4、作业:抄写单词,预习下一课对话认读并翻译句子板书Unit5 My clothesclothes,skirt,dress,pants, hatI like that green skirt/ those pants.教学反思课时教学设计课 题Unit5 My clothes Lets talk A课时第 12 周第 1 节教 材分 析 本课通过体育课结束时Amy与老师间对话的情景,学习问答确认衣物主人的句型Are these yours? Yes, they are./No, they arent. Is this Jnhns? Yes,it is. No, it isnt.名词所有格的表达也是本节课学习的重点。学 情分 析四年级的学生已经开始对服装话题感兴趣了,本课的重点句子Is this ? Are these .? 在前面已经学习并操练过,学生能够正确认读。本课替换服装名称操练学生就能熟练掌握。而名词所有格的表达句型对学生来说是新知,可以在学生理解后着重操练。教 学目 标a能听懂、会说:Are these yours? Yes, they are./No, they arent. Is this Jnhns? Yes,it is. No, it isnt.并能在情景中进行运用确认物品的主人。b能在情景中运用句型Its Mikes.Theyre Chen Jies.表述物品的主人。c能够在语境中理解新词yours,hat的意思,并能正确发音。教 学重 点能在情景中进行运用句型Are these yours? Yes, they are./No, they arent. Is this Jnhns? Yes,it is. No, it isnt.确认物品的主人。教 学难 点名词所有格的正确使用教 具准 备Mike及其家人的头饰 录音机、录音带 各种衣物时 间教 学 过 程修 订2-3分3分1分4-5分7-8分2分8-10分2分Step1 Warm up & Revision1.Sing a song”Whos wearning yellow today?”2.Lets do:Put on your T-shirt3.Play: you guess what clothes use this sentence “Is that ? ”【设计意图:通过演唱歌曲复习颜色词,把学生带入快乐的英语学习情境,再通过猜图片服装的游戏复习服装名称和“Is that ? ”句型,为本课进一步学习做好铺垫。】4. Learning Aim 1Ask and answer sentences” Are these yours? Yes, they are./No, they arent. Is this Jnhns? Yes,it is. No, it isnt.确认物品的主人。 2You can use of nouns possessive.【设计意图:明确本课学习目标,让学生带着任务有目的的展开学习。】Step 2 Presentation1.Preview :Look at the picture on page 29. You plug-in prep dialogue and think: 1What time does the students go home?2Are the shoes Amys?3Is the hat Johns?【设计意图:布置小组自学任务预习对话,培养学生的自主学习能力和合作精神。】2.Learn new dialogue : 1Answer:What time does the students go home?Who are they? Say hello to them.2Read the first dialogue ,then learn sentence:Are the shoes Amys?3Is the hat Johns?3. Listen to the tape and repeat.The dialogue on the role of reading in this sub.4. They learn this talk by theirselves in the group.5. Act the dialogue.【设计意图:边指导朗读理解新句型,边以比赛方式展开同桌开火车问答,使学生熟练掌握并运用本课句型,培养学生的表达能力和英语思维能力。】Step3 Practice1.We are to practice acting the dialogue.2. 当堂检测:资源与评价练习册Step4 Summary1.For this class we had learn sentences: Is this /that your?and “Whose is it?” 2.Homework:板书Unit5 My clothes Are these yours? Is this Jnhns? Yes, they are. Yes,it is. No, they arent. No, it isnt.教学反思课时教学设计 课 题Unit5 My clothes Lets learn B课时第12周第 3节教 材分 析本课通过Sarah找不到需要的衣物而向妈妈寻求帮助的情景,进一步学习几个服装名称的表达,并且学习就衣物的位置和颜色等展开问答。本部分名词单复数的使用频频出现,应关注学生使用情况。学 情分 析学生对名词单复数有一定的认知,知道复数在名词后加“s”,但对于“s”在不同单词词缀后的读音不太了解,理解和发音上可能稍有困难。另外,句型中复数名词与系动词are连用对于学生来说也是难点。教 学目 标a能够听、说、认读本课时主要单词:coat, socks, shirt, sweater,jacket,shorts。b能用Where are my?what colour.?提问。c能运用Lets find out 进行语言操练。教 学重 点掌握本课服装词汇coat, socks, shirt, sweater,jacket,shorts。教 学难 点复数名词的用法。教 具准 备服装图片 录音磁带时 间教 学 过 程修 订1-2分2-3分 1分4-5分3-48-10分2分2-3分6-7分2分Step1 Warm up & Free talk1. Teacher and students Lets do together
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