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非谓语动词一、非谓语动词的句法功能名称语 法 功 能主语宾语宾语补足语表语定语状语不定式动名词现在分词过去分词二、非谓语动词的解题总方法与思路1.先看四个答案:如果四个答案分别为动词原形、不定式、现在分词、过去分词等情况,那么这个题多半是非谓语动词题。2.看符号:中间有个逗号,末尾有个句号(有时中间没有逗号)。3.看有没有连接词(引导词):如果用逗号隔开的两个部分都没有连接词的话,一部分是句子时,那么另一部分就一定是非句子,而非句子里的动词就是非谓语动词。4.定语态:如果本句的主语(或动词自带的逻辑主语)与它是逻辑上的主谓关系,那么答案一般用V-ing形式;如果本句的主语(或动词自带的逻辑主语)与它是逻辑上的动宾关系(被动关系),那么答案一般用V-ed形式。5.定时态:如果非谓语的动作比谓语先(或先很久)发生,那么非谓语动词要用完成式(to have done/to have been done/ having done/ having been done),否则要用非谓语的一般式(to do / to be done / doing / being done / done)。1. _ for an hour by his teacher, the boy felt depressed.A. Being scolded B. Having been scolded C. To be scolded D. Scolding三、非谓语动词可能出现的考查点及易错点(一)使用非谓动词的语言结构1)在“句子, and/or/but +句子” 的并列句结构中,可能会考查“以动词原形开头”的祈使句,四个答案表面上象非谓语,其实考查的是谓语。2. _ hard and you will succeed in the exam.3. _ hard or you will fail in the exam.A. Study B. To study C. Studying D. Studied2)在“句子,非句子”结构中,非句子部分用非谓语。4. The teacher devoted his life to his career, _ most of his students successful in study.A. make B. to make C. making D. made3)在“非句子,句子”结构中,非句子部分用非谓语。5. _ with children, I know what is needed most.A. Working B. Having worked C. Worked D. To work4)在“with + 宾语+ 宾语补足语”结构中,宾语补足语可能用非谓语动词。6. With her baby _ on her back, the woman was cleaning the rich mans house.A. sleep B. slept C. to sleep D. sleeping7. With his hair _ like a role in the film, the boy felt very cool.A. cut B. to be cut C. cutting D. to cut5)在drive/leave/keep/make/have/let/get/find/hear等使让动词或感观动词后面作宾语补足语时,也可能用非谓语动词。8. He made his sister _ by taking away her toy.9. His sister was made _ by his taking away her toy.A. cry B. to cry C. crying D. cried10. The policeman found the thief _ his hand into an old mans pocket and arrested him.A. put B. putting C. to put D. being put(二)非谓语动词考点易错点1)表面上考分词,实际上考形容词的情况:11. _, he fell asleep quickly.A. Tire B. Tiring C. Tired D. To tire12. The man won a big prize, _ and _.A. surprised; happy B. surprising; happyC. surprised; pleasant D. surprising; pleased13. _ in thought of the problems, the man didnt realize his girlfriends coming in.A. Losing B. Lost C. To lose D. Having lost14. The students _ in art can sign in the form and be a member of our school.A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. To interest2)在“被动形式表主动”情况中出题:15. _ a white skirt, the girl looks like an angel.A. Worn B. wear C. dressed in D. dressing16. _ in an armchair, he is always surfing online, eating fish and chips.A. Sit B. Sat C. Seating D. Seated3)在“主动形式表被动”的情况中出题:17. _ tired and weak, the woman should have a day off to see a doctor.A. Look B. Looking C. Looked D. Looking18. With many problems _, the newly selected president will have a hard time.A. remain unsettled B. remaining unsettledC. remained unsettling D. remained unsettling19. Having some clothes _, I cannot join you to see the film.A. to wash B. to be washed C. washed D. washing20. _ smooth, this kind of pen sells well in our school.A. To write B. Writing C. being written D. Written4)从“主语一致或主语不一致”角度出题:逗号分开的前后两部分有时逻辑主语一致,有时逻辑主语不一致。逻辑主语不一致时,非谓语动词一般要自带逻辑主语,这种现象叫做“分词的独立主格结构。”21. _ from this angle, the mountain looks like a face of a man.A. To see B. Seeing C. Seen D. Saw22. _, Ill go there with you tomorrow afternoon.A. Time permits B. If time permittingC. Time permitting D. Times permitting(三)非谓语动词应注意的几点1)有些分词有时可作分词有时又可作形容词。23. _ enemy, Liu Hunan was very brave.24. _ with difficulties, we should not give in.A. To face B. Faced C. Facing D. face25. The president of South Africa flied to Libya, _ to help solve the crisis.26. The president of South Africa flied to Libya, _ at helping solve the crisis.A. aim B. aiming C. aimed D. to aim 27. Though _ money, his parents sent him to a key university.28. Though _ in money, his parents sent him to a key university.29. Though in _ of money, his parents sent him to a key university.A. lack B. lacking C. lacked D. to lack2)作结果状语时,doing与 (only) to do的区别。表示结果状语时,现在分词(v-ing)表示意料之中的结果;而不定式(to do/ only to do)表示意料之外的结果.30. His parents were killed in the accident, (thus ) _ him an orphan.A. leave B. leaving C. left D. to leave31. I hurried to school, only _ that it was Sunday.A. find B. finding C. found D. to find3)作主语时,非谓语动词之to do与doing 的区别。32. _ is a good form of exercise for both young and old. A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk
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