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普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语(人教版)第八讲 阅读理解【命题趋向】2009年高考阅读试题的命题方式和去年应基本保持一致。命题特点如下:1体裁与题材高考阅读题会涉及各种体裁,材料新颖,题材广泛。各省市高考阅读理解题的体裁一般有应用文、记叙文、说明文和议论文,侧重说明文和应用文。题材更趋现代化、生活化,时代性,涉及生活、传说、人物、社会、文化、史地、科技、政治、环保和经济等各个领域。2阅读速度 预计高考对阅读速度的要求将有所提高,估计在每分钟65个词以上。近几年高考英语阅读量(阅读速度要求每分钟60单词)都在2100个词以上,并逐年增加。提高阅读速度是高考命题的一大趋势。3生词量和语篇构成 高考在生词量和语篇构成难度上不会有很大的变化,但估计生词量和理解难度会适当增加。近几年高考阅读难度逐步加大的一个明显标志就是短文语篇构成有相当大难度的长难句时常出现。作者在阐述问题时都使用了多种语篇手段和修辞方法,其篇章和句子结构几乎囊括了英语语法中的所有语法现象,行文的跳跃程度较大,陈述次序富于变化,隐含信息较多。4题型结构和命题角度 设问方式仍然集中在:主旨大意题,分析推理题,细节理解题,词义猜测题等。题目的设置主要针对文章的细节,也注重对考生推理判断能力的考查。5主客观题目比例 主观题增加,客观题减少。【考点透视】高考阅读理解题是对考生阅读能力的考查,它是全卷篇幅最大、内容最多、分值最高、区分度最明显的一种题型。1题材特点:近几年高考阅读理解的题材趋于多样化,涉及到日常生活、历史、人物、社会、文化、科技、政治、环保和经济等话题。阅读理解的材料贴近时代,贴近生活,选自各类报刊、活页宣传材料等。2题型特点:综观近几年高考阅读理解题,题型设计上要求试题类型比较广。首先,考生要养成良好的阅读习惯,学会快速阅读,在对文章的大意有了初步的了解之后,再从人物、事件、时间、年代、地点、数量、种类等方面搜索文章的关键信息。对于不太重要的句子可以一带而过,不必在个别词上花太多的时间。其次,考生还要培养良好的应试心理。抓住文章的脉络,把握文章的线索,以句意为整体,灵活运用所学知识,根据短文语境,认真推敲,克服厌倦、畏惧和急躁心理。【例题解析】例1Once the 2008 Olympic Games finishes, the drums and trumpets(喇叭) of the competitions would also stop. But would the city remain as lively as it would be after this world event? Investment sustainability and high demand are two highly invaluable economic concepts(概念) that can be looked at in order to ensure post-Olympics flourish, or perhaps, an even better future for Beijingers.Naturally, an economic downturn occurs in an Olympic host city once the major event finishes. Renmin University Professor Jin Yuanpu noted that a global event like this would put Beijing into a position of large importance in the international stage. But after this event, who would use the heavily-funded equipment and public and private investments left in the city? Various economists argued that a meltdown (彻底垮台) is highly unlikely. Jonathan Anderson, UBS Asia economist, suggested that the negative effects of the end of Beijing Olympics 2008 on the entire country arent important compared to previous host cities. China is such a huge economy that the conclusion of the Olympics games is the same as an ant-bite on a dragon. But what about post-Olympics Beijing? Retired Headmaster of Peking University, Li Yining, noted that a long-term civil demand growth and an popular desire by companies to adopt careful financial management decisions can lead to continued investment growth. Even though demand in some departments of the economy would drop in the short-run, creativity, practicality and innovation(创新) would be the key factors that would continually enhance the citys image and flourish long after the Olympics in the city has endeD So whats next for Beijing after the Olympics? Well, its business as usual.1Which one of the followings is the authors idea? ABeijings economy will have a downturn after the 2008 Olympic Games. BThe 2008 Olympic Games have no effects on Beijings economy. CBeijings economy will go on as usual. DBeijings economy will go worse after the 2008 Olympic Games.2Whats the Jin Yuanpu idea about Beijings economy after the 2008 Olympic Games according to the passage? Ato have a downturn Bto develop as usual Cto develop more rapidly Dall of the above3Why did Jonathan Anderson believe that the negative effects of the end of Beijing Olympics 2008 on the entire country arent important? AThe negative effects are small. BThe Chinese government has many measures to take. CThe Chinese economy has developed at a certain level so that the negative effects cant affect it too much. DJonathan Anderson liked China very much so he didnt want China to go worse.4Choose a best title for this passage. ABeijing After the Olympics BThe negative effects of the end of Beijing Olympics CCan Beijing get through the difficult period after the 2008 Olympic Games DBeijings economy after the 2008 Olympic Games【参考答案】1.答案:C 。解析:文章最后点明了作者同意的观点,北京的经济会照样发展,不会受到很大的冲击。考点:作者意图和态度2.答案:A。解析:文章第二段前半部分提到他担心大的对奥运会的投入,在会后没有其他 的用途,会造成很大的损失,可以推测出他的观点。考点:推理判断3.答案:C。解析:文章第二段最后说到他认为中国是一个经济大国,奥运会的负面影响就像 蚂蚁咬到龙身上,不会有什么感觉。考点:细节理解4.答案:D。解析:文章主要讲了专家对奥运会后北京及全国经济发展的看法。考点:主旨要义例2 Besides entertainment and beautiful lanterns, another important part of the Lantern Festival ,or Yuanxiao Festival is eating small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour. We call these balls Yuanxiao or Tangyuan. Obviously, they get the name from the festival itself. It is said that the custom of eating Yuanxiao originated during the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the fourth century, then became popular during the Tang and Song periods. The fillings inside the dumplings or Yuansiao are either sweet or salty. Sweet fillings are made of sugar, Walnuts, sesame(芝麻), osmanthus flowers(桂花), rose petals, sweetened tangerine(橘子)peel, bean paste, or jujube paste(枣子酱). A single ingredient or any combination can be used as the filling . The salty variety is filled wi
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