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卷一I. Defining the following terms.(20 points)1. utility2. marketing concept3. customer value4. market segmentation5. productII. True or false(25 points):1. Marketing creates task utility, but not time or place utility. F2. Competitive barriers are conditions that make it difficult to compete in a market. T3. Marketing is basically selling and advertising. F4. The objectives of a firm should direct the operation of the marketing department, but arent important to the rest of the business. F5. Placing the interests of individual consumers before the interests of business is nationalism. F6. A decision support system (DSS) is a computer program that makes it easy for a marketing manager to get and use information as he or she is making decisions. T7. Use of the scientific method in marketing research helps managers make the best decisions possibleT. 8. Defining the problem is the first step in marketing research and is usually the easiest job for the researcher. F9. One reason for the popularity of mail surveys is that the response rates are usually very high. F10. According to economists, consumers are economic buyers who logically evaluate choices in terms of cost and value received to get the greatest satisfaction from spending their time and money. T11Motivation theory suggests that a consumer would not try to satisfy physiological and safety needs until social and personal needs have been completely satisfied. T12Reinforcement of a response decreases the likelihood of the same response the next time the drive occurs. T13. A market is a group of sellers who offer substitute ways of satisfying customer needs. F14. Market segmentation says that target marketers should develop one good marketing mix aimed at a fairly large market. F15. A substantial market segment is one that is big enough to produce a large sales volume. F16. Planning place and promotion elements of a marketing mix is especially difficult if the dimensions of a product-market are not operational. T17. The product area is concerned with what goods and services are produced, but not with decisions about installation, instructions on use, packaging, a brand name, a warranty, or after-sale service. F18. Consumer products that are bought often, routinely, and without much thought are staples. T19. For different people, the same product might be a convenience product, a shopping product, or a specialty product. T20. Branding includes the use of trademarks and brand names to identify a product. T21. Buying, selling, transporting, and storing are all universal marketing functions. T22. Compared to intensive distribution, selective distribution gives a producer a greater opportunity for profit but usually makes it more difficult for intermediaries to make a profit. F23. The marketing managers promotion job is to tell target customers that the right product is available at the right place at the right price. T24. Sales promotion is special advertising or personal selling that is aimed at intermediaries in the channel. F25. A markup is the dollar amount added to the cost of products to get the selling price. TIII. Multiple choices(35 points):1. Micro-marketingA) anticipates customer needs and directs need-satisfying goods and services from producer to customer.B) applies to Nortel (a for-profit company).C) applies to Mountain Equipment Co-op (a non-profit co-operative)D) is more than persuading customers. E) all of the above.2. Which of the following is NOT a basic objective of all firms? A) organize to carry on the business and implement its strategies B) do something useful for societyC) become a monopoly by driving competitors out of businessD) earn a profit E) All of the above are basic objectives.3. Effective micro-marketing should begin with: A) a decision about what the firm can produce efficiently. B) evaluation of the effect of the firms decisions on the macro-marketing system. C) potential customer needs. D) the marketing manager making important production, accounting,and financial decisions for the firm. E) an effort to persuade unwilling customers to buy the firms products. 4. The marketing concept can be applied by: A) nonprofit clinics. B) national parks. C) cosmetic manufacturers. D) a nurses association. E) all of the above. 5. When setting objectives for the whole firm, top management should: A) set objectives beyond what can actually be achieved so everyone will work harder. B) involve the marketing manager in the objective setting process. C) stick to general objectives in order to maintain flexibility. D) set objectives that focus on the highest possible immediate profit potential. E) all of the above. 6. A marketing analyst for a seafood processor reports that a rising percentage of people are eating fish because it has less fat than beef. Clearly, this fi
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