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二.句子的种类句子种类 按照句子的用途,英语句子可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。按照句子的结构,英语句子可分为简单句、并列句和复合句。中考对句子的考查主要集中在以下几个方面:1. 陈述句的构成形式及基本用法;2. 祈使句的构成形式及基本用法;3. 一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句的构成形式及基本用法;4. 由what, how引导的感叹句的构成形式、用法及区别(一)陈述句 1肯定式 2否定式 (1)加not构成的否定句 (2)由no, hardly, never, nobody, nothing等构成的否定句。 其中两者的全部否定用 neither或nor,部分否定用both +not. 如: Neither of them knows French. Both of them dont know French. 三者或三者以上的全部否定用 none, nothing, nobody, no one等,部分否定用all, many, every加not构成 如: None of these answers are right.All these books are not mine. (3)在某些句子中,按语意应放在that从句中的否定词not被移前到主句的谓语动词中,这种否定提前的情况用于think, believe, suppose等动词,如:I dont believe it will be very cold tomorrow. (二)疑问句 按结构可分为四种 1一般疑问句: (1)用Yes,No来回答的疑问句。 (2)往往把be,助动词,情态动词置于句首。 (3)在一般疑问句中,如果提问人对答案没有肯定或否定的意向,句中常用非肯定词,如: Is there anything wrong with your car? 如果提问人对答案有肯定的意向,即希望得到肯定的回答,则在该用非肯定词的地方用肯定词,如: Would you like some drink?因此,在招待客人或向人表示乐意提供帮助时,通常用some代替any。 2特殊疑问句:用疑问代词或疑问副词提问的句子,不用Yes,No回答。 (1)疑问词作句子的宾语、状语、表语或修饰这三种成份时,用疑问词+一般疑问句, 如: When will you go? (2)疑问词作主语或主语的定语时,与陈述句的顺序相同, 如: Whose father works in Shanghai? Who is on duty today?常用的特殊疑问句询问内容 疑问词或句型 例 句 回 答 职业,身份 what What is your father? He is a doctor. 姓名或关系 who Who is that boy? He is Jack.He is my brother 个性化设计 / 相貌特征 whatlike? What is she like?What does she look like? She is beautiful. 目的 whatfor? What did they come here for? To attend a meeting. 原因 why Why did they come here? Because they have a meeting to attend. 天气 howwhatlike? How is the weather today?What is the weather like today? Its fine. 颜色 what color? What dolor is her skirt? Its red. 服装尺寸 what size What size does he wear? He wars 40. 几点钟 what time What time is it? Its 7:30. 星期几 what day What day is today? Its Tuesday. 几号,日期 what is the date? What is the date today? Its May 2. 年龄(多大) how old How old is he? He is 38. 持续多长时间(多久) how long How long have you been here? For five months. 长度(多长) how long How long is the bridge? Its 500 metres. 距离(多远) how far How far is it from here to the zoo? Its 6 kilometres. 频度(多经常) how often How often do you come back? Once a week. 时间经过(多快) how soon How soon will she arrive? In an week. 数量(多少) how many(可数名词)how much(不可数名词) How many jackets do you have?How much coffee do you want? Three.Two cups. 价格 how much How much is it?How much does it cost? Five dollars. 高度(多高) how tall(人,树)how high(山,建筑物) How tall is she?How high is the tower? Shes 1.73 metres.Its 450 metres. 3反意疑问句 (1)构成:陈述句+简略问句 肯定否定 否定肯定 简略问句的主语与陈述句保持一致,只能用人称代词 (there除外),简略问句的谓语动词也与陈述句保持一致,如果是否定,一定要用简写。如: Jim isnt a student, is he?/There are some books in it, arent there? (2)陈述部分Im.结构,疑问部分一般用arent I,如: Im late, arent I? (3)陈述句中有little, few, no, never, nothing, nobody, hardly等词表示否定时,简略问句用肯定。 (4)陈述句中有指物的不定代词nothing, something, anything时,简短问句中用代词it,陈述句中有指人的不定代词everyone, no one, someone, everybody, nobody, anybody时,简短问句中用代词he或they,如:Everyone is here, arent they/isnt he? (5)陈述句的主语是指示代词this, that等时,疑问部分的主语在形式上与前者不同,但在逻辑上却与前者一致,如:This is very important, isnt it? (6)陈述部分如果是“I (dont) think (believe, suppose.)+宾语从句”时,疑问部分中的动词和主语应与宾语从句中的主语和动词保持一致,如:I dont believe she knows it, does she? (7)含有情态动词must的句子表示猜测时,疑问部分与must后面部分一致,不能用mustnt,如:You must be tired, arent you?当must表示“有必要”时,疑问部分用neednt,如:You must go home right now, neednt you?当mustnt表示禁止时,疑问部分一般用must,如: You mustnt walk on grass, must you? (8)祈使句的反意疑问句 肯定祈使句 +will you/wont you? 否定祈使句 +will you? Lets.+shall we?(包括对方) Let us.+will you?(不包括对方) (9)感叹句的反意疑问句一律用否定式,并用be的一般现在时,如: What a lovely girl, isnt she? (10)前面否定后面肯定的反意疑问句在回答时,需根据其实际情况,实际情况是肯定的,则用Yes+肯定结构,实际情况是否定的,则用No+否定结构,如: You cant speak English, can you? Yes, I can(不,我会的) (11)关于“d”和“s” 注意比较: Hed like a cup of tea, wouldnt he?/Youd better go now, hadnt you? Hes never late for school, is he?/Hes never been there, has he? 4选择疑问句:选择疑问句是用or连接询问的两部分,以供选择,答案必须是完整的句子或其省略形式,不能用Yes或No回答,如:Are you Jim or Tom?Im Tom. (三)祈使句 用以表示命令、请求或建议,主语通常省略。谓语动词用原形,句末用感叹号“!”或句号“.”。朗读时一般用降调。 1. 肯定的祈使句:(1)祈使句主语是you时,you常省略,但如果要特别强调对方或表达某种强烈的情绪时可以有主语或称呼语。 Be quiet. You be quiet!(2)“Do+祈使句”表示一种强烈的感情或请求,do起强调作用。 Do come back at once! Do be careful.(3)please用在祈使句中可以表示一种客气的语气,但please用在句末时,必须用逗号与其余部分分开。 Open the window, please.(4)Let引导祈使句时,后面需跟上人称代词或称呼语,人称代词一般只用第一、第三人称。 Let Jack wait a minute. Lets go to school.(5)在祈使句中,Lets和 Let us是有区别的。Lets包括说话者,而Let us不包括听话者在内。这点从反意疑问句时可明显看出。 Lets go skating, shall we?(表示内部的建议) Let us try again, will you?(表示向别人发出请求) 2. 否定祈使句通常以Dont或Never开头。其结构通常是:“Dont(Never)+动词原形+其他成分” 例如:
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