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第 1 页2010年1月自学考试英语(一)试题参考答案.Vocabulary and Structure1、A 2、C 3、B 4、D 5、A 6、C 7、B 8、D 9、D 10、A.Cloze Test11、A 12、D 13、C 14、B 15、C 16、B 17、C 18、A 19、B 20、D.Reading Comprehension21、D 22、B 23、C 24、A 25、A 26、A 27、B 28、C 29、A 30、B31、D 32、C 33、A 34、C 35、D.Word Spelling36.inspect 37.port 38.signal 39.urge 40.overall 41.consequence 42.expose 43.wisdom 44.navy 45.justice 46.illustrate 47.behave 48.ignorance 49.leisure50.cancel 51.audience 52.potential 53.hostile 54.financial 55.quotation.Word Form56. subjective 57.lengthen 58.thinker 59.harmful 60.responsible 61.readily 62.understanding 63.security 64.specialized/specialised 65.probability.Translation from Chinese into English66. Tom knows how to control his feelings.67. As a teacher,he is very popular with/among his students.68. No matter how cold it is,he keeps on exercising regularly.69. Thats why I disagree with your plan.70. It is important to leam from ones failures.Translation from english into Chinese 有时人们甚至怀疑世上是否真的有爱。兄弟之间、父母和子女之间、夫妻之间反目成仇的例子并不少见,朋友出卖对方的事情也屡见不鲜。但是,这一切的过错并不在爱本身,而在于人,是我们忘记了爱的意义,对他人冷漠无情。然而,爱一直以来仍然是音乐、诗歌、绘画、文学的主题。古代有句谚语,把爱定义为至上的宽容。我们需要相互理解,必须永远牢记人无完人。我们应当不离不弃,同甘共苦,给对方以自由空间,但又能在危难之际相互支持。第 9 页
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