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Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.1.The actress became popular through the _ she received in the newspapers, and television, etc.(Badvertisement 广告; publicity 宣传;公众的注意; publication 出版,出版物; information 信息,通知)A. advertisementB. publicityC. publicationD. information2.She even _ the ground he walks on.(Crespect 尊敬,尊重; ignore 忽视; worship 崇拜; bless 祝福,保佑)A. respectsB. ignoresC. worshipsD. blesses3.A lot of people_ you, so dont let them down.(Clook down upon 看不起; look over 检查; look up to 尊敬; look on 旁观;let somebody down 使失望)A. look down uponB. look overC. look up toD. look on4.One woman sat down, and soon others _.(Afollow ones lead/example 跟随他人,效法某人; take the lead 带头)A. followed her leadB. took the leadC. gave a leadD. were in the lead5.The scientist was rewarded by the Government for his scientific_.(Crequirement 要求; progress/advance 进步,进展; achievement 成就)A. requirementB. progressC. achievementD. advance6.His assistant actually made the discovery, but he received all the _.(Aglory 光荣,荣誉; grace 优雅; celebration 祝贺; reputation 名誉,名声)A. gloryB. graceC. celebrationD. opinion7.The ability to use a language can be _only by the act of using the language.(Bapproach 靠近; acquire 获得;overcome 克服; conquer 征服)A. approachedB. acquiredC. overcomeD. conquered8._ is the basis for music and dance.(Criddle 谜语; ribbon 丝带,带子; rhythm 节奏,韵律; remedy 治疗法)A. RiddleB. RibbonC. RhythmD. Remedy9.The children went to the zoo and saw elephants, tigers, lions, and _.(Aand the like是固定搭配,意思为“等等,诸如此类”。conquer 征服)A. the likeB. the kindC. the sameD. the other10.He scored the most fantastic goal I have ever _.(Dworship 崇拜;investigate 调查;want 需要;witness 目睹)A. worshipedB. investigatedC. wantedD. witnessed11.How can they remain _ when children are suffering?(Dunrelated 没有关系的,分开的,独立的;intolerant 不宽容的;isolated 隔离的;indifferent 漠不关心的)A. unrelatedB. intolerantC. isolatedD. indifferent12.It must be rewarding to be _by so many people.(Bmeasure up to 符合,达到;look up to 尊敬; go for 努力争取;sign up 签约)A. measured up toB. looked up toC. gone forD. signed up13.His behavior merely _ my dislike of him.(Areinforce 加强;enforce 强制,执行; engage 使从事于; enclose 包围)A. reinforcedB. enforcedC. engagedD. enclosed14._fabrics usually dont wrinkle as much as cotton.(Dsympathetic 同情的; symbolic 象征的; systematic 系统的;synthetic 合成的,人造的)A. SympatheticB. SymbolicC. SystematicD. Synthetic15.Anne _ me when she told me I had done a good job.(Cworship 崇拜; handle 处理; flatter 奉承; accomplish 完成)A. worshipedB. handledC. flatteredD. accomplished2. Directions:Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in the brackets.1.How will such a small firm survive in the(competitive)world of business? (compete)2.In his quest for physical(perfection), he spent hours in the gym. (perfect)3.These shoes are uncomfortable because the soles have no(flexibility)(flexible)4.I admire her because she is a(talented)dancer. (talent)5.The(acceleration)in the decline of our industrial base is the fault of government cuts.(accelerate)6.Hes got a number of(annoying)habits, like interrupting people when theyre speaking. (annoy)7.Students are expected to be quiet and(obedient)in the classroom. (obey)8.I peered into the(muddy)water of the pond. (mud)9.The whole idea behind the show is that its meant to encourage the audiences(participation)(participate)10.It was(courageous)of her to challenge the managing directors decision. (courage)11.(Technological)advances in telecommunication will reduce the need for many people to travel to work. (technology)12.The(scary)movie frightened the child into screaming. (scare)3. Directions:Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate form of the word in the brackets.1.Professor Smith
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