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活动主题:How I have changed活动年级:初中九年级活动设计背景:初中英语九年级教材第四单元:I used to be afraid of the dark.这个单元的话题是“谈论生活改变”。该话题贴近学生生活,更简单引起学生的共鸣,这也是中考常见的话题之一。在谈论生活改变时,描述过去的生活可以运用一般过去时或used to,描述现在的生活要用一般现在时。依据学生实际和新课标的要求,为了提高学生听、说、读、写的语言运用实力,我以“How I have changed”为题,设计了这一节英语活动课。活动目标: 1.培育学生听、说、读、写的语言运用实力。使学生能用课内所学的有关短语和句型进行沟通,并巩固和加强所学学问。2.让学生通过开展小组活动,培育协作意识。活动时间:一节课一、活动设计本节课我共设计了三个活动,分别是:I can talk、I can read、和I can write.我想通过这三个活动训练学生听、说、读、写的实力。Activity1: I can talk.指导学生综合运用used to 结构,运用一般现在时和一般过去时谈论自己在外貌、性格和爱好方面的改变。Activity2: I can read.给学生打算一篇文章,指导学生读懂有关描述“成长改变”的文章。并引导学生通过阅读获得有效信息,从中了解到现在与过去的对比。Activity3: I can write.结合Activity1和Activity2中积累的单词、短语和句型,并仿照Activity2中的短文,以“How Ive changed”为题,写一篇书面表达。hgj二、活动打算1.老师在课前打算一些有关外貌、性格、爱好爱好等方面的图片,并制作成课件,来帮助学生理解学习本课教学内容。2.为了节约时间,在课前将全班以每五个人为一个小组分好小组,每个小组任命一个同学为组长,并说明小组活动规则。三、活动过程(一) 导入(3分钟)Teacher: Hello, girls and boys. At first, I will show you a photo of me. As we can see, it was really different from that I am now. I used to, but now I . So, everyone has a lot of changes in life. In this class, we will talk about “How we have changed”.(二) 先学环节(20分钟)Activity1: I can talk.1.通过课件展示,让学生复习used to 结构。2.在老师指导下,学生在小组中运用used to 结构,运用一般现在时和一般过去时谈论自己在外貌、性格和爱好方面的改变。3.给学生供应一个调查过程中的目标语言与调查表的样本,入下所示:Name In the past NowLi PingshorttallI used to be short, but now I am tall.Name In the pastNowLi PingshyoutgoingI used to be shy, but now I am outgoing.Name In the past NowLi Pingwatching TVreadingI used to like watching, but now I like reading.3.组长整理成果,并对整组成员的状况做出报告。I used to be , but now I am .* used to be , but he/she is .I used to like , but now I like .*used to like , but now he/she likes .Activity2: I can read.1.让学生小组阅读短文,并探讨短文内容。按要求完成任务。 How time flies! My best friend and I have changed a lot. My best friend Gina used to be an outgoing girl. She often played soccer with boys after school. She never wore skirts. But now she is very quiet and shy. She often reads in the library and wears white skirts.Im Eric. I used to be short and thin. But now I am tall and strong. I often play volleyball with my friends. In the past, my math was so bad. Every class was like a bad dream. Luckily, I can get good scores on my math exams now. My classmates say Im a clever and handsome boy. Im glad to hear that.NameIn the pastNowGinaoutgoing1. 2. with boysreads in the libraryEricshort and thin3. tall and was not good at 4. 5. on the math exams2.对小组进行抽查。(三)后教环节(5分钟)对小组进行抽查。讲解写作技巧,指导学生写作思路: (1)尽量分三段写;(2)第一段导入;(3)其次段对你的改变进行一个总的介绍:外貌- 性格- 爱好;(4)总结,有自己的观点.(四)当堂训练Activity3: I can write. (15分钟)每个人在成长的过程中都会发生很大改变,让学生从他们的外表.性格,爱好三个方面描述一下他们自己的改变How Ive changedHow time flies! I have changed a lot in the last few years. In the past, I used to _, _ but now I_ _ All in all, I really have changed a lot . How about you?四、课堂总结(2分钟)本次活动使学生能把所学的语言学问与自身状况联系在一起,通过听、说、读、写的训练使学生能谈论自己在外貌、性格和爱好方面的改变。引导学生感受成长带来的改变,学习客观评价自己,感受成长魅力。
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