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出国旅游邀请函出国旅游邀请函出国旅游邀请函1Dear father and mther: Hw are yu? I have been in Australia fr nearly tw year, and all the things g well. I miss yu very much, s I decide t invite yu t visit me, and live in Melburne fr 2 mnths. It is well knwn that there are rich tur resurces in Australia, all kinds f flwers are blming thrugh a year and glasses grw flurish. Millins f peple are attracted t be here because f the sunshine and fresh air. At the same time my mther and my father like travelling and ging shpping, s we can travel by cruiser t see the brad sea and g fishing and visit super markets, ging t taste the grape wines which are made in Australia. I will guarantee t lk after my father and mthers safety within Australia and make sure they will be really happy and enjy this trip jurney and I als ensure they will back t China befre the visa deadline. Please apply fr Australia visa as sn as pssible. Please d nt hesitate t cntact me if yu need further infrmatin. Lve yu! 20/08/ 出国旅游邀请函2Sep28, 2021年 U.S. Embassy Beijing, China RE: Visitr Visa Applicatin fr . Dear Immigratin fficer: My name is , and I am writing this letter in supprting f my parents applicatin fr a visitr visa. Weare Chinese natinal. Currently I wrk , LLC as a full time sftware engineer in Washingtn DC. I am n H1Bstatus. Enclsed please find cpies f my H1Bntices. I invited my parents t visit me during net spring and attend my wedding and enjy the family gathering time here in DC. We have plans fr their travels and shpping arund east cast. We als intent t bring themt Flrida fr sme shrt trpical vacatins. After all these gatherings and vacatins here, they are ging back t China. We live in. During their stay here, we will supprt all their living and they are t share thetravel epenses. Attached please find a cpy f my recent pay stubs reflecting my ability t supprt them. If yu have any further questins, please dnt hesitate t reach me by phne at . By email: Thanks in advance fr yur curtesy in this matter and we lk frward t seeing my parents sn. Sincerely. Sep/ 28 /2 出国旅游邀请函3T: Embassy f the United States f America Attn: Whm it may be cncerned Date Dear Sirs/Madams, Im a citizen f the United State f America, and here belw is my details infrmatin, Name: Date f Birth: Phne: Peter Wng MM/DD/YY Se: Passprt N.: Address: Male I wuld like t invite my parents t cme and visit the place where I lived, as well as g sme sightseeing in famus cities f United State (Las Vegas, San Francisc, San Dieg and Grand Canyn etc.). Here belw please find infrmatin f my parents Name Mr. Mrs. Date f Birth MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY Passprt N. My parents will fly t Ls Angeles n May 19, 2021年 and leave fr China n Jun 2, 2021年. During this trip, they will live in my huse lcated in abve mentined address; and Ill cver all f their epenses and guarantee they will leave the United States within the visa authrized stay. It wuld be great appreciated if yu culd issue a temprary resident visa t my parents. Shuld yu have any questins, please dnt hesitate t let me knw via phne call r email. Yurs sincerely, Peter Wng 出国旅游邀请函4亲爱的爸爸,妈妈: 你们好! 我来澳洲已近两年,目前一切顺利。我十分想念你们,因此决定邀请您们来澳洲探亲两个月。 众所周知,澳洲有丰富的旅游资源,澳洲一年四季鲜花盛开,到处绿草如荫,有新鲜的空气,阳光明媚,你们喜欢旅游购物,四处观光。我们可以一起看大海,钓鱼,买东西购物,享受澳洲葡萄酒的美味。 我尽心尽力保证父亲和母亲在澳洲期间的人身安全,使他们享受澳洲美好旅游时光,顺利回国。 我希望你们尽快办理澳洲签证,若有事,请务必来信告之。 祝好! 某年八月二十日
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