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shmilyqiqi的AI Tip:1. 我用的是山峰大哥的AI 模版,但根据实际经验,对各段稍作调整。2. 用“各打50大板”方法写AI是最方便的了,因为AI的观点都很绝对,总可以找出不适用的情况。而这种方法,只要观点列清楚了,一样得高分! 而我的AI观点总是有保留地赞成作者。3. 我曾经一直为想不出AI理由而烦恼,后来发现有些反对理由是万能的,比如:作者忽略了其他可以通向success的因素(也就是overlooked那段);有时候,这种建议很难操作,或成本太高,不可能全面推广(也就是in some occasion, it is difficult那段)。4. 我写的顺序:先开头、结尾,再中间三段。时间来不及时,宁可各段少写些,但每段列明观点,并保证三段。全文五段是完整的结构。把题目复述一下 ? To some extent, I agree with the authors general assertion that if * (即在作者的观点上,加上一些条件,有保留地赞同). However, the author unnecessarily extends this broad assertion to an irreversible extreme while overlooks other compelling factors that may affect this issue. On balance, my points of agreement and contention with the author involve the fundamental and deep analysis as discussed below.On the one hand, I would like to admit that this statement, although suffers from some obvious drawbacks, has some merits primarily in some special cases in which the implicit rationale behind it accords with common sense and our experience in daily life. Hence, it is partiallyindisputable. After all, .Even if, In other words . Furthermore, . All these evidence demonstrates beyond any doubt that_.(以上两段要找两个理由,来说明作者观点如何对)On the other hand, recognizing that a more applicable choice must incorporate different aspects of the issue as sufficient as possible, I have to point out that the author overstates _s comparative significance, and fail to take into account otheressential factors. In short, this assertion is problematic in two aspects. The first argument the one that I think the most compelling is that the author overlooked , that is to say, . The second argument it might have been noticed by others- is that in some occasion, it is quite difficult to . Accordingly, I tend to concede that when it comes to some certain circumstances it is partially appropriate(这里找两个理由说明在一些场合下,作者观点还是不成立的,因为不管什么论点,成立还是会有条件的。此段模版字数已经很多,你只要列出不成立的观点即可,言简意赅,因为一般到这个时候,时间也不多了,容不得你写例子了。)In conclusion, issue of _is a complex one, requiring subjective judgment, consequently, there are no easy or certain answers. So different are the personal experiences and emotional concerns among people with diverse culture that thousand individuals might hold thousand opinions. According to me, 把你开头的观点copy/paste上去.附:山峰作文模版实例版山峰:作文模板(5.5分版本)昨天刚收到这次考试的作文分数,不是很理想,4.5, 由于没有怎么复习作文,所以这个分数也能够接受了。下面是我两次考试的作文模板,希望给大家的写作有所帮助。由于很多同学都发信问如何用这个模板,我找了一篇我写的issue, 给大家举一个例子,教大家如何用。我的文章写的很一般,就是告诉大家实在没有话可以说的时候,就如我这种菜鸟,如何来编造了。107. “The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.”Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.大家注意画横线的是自己要写的话。which is the most effective way for managers to assign work?(这里针对不同的题目有不同的写法)Frankly, to some extent, I agree with the speakers general assertion that dividing complex task into simpler component parts could be effective in certain occasions. (写一些同意的原因)However, the speaker unnecessarily extend this broad assertion to an irreversible extreme while overlooks certain compelling factors impacting efficiency. On balance, my points of agreement and contention with the speaker involve the fundamental objective and the nature of work, as discussed below. On the one hand, it is sagacious to admit that this opinion, although suffer from some obvious drawbacks, nourish some merits primarily because the implicit rationale behind the speakers assertion accordingwith common sense and our everyday experience as human beings, hence is fundamentally indisputable. After all, some complex work is combined by small portions, one could hardly conduct all the parts of the work without get frustrated; to some extent, even if he or she own this ability to do such a complicate job, it might probably cost he or she lots of times, hence frustrate the employer and lower down the efficiency of the company as well. In other words, work division could galvanize the potential of all the employees. One could effortlessly imagine the scenario, in which one person is working hard at his desk with all the different kinds of books opened, leaving only a blank word file since he did not know all the knowledge about this work and could hardly finish it all by himself. The compelling evidence demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt that on certain occasion, work division is efficient way to get the whole job done swiftly.(这一段要找一个理由,来说明作者观点如何对, 你找不到例子也可以用明言,某某说过等)On the other hand, recognizing that a more appropriate choice must incorporate aspects of issue as sufficient as possible, I have to point out my contention with the speaker who, while overstating the work divisions comparative significance,
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