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Unit3 Our animal friends 朱春香目标1、能理解文章内容,用正确的语音语调朗读短文,并初步复述。2、 正确运用日常交际用语I have animal friends. Its/Theyre . It/They can . It has/They have .3、 能正确的听、说、读 单词:animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing.4、 通过学习培养学生对动物的热爱.教学重点,难点1、能正确文章内容,用正确的语音语调朗读短文,并初步复述.2、会说会读单词:animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing.教学具准备1、单词卡片,图片,多媒体课件预习要求听录音预习Story time(text, match and say, Think and write)教 学 过 程Step1. Warm up & Lead in1. T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Do you like songs? Lets enjoy a song: Head shoulders knees and toes. Ss: Listen, move and enjoy a song通过欢乐的歌曲渲染学习氛围。感受新知,引出话题。Step2. Presentation1. T: 出示人物身体图片,提出问题: What body parts do you know?S1: I know head.S2:I know eyes.(学生学过五官名词,可能会说歌曲里听到的和课外积累的,但主要学习今天的四个新词。)2.PPT热键出现四个身体部位单词 : car, farmarm; red, eggleg, look bookfoot. T: I have two feet. One is my left foot, the other is my right foot.Learn to read and understand the new words: body, arm, foot, leg.温故知新,开放式问题激活学生思维,以旧引新,学习单词。3.组织游戏:Quick ResponseT: Do you remember them? Try to remember. Lets play a game. Listen to me carefully and touch quickly. For example, “Touch your head”, you say “Touch my head” and do it quickly.Ss: 听听做做,快速反应: “Touch my ”用游戏巩固新单词3. T: You are so fast. Great! Now, attention. Touch your tail and wings.T: Do we have tails? Ss: 疑惑。PPT出示tail图片Ss: 理解新词, 学习回答We have no tails or wings.由游戏自然引出动物身体部位,从谈论人向谈论动物过渡。T: What animas have tails? What animals have wings?Ss: 练读单词并回答has a (big/ long/ short) tail.T:Animals are lovely. They are our good friends. The students are talking about their animal friends today. Look! Who are they?Ss:Theyre Mike/ Liu Tao/ Su Yang/Nancy.T:What body parts do you see?What animals are they talking about?Ss: A dog/ rabbit/ two fish/ parrot.整体呈现语篇,听力理解,把握大意和相关信息T: Who are their friends? Listen and match.Ss: Listen and match. Check. Nancy has two fish.T: Can you say it in another way?引导学生逐幅图校对,尝试用不同表达。Ss: Nancy likes two fish. Two fish are Nancys friends.鼓励学生用多种表达陈述同样的意思,丰富学生表达。T: Nancy like two fish. How does she talk about her fish?Please try to read her words.Ss: Work in pairs. Find difficulties. Focus on: bodies自读第一语段,理解难点。onethe other前边已有铺垫,此处再次明晰,着重解决其读音困难;通过对比选择理解句子It has noorT: Work in pairs if you have any difficulties.(1)bodies(2)示范朗读One is the other isThere are two doors in this classroom. One is open, the other is closed.Can you try to say a sentence like me?Ss: the other They have noor.尝试表达:I have two rubbers. One is blue, and the other is white.I have two eyes. One is small, the other is small, too.运用实际生活信息引导学生交流。(3)T: What does this sentence mean?出现选择A: They have no legs. But they have two arms.B: They have no legs, and they have no arms.Ss: Choose BT: How do you knowSs: Tell in Chinese.(1)根据上下文推测句意;(2)根据图片信息推测;根据生活常识猜测。阅读理解方法指导。. T:The other three students have only one animal friend. How do they talk about their friends?Find some aspects they talk about the animals.板书句式,找出描述纬度。Ss: read and find the aspect about animals.Ss: Tell in Chinese.(1)总体印象;(2)外貌细节;能力爱好。指导学生把握文章脉络,找出句式,把握思维走向,为描述学生自己的动物朋友铺垫准备。Step3. Consolidation1.T:Different animals, different appearance. Now try to read the whole story about their animal friends.Ss: Read the text together.Read in groups of four.(together, or role reading, choose the way they prefer)齐读、小组朗读课文。2. T: Think and write ( P 28), try to retell the text.Ss: Fill in the blanks and retell the text.根据文本内容印象,填空,初步复述文章。3.T:Do you like their friends?I have an animal friend, too示范:T:(课件逐幅出示body等身体部位的小图片,打乱顺序)(注意描述角度更丰富)Yes, it has a small body.It has a big mouth.It has two strong feet.It has a long tail.It has no arms.But it has two wings.It can fly and talk.What is it? Do you know now?Ss: Listen and guess. An eagle? A parrot?随着特征的逐步清晰化理解猜出答案: Its parrot!(出现鹦鹉的完整图片)Ss: Prepare and try to describe an animal friend to all.从理解到运用,根据老师是示范,尝试描述自己喜欢的动物。Step6. Homework1.Listen, read and try to retell the text.2.Write a riddle of your animal friend. Share it with us tomorrow.从听说读写各技能角度巩固本课所学内容,编写谜语为下节课做准备。
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