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索道合同Contract for Project编号:201209-01M: 201209-01合同签字日期:2013年 月Date: Sep, 2013买方:Buyer:地址Address :电话Tel:传真Fax:卖方:POMAGALSKI公司Seller: POMAGALSKI地址 Address :109, rue Aristide Berges- Centr A-p38340 Voreppe- France电话 Tel: +33 4 76 28 71 00传真 Fax : +33 4 76 28 71 91波马嘉仕其(北京)索道有限责任公司Poma (Beijing) Ropeway Co., Ltd.地址 Address :电话Tel:传真Fax :合同目录Contents of the Con tract第一项定义Clause 1Defin iti ons第二项合同范围Clause2Scope of Con tract第三项原产地Clause 3Country of Origin第四项标准Clause 4Sta ndards第五项使用合同文件和资料Clause 5Use of Con tract Docume nts and In formatio n第六项知识产权Clause 6In tellige nee Property第七项设计及设计联络Clause 7Desig n and Desig n Liais on第八项合同价格Clause 8TheC on tract Price第九项生产商国别和制造厂商Clause 9Country of Origin and Manu facturers第十项保险及在途风险Clause 10In sura nee and Risks on the Way of Tran sportati on第十一项包装Clause 11 第十二项Clause 12第十三项Clause 13第十四项Clause 14第十五项Clause 15第十六项Clause 16第十七项Clause 17第十八项Clause 18第十九项Clause 19第二十项Clause 20 第二十一项Clause 21 第二十二项Clause 22 第二十三项Clause 23 第二十四项Clause 24 第二十五项Clause 25 第二十六项Clause 26 第二十七项Clause 27 第二十八项Clause 28 第二十九项Clause 29第三十项Clause 30 第三十一项Clause 31 第三十二项Clause 32 第三十三项Clause 33 第三十四项Packing装运标记Marking for Shipment装运条件Terms of Delivery装运通知Shipping Advice伴随服务Incidental Services 备件和设计内吊厢 Spare Parts and Gondolas in Design 检验和测试 Inspections and Test 质量保证及履约保证Warranty and Performance Guarantee 付款条件及付款单据Terms of Payment and Documents 技术描述及文件Technical Description & Documents 安装、调试、性能测试及验收Installation, Commissioning, Performance Test and Acceptance 索赔Claims变更要求Change Requests合同修改Contract Amendments 转让Assignment违约责任Responsibilities of Breach 误期赔偿费 Liquidated Damages 违约终止合同 Termination for Default 不可抗力Force Majeure 因破产而终止合同Termination for Insolvency 因买方的便利而终止合同 Termination for Convenience 争端的解决 Resolution of Disputes 合同语言Contract Language通知Clause 34Notices第三十五项税费Clause 35Taxes and Duties第三十六项银行手续费Clause 36Banking Charges第三十七项适用法律Clause 37Applicable Laws第三十八项合同生效及其它Clause 38Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous第三十九项附注Clause 39Remarks1 定义1.1本合同下列术语应解释为:1)合同”系指买卖双方签署的合同中载明的买卖双方达成的协议,包括所有的附件、附录和上述文件所提到的构成合同的所有文件,但各方在协议中明确指明不作为各方实质性权利义 务约定,而仅作为履行相关程序而订立的格式文件除外。2)合同价”系指根据本合同规定卖方在正确地完全履行合同义务后买方应支付给卖方的价格。3)货物”系指卖方根据本合同规定须向买方提供的一切设备、机械和 /或其它材料。4)“伴随文件”指依照中华人民共和国法律要求的本合同设备出厂时应当一并提供的文件和资料,包括安全技术规范要求的设计文件、产品质量合格证明、安装及使用维修说明、 办理监督检验证明文件所需的其他文件。5)伴随服务”系指根据本合同规定卖方承担与供货有关的辅助服务,如运输、保险以及其它的伴随服务,例如设计、安装技术指导、调试、提供技术支持、培训和合同中规定卖方 应承担的其它义务。6)合同条款”系指本合同条款。7) 买方”系指在合同条款中指明的购买货物和服务的单位,指 。8) 卖方”系指在合同条款中指明的提供本合同项下货物和服务的公司或实体,POMAGALSKI公司(以下简称“波马法国”)、波马嘉仕其(北京)索道有限责任公司(以下简称“波马北京”)。9)“买方进口代理”系指为买卖双方此次设备进口提供买方进口代理服务的公司,指10) 项目现场”系指本合同项下货物安装、运行的现场,指 。11 ) “交货现场”指中。12)天”指日历天数。13)“验收证书”指由中国国家客运架空索道安全监督检验中心签署的证明,以表示按照合 同条款及附件所规定的合同设备安装完成且性能测试顺利完成,合同设备批准投入使用 的相关证明文件。1 DEFINITIONS1.1 In this con tract, the followi ng terms shall be in terpreted as in dicated:1)“ The Con tract ” means the agreeme nt en tered into betwee n The Buyer and Seller, as recorded in the Con tract sig ned by the parties, in cludi ng all attachme nts andappe ndices thereto and all docume nts in corporated by reference there in, with the excepti on of those format docume nts as specified in the agreeme nt not for substa ntial rights and obligati on binding of the parties whereas for impleme nting releva nt procedures only.2)“ The Con tract Price” means the price payable to The Sellerby The Buyer un der theCon tract for the full and proper performa nee of its con tractual obligati ons.3)“ The Goods ” means all of the equipme nt, mach in ery, an d/or other materials, which The Seller is required to supply to The Buyer un der the Con tract.4)The In cide ntal Docume nts” means those docume nts and materials that shall beprovided whe n the con tractual equipme nt leaves the factory in accorda nee with the laws of People Republic of China, in cludi ng the desig n docume nt as required by the safety technical code, product quality qualification certificate, installation usage and maintenance in struct ion, and other docume nt n eeded for supervisi on in spect ion docume ntary evide nee.5)“ The In cide ntal Services ” means those services an cillary to the supply of the Goods, such as tran sportatio n and in sura nee, and any other in cide ntal services, such asdesig n, in stallati on supervisi on, commissi oning, provisi on of tech nical assista nee, training, and other such obligati on of The Seller covered un der the Con tract.6) TCC means the Terms and Conditions of this Contract.7) The Buyer means the organisation purchasing the Goods and Services under this Contract, Sichuan Panxi Lingshan Tourism Investment And Development Co., Ltd.8) The Seller means the firm or en
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