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USA1 独立战争(the war of independenee) (1775 年-783 年) 英方:Sir Henry Clinton美方:George Washington2、国父:2.1 George Washi ngton :led and won the war of in depe ndence ;the first preside nt of Un ited States;1787 年 establish the U.S. Constitution (制定美国宪法)。2.2 Thomas Jeffers on:(参与起草独立宣言);(参与起草独立宣言);(参与起草独立宣言);Participate in the drafting of the declaration of independence the third preside nt of Un ited States;2.3 Benjamin Fran kli n:Participate in the drafting of the declaration of independence2.4 Joh n Adams:Participate in the drafting of the declaration of independence3、南北战争(the civil war ) (1861 年-865 年):南方:Robert Edward Lee北方: Ulysses Simps on Grant4、近代总统:4.1 Richard Nixon (尼克松):1968 the 37th preside nt of Un ited States ( 37 任总统,47 届)1972.01 won re-election (竞选连任成功);1972.02 visit Chi na , re-establish ing diplomatic relati ons with the Peoples Republic of Chi na (与中华人民共和国恢复外交关系);1972.06.17 Watergate scan dal水门事件);1972.08 resig ned as preside nt (辞职);4.2 John F. Kennedy (肯尼迪):1960.01the 35th preside nt of Un ited States ;1962 Cuba Missile Crisis (古巴导弹危机,The Soviet Un io n was fou nd in stalli ng n uelearmissiles in Cuba);1963.11 be murdered (遇刺)4.3Ronald Reagan (里根):1981 he 40th preside nt of Un ited States ;1984.07 Los Angeles Olympic Games (第 23 届夏季奥运会)5、三权分立(P23-28)权利执行机构下级LegislativeCon gressSen ateHouse of Represe ntativeExecutivePreside ntWhite HouseJudicialSupreme Court9 JusticesThe Preside nt has the power to nomin ate pers onn el,i nclude ambassadors,White House staff,Cabi net members and so on .But all the nomin ati on n eeds the approval of the Sen ate.总统有人事任免权,包括外交大使、白宫行政人员和内阁人员等,但所有的任命都必须得到议会的同意。He can propose legislatio n to Con gress,i ncludi ng the year federal budget and take the in itiative to make proposals.He also has importa nt leverage in process of lawmaki ng.总统可以提交法案给议会,包括年度政府财政预算。总统对法律的制定有着一定的影响。But Congress can frustrate the presidential effort by refusing to appropriate funds for a preside ntial whether domestic or intern ati on al.但议会可以阻止总统的提案。There are 9 Supreme Court justices who are appo in ted by the preside nt and con firmed by the Sen ate.最高法院的9名大法官由总统提名,议会审定。They have life-l ong tenure and the court is in fallible .Its ruli ng is the final one and thus cannot be appealed.大法官为终身制,最高法院是绝对可靠的,它的判决是最终的并且无法上诉。附:议会对总理的反对提案必须达到23的多数才能有效。6、 北美自由贸易协定 (North American Free Trade Agreement)( P46)双方: American & Canada时间:1989目的和影响: NAFTA had further in creased econo mic ties betwee n the Un ited State and its largest tradi ng part ners,Ca nada and Mexico.7、Hamilton (P39)Alexa nder Hamilt on ,one of the n ati ons Founding Father and its first Secretary of Treasury. 汉米尔顿是美国国父之一,并且是美国的第一人财政部长,詹姆斯麦迪逊等合作联邦党 人论文集(The Federalist Papers),是美国经济政策的奠基者。8、美国文学流派(P68-72)8.1 The Lost Gen eration (名词解释)(P70)World War I destroyed all that America ns had bee n familiar with.Without a stable ,traditi onal structure of values,the in dividual lost a sense of iden tity.Such as Hemin gway , T.S.Eliot.8.2 超验主义(transcendentalism) (P68)基础:It based on a belief in the unity of the world and God,and it also developed thedoctrine of self-relianee (自力更生)and individualism(个人主义).代表人物: Ralph Waldo Emerson (爱默生),Walt Whitman , Herman Melville ,Edgar Allan Poe8.3当代作家(P71-72)作家作品性别Arthur MillierDeath of a Salesma n男J.D.Sali ngerThe Cather in the Rye男Toni Morris onThe Bluest Eye,S ong of Solo mon女9、教育(P76-83)9.1公立学校(Public School)的特点Public schools are taxes-fu nded and con trolled by local officials,America n public schools have four basic characteristics in com mon:they are local con trolled,free from religious in flue nce,coeducati on al(男女混合)and publicly supported by taxes.9.2私立学校(Private School)的特点Private schools gen erally charge tuiti on and are nit un der direct public con trol,they are independently funded.Parochial schools(教区附属学校)make up the largest segment of private schools.Others are non-religious private schools,mai nly high schools and colleges.UK1 全称(P107)The Un ited Kin gdom of Great Brita in and Northern Irela nd2、 光荣革命(P100) (Glorious Revolution) 结果:William of Orange and his wife Mary were in vited to En gla nd and crowed as joi nt rulers. 原国王的女婿(son-i n-law )威廉三世和原国王的女儿被从荷兰拉回来当国王和王后。3、 英国的议会制(Parliament)(P110)3.1 上议院 (House of Lords0组成:贵族(分为 hereditary peer(世袭贵族),life peer (终身贵族),大主教 (Archbishop),主教(bishop)等组成选举原则:hereditary principle世袭制权力:1、审查下议院通过的法案,并通过必要的修正案Un dertake detailed revisi on of Bills from the Commons2、推迟其不赞成的立法,最长可推迟一年Delay a bill passed by Common s,but this delay cannot be Ion ger tha n one year and in two successive sessi ons.3.2 下议院(House of Commo ns)组成:646 members who are elected from 646 constituencies.(从 646 个选区选出 646 位 议员,附,5年一次)权力:1.立法权The power to cha nge and make new laws.2. 监督政府及其财政Scruti nizin g(supervis ing) the gover nment and its finance.3. 提供
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