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公证书要多久才能出来 公证书要多久才能出来篇一:公证书翻译的工作日需要多久 关于公证书的翻译模板(certificado notarial)【纯属个人经验总结,如有雷同纯属巧合】 如有错误,感谢指出! 2010-11-21 20:55| (分类:译心译意) 公证书 certificado notarial (2010)京李默外民证字第46338号 (2010)j.l.m.w.m.z.z.n. 46338 兹证明xx(女,一九七八年九月五日出生,公民身份证号码:xxxxxxxx)于二一年 十月十五日来到我处,在我的面前,在前面的声明书上签名。 por el presente se hace constar que xx (de sexo femenino, nacida el 5 de septiembre de 1978, su nmero de carnet de identidad: xxxxxxxx), ella vino a nuestra notar a al 15 de octubre de 2010, y ante m, firm en la precedente carta de declaraci n. 二一年十月十五日 al 15 de octubre de 2010 中华人民共和国北京市李默公证处 notara limo del municipio de beijingrepblica popular china公证员:李默 notario:li mo篇二:境外文书证据先公证认证再翻译还是先翻译后公证认证境外文书证据先公证认证再翻译还是先翻 译后公证认证 涉外法律案件中涉及到的证据,要想在国内被认可,必须办理相关公证认证手续。在国 内使用时还需配一套中文翻译,那么涉外法律案件证据先认证再翻译还是先翻译后认证? 最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定第十一条规定:“当事人向人民法院提供 的证据系在中华人民共和国领域外形成的,该证据应当经所在国公证机关予以证明,并经中 华人民共和国驻该国使领馆予以认证,或者履行中华人民共和国与该所在国订立的有关条约 中规定的证明手续。 另外,根据我国刑事诉讼中使用中国通用语言文字的原则,无论是公安、检察机关通过 司法协助取得的外文书证,还是当事人、辩护人、诉讼代理人提供的外文书证,都应由证据 提供者将外文书证交有资质的翻译机构进行翻译。在翻译无误的情况下,法院只需对中文译 文进行审查。 由于境外的公证书以及境外当地外交机构的认证书都是外文的,所以建议全部做完公证认证后,整体翻译,否则先翻译后认证,回来还得翻 译。 1. issue under notarization :公证事项 2. authorization:委托 3. this is to certify that:兹证明 4. (申请人)came to our notary public office 注3and signed 注5 the foregoing letter of authorization 注4 in the presence of me, the notary public, on (date)申请人于 年 日到我处,在本公证员面前,在前面的委托书上签名。 5. acknowledging that he/she knows what it legally means by making the authorization and what he/she is legally required to do by making it. 表示知悉委托的法律意义和法律后果。6. the act of (申请人)to make the authorization is in conformity with provisions of article 55 注6 of the general principals of the civil law of the peoples republic of china. 申请人的委托行为符合中华人民共和国民法通则第55 条的规定。 7. civil law of the peoples republic of china 中华人民共和国民法通则 8. is in conformity with 符合 9. provisions of article 55 第55条的规定 10. notary public office, city, province the peoples republic of china中华人民共和国xx省xx市xx公证处 11. notary public公证员 12. (the applicant) confirmed before me, the notary public, that he/she made the authorization out of his/her own, true will and executed the letter with his/her own hand. 申请人在本公证员的面前确认,前面的委托书市其真实的意思表示,委托书上的签名是 申请人本人所为。 13. this notarial certificate can be used to claim inheritance of in taiwan注明公证书用途 14. declaration 声明 15making a disposition 赠与 16. receiving a donation受赠 17. will 遗嘱 18. section 1, article 17 of the law of succession of the peoples republic of china 中华人民共和国继承法第17条第一款。 19. providing a guarantee 保证 20. guarantee law of the peoples republic of china 中华人民共和国担保法 22. under which he/she voluntarily provided a guarantee 注4 for (被 保证人)and was thus under liability of joint guarantee 自愿为xx提供保证担保,承担连带保证责任 24. of the attending shareholders and shareholder attorneys representing shares, 出席会议的股东及代表共 人,代表 xx 股。 25. representing shares voted for the articles, representing shares voted against them, and representing shares voted abstention. 赞成的xx人,代表xx,反对的xx人,代表xx,弃权的xx人,代表xx。该公司章程的内容及通过程序符合中华人民共和国公司法的规定,章程上xx的签名 属实。 27. are found to be authentic 属实 28. the signatures(印章)of 、(股东姓名) affixed on these articles 章程上xx的签名 29. these articles became effective as of (date). 该公司章 程自xx年xx日起生效。30. certifying paternity 认领亲子 31. (关系人) is s(甲)son (女儿) and (甲)is s (the child concerned) father.xx是xx的xx,xx是xx的xx 32. according to the maternity test issued by (医学鉴定机构全称) on (date), (甲)and (关系人)are related by blood. 经过医学鉴定证实,xx与xx存在血缘关系。 33. according to xx issued by: :根据xx 鉴定的xx 34. (甲)is willing to recognize (关系人)as his biological son (daughter) and perform the rights and obligations as a father, to which (乙)has no doubt. 注4 xx愿意认领xx作为自己的亲生xx,并履行xx的权利和义务,xx对此无异议。 35. applicants have reached an agreement that (乙)(或甲) shall bring up (关系人) with (甲)(或乙) paying (amount and way of paying)申请人间商定,关系人由xx负责抚养,x负担xx 36. birth 出生 37. deceased 去世 38. proving being alive生存 39. this is to certify that (申请人) is alive up to (date) 注2, residing at xx至xx在xx尚健在,居住在xx 40. death 死亡 41. died of 注6 in city (county), province 注5 on (date) 注4. 于xx在xx 因xx死亡 42. was declared dead by peoples court of city of province on (date) 于xx被xx人民法院宣告死亡 43. nationality 国籍 44. with address currently (或originally) registered at 户籍所在地为: 45guardianship 监护 46. that (甲)and (乙)are the legal guardians of their child (关系人) xx 和xx 是其未成年子女的法定监护人 47. in accordance with provisions of article 16 of the general principals of the civil law of the peoples republic of china. 根据民法通则16条规定 48. nullification of registered residence 户籍注销 49. (申请人)nullified his/her registered residence xx 注销户籍 50. previous n
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