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ProjecContentsS/NSectionDescriptionPagesRemarksClient1Compilation Description121Mam Teclinical Specification and Economic Target1Consu31-1Main Teclinical Specification241-2Teclinical and Economic Target and Promise Conditions1EPC C52General Design Featuies 162-1Operation Features2Equip72-2Mam Steam System and Regenerative Extraction System282-3Steam Contribution and Operation Modes1Docui92-4Water-sprayiiig System for Real- Cylinder1Docui103Constmctional Features of Turbine Proper2113-1Shafting2123-2Cylinder2133-3Steam Fairway AiTangement2143-4Valves and Pipes2153-5Slide Key System and Differential Expansion2163-6Turning Geai-2173-7Insulation and Enclosure1183-8Temperatuie and Pressure Momtoiiiig1194Manufacturer Name and Address1(WBK)D60F-000100BSMN60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)Page 1 of 1Compilation DescriptionN60-8.83 type steam turbme is a 60 MW tuibine model that is designed and manufactured based on the advanced technologies that are introduced domestically and mternationallv It is a new kind of condensing turbine of impulse type, liigh temperature, pressure and single cylinder. It matches boiler of conespondmg capacity and steam turbine generator to form thermal generation unit. It is of basic load in electricity grid, and can also regulate the peak.The control system of tliis unit is low pressuie electric regulation.控制系统是低压电液控制This iiistiiiction manual mauily describes tlie general design of the unit and tlie stmctuie of tlie tuibme proper. Please refer to related teclinical documents provided with the machme for detailed descriptions on related auxiliaries, governing, protection and safety systems, installation and maintenance, stait-up and operation, and vaiious systems If the instmction conflicts with teclinical documents provided, the documents shall prevailIn this iiistiiiction the pressures for the thermal system are presented in absolute pressure. The instmction uses legal measurmg units system which can be converted .into engineeiiiig measuring units by means of the following:Force: 1 kgf = 9.8067 N Pressure: 1 kgf / cm2=0.098067 MPa Heat: 1 kcal = 4.1868 KJNote: definitions of Hleftn and right” sides: Being viewed in the duection from tlie steam turbine towards the generator; the left hand side is defined as the nleftM side whereas the right liand side is defined as the HrightM side. Definitions of nfiontn and nrearM ends: the end close to the steam tuibme is defined as the HfiontH whereas the end close to the generator is defined as nreaiM end (WBK)D60F-000100BSMN60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)1 Main Technical Specification and Economic Target(WBK)D60F-0001 OOBSMN60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Vlichnical Specification1 Model: N60-8.83型号:N60-8.832 Type.- impulse high pressure, lugh tempeiatuie, single cylinder, single shaft condensing steam tuibme类型:冲动式、高压、高温、单缸、单轴冷凝汽轮机3 Guarantee output (TMCR condition): 60MW保证输出(TMCR工况):60 MW4 Maximum power (VWO condition): 64.5MW最大功率(VWO工况):64.5MW5 Rated condition (TMCR condition) paraineteis:额定工况参数a) Main steam pressure: 883MPa 主蒸汽压力 8.83NIPab) Maili steam tempeiatuie: 535C 主慕汽温度 535Cc) Main steam flow: 225.8t/h 主蒸汽流量 225.8t/hd) Back pressure: 85kPa 背压 8.5kPae) Inlet tempeiatuie of the cooling water: 30C 冷却水进 口温度 30Cf) Makeup water tempeiatuie: 235.4C补给水富度 235.4C6 Maximum steam flow: 245t/h 主蒸汽流量 245t/h7 Rotation direction: clockwise when viewed in tlie direction from tuibine to generator转动方向:8 Rated speed : 3000i7nun 额定转速:3000r/nun9 Shafting critical speed: (calculated value):临界转速(计算值)1810r/mni (Steam turbine 1st step) 4160r/niui(Steam turbine 2nd step) *1679.7r/niin (Generator1st step)* The shaft critical speed of generator refers to tlie data provided by the manufacturing company of thegenerator.N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)(WBK)D60F-0001 OOBSM10 Number of stages: 21 stages in total, consisting of 1 governing stage +20 pressuie stages级数:21级,包括一个调节级和20个压力级11 Regenerative extractions: 6 stages consistmg of 2 HP heaters+3 LP heaters+1 deaeiatoi回热抽气:6级,包括2个高压加热器3个低压加热器和除氧器12 Height of the last stage blade: 660mm最后的叶片长度:660mm13 Annular area of the last blade: 4.14 m214 Cooling surface area of the condenser: 4000 m2凝汽器冷却面积:4000 m 215 Points for non-controlliiig extraction: Behind stages No 5. 8, 11, 15, 17, 1916 Overall dmiension of tlie turbine: 8569.5nmix6900nmix3360nun (The height is the distance behveenelevation of the operation floor and atmospheric-piessure-relief valve on tlie rear cylinder.)17 Weight of the steam tui bme:141 匚(iiicludmg valves, steam pipes, flame and levelling parallels)18 Maximum liftmg weight:25 tons(fbr liftin
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