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复习小学基础知识5第四册Book4:Unit 1: Hi, Tony! Hi, Jenny! 重点单词:1.shoulder(shoulders)肩膀 2.toe(toes)脚趾 3.tooth(teeth)牙齿4.knee(knees)膝盖 5.finger(fingers)手指 6.wave挥动7.put放,摆 8.move移动 9.sit坐 10.rabbit兔子11.draw画图 12.desk书桌 13.now现在Sounds and words:1.cage笼子 2.orange橙子 3.giraffe长颈鹿4.ginger姜 5.jump跳跃 6.jeans牛仔裤重点句子:(Target)1.These are Gogos shoulders.这些Gogo的肩膀。2.Touch Gogos toes! 摸摸Gogo的脚趾。3.What are you doing, Jenny? 珍妮,你在干什么?Im moving my deskreading.我在移动书桌/阅读。(Conversation):4.What is Tony doing? 汤尼在干什么? Tonys drawing.汤尼在画画。5.Whats that? 那是什么? Its a rabbit.是一只兔子。6.He has four legs.他有四条腿。7.Whats he doing? 他在干什么? Uh, hes sitting.嗯,他正坐着。8.Hes dancing now.他现在跳舞Unit 2: Are you dancing? 重点单词:1.exercise(exercising)锻炼,练习 2.practice(practicing)练习3.work(working)工作 4.talk(talking)谈话 5.shout(shouting)喊叫6.cut(cutting)切割 7.think(thinking)想 8.color(coloring)涂颜色9.thump重击声 10.dad爸爸Sounds and words:1.egg蛋 2.jog慢跑 3.hug拥抱 4.bag包,袋 5.mug大杯 6.dig挖重点句子:(Target)1.Are you sleeping? 你在睡觉吗? Yes, I am.是的我在。(肯定回答)No, Im not.不,我不在。 Im thinking.我在思考。2.Is he practicing volleyball? 他在练习排球吗?Yes, he is.是的,他在。(肯定回答)No, hes not.不,他不在。(否定回答)Hes practicing basketball.他在练习篮球。(Conversation):3.Tony! Jenny! What are you doing? 汤尼珍妮!你们在干什么?Were playing.我们在玩。4.Whats Dad doing? 爸爸在干什么? Hes working.他在工作。5.Are you dancing? 你在跳舞吗? No, Im not dancing.不,我不在跳舞。6.Im exercising.我在健身。Unit 3: Im washing the car.重点单词、词组:1.sweep(sweeping) the floor 清扫地板 2.do(doing) the dishes洗碗碟3.clean(cleaning) the windows擦窗户 4.make(making) the bed铺床5.fold(folding) the clothes 折叠衣服6.water(watering) the plants给植物浇水7.dust(dusting) the furniture除去家具的灰尘8.wash(washing) the clothes洗衣服 9.busy忙碌的 10.cook煮11.breakfast早餐 12.wait等候Sounds and words:1.black黑色的 2.clock闹钟 3.check检查 4.neck颈5.lake湖泊 6.bake烤重点句子:(Target)1.Is she doing the dishes? 她在洗碗碟吗?Yes, she is.是的,她在。 No, shes not.不,她不在。Shes washing the clothes.她在洗衣服。2.Are they cleaning the windows? 他们在擦窗户吗?Yes, they are.是的,他们在。 No, they arent.不,他们不在。(Conversation):3.Its Saturday! 今天星期六!4.Jenny! Lets play! 珍妮!我们去玩吧!5.Im sorry, Gogo. Gogo,对不起。6.I cant play today.今天我不能去玩。7.What are you doing? 你在干什么? Im washing the car.我在洗车。8.Tony cant play today.汤尼今天不能去玩。 9.Hes busy.他很忙。10.Is he cooking breakfast? 他在煮早餐吗? No, hes not.不,他不在。 11.Hes doing the dishes.他在洗碗碟。12.Im waiting.我在等待。Unit 5: Where are you going? 重点单词、词组:1.movie theater电影院 2.shopping mall购物中心3.swimming pool游泳池 4.restaurant餐馆 5.hospital医院6.park公园 7.bank银行 8.beach海滩 9.bus公共汽车Sounds and words:1.star星星 2.farm农场 3.market市场,商店4.toy car玩具汽车 5.guitar吉他 6.party聚会重点句子:(Target)1.Where are you going? 你打算去哪里?Im going to the bank/restaurant/hospital/beach.我打算去银行/饭店/医院/海滩。2.Is she going to the bank? 她准备去银行吗?Yes, she is.是的,她是。(肯定回答)No, shes not.不,她不是。(否定回答)3.Shes going to the park.她准备去公园。(Conversation):4.Are they going to the beach? 他们准备去海滩吗?Yes, they are.是的,他们是。(肯定回答)No, theyre not.不,他们不是。(否定回答)5.Are you going to the hospital? 你们准备去医院吗?Yes, we are.是的,我们准备去。(肯定回答)No, were not.不,我们不准备去。(否定回答)6.Were going to the shopping mall.我们准备去购物中心。7.No, youre not.不,你们去不到。8.This bus isnt going to the beach.这辆公共汽车不去海滩。Unit 6: Its 3:15! 重点单词、词组:1.get up起床 2.get home回到家 3.get dressed穿衣服4.do my homework做功课 5.brush my teeth刷牙 6.eat dinner吃饭7.go to school上学 8.go to bed睡觉 9.lake10.tomorrow明天 11.wake up醒来 12.go to sleep睡觉13.twenty-one二十一 14.thirty三十 15.forty四十16.fifty五十 17.sixty六十Sounds and words:1.tea茶 2.peas豌豆 3.meet遇见4.three三 5.key钥匙 6.sea大海重点句子:(Target)1.What time is it? 几点钟?Its 7:10. Its time to get dressed.现在是7:10。是该穿衣服的时候了。2.Brush your teeth, Jenny.珍妮,去刷牙。3.What time do you go to school? 你什么时候(几点)上学?I go to school at 7:30.我7:30分上学。(Conversation):4.Were going to the lake tomorrow.明天我们打算去湖边。5.Wake up, Tony! 汤尼,醒来!6.Its time to go to the lake.是该去湖边的时候了。7.3:15! Go to sleep, Gogo! 3:15! Gogo,去睡觉!Unit 7: I like eating.重点单词、词组:1.play(playing) video games玩电子游戏2.ride(riding) my scooter滑踏板滑板3.visit(visiting) my friend探访朋友4.play(playing) cards玩卡片,玩扑克5.listen(listening) to music听音乐6.make(making) models制作模型7.watch(watching) TV看电视 9.hobby业余爱好8.read(reading) comic books看漫画书 10.iceskate溜冰Sounds and words:1.ice skate(ice skating)滑冰 2.stop(stopping)停止3.smile(smiling)微笑 4.spill(spilling)泼出
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