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现在分词用法与练习一、现在分词的各种形式及意义二、现在分词的句法功能名称形式意义例句一般式doing与其逻辑主语构 成主动关系;与谓 语动词表示的动 作同时发生或几 乎同时发生The professor came in, following the headmaster.教授跟着 校长进来了。现在分词 的被动形 式being done强调被动的动作 在进行或与谓语 动词的动作同时 发生The question being discussed is very important.现在正讨论 的问题很重要。现在分词 的完成式having done分词所表示的动作发生在谓语之前Having studied the map, I know which way to go 仔细看完地 图后,我知道该走哪条 路了。现在分词 的完成被 动式having been done分词所表示的动 作发生在谓语动 词表示的动作之 前;分词与其逻辑 主语构成被动关 系Having been scolded many times by the boss, he decided to leave 被老板责骂很多 次后,他决定离开。1作定语单个的现在分词充当前置定语,分词短语充当后置定语。 但是,完成式的现在分词不能用作定语。The swimming boy is my elder brother 正在游泳的男孩 是我的哥哥。Tell the boys playing over there not to make any noise 告 诉那边正在玩的男孩们不要制造噪。2作表语现在分词作表语,用来说明主语的性质和特征,相当于形 容词,其主语通常是物。一般跟在连系动词 be,get,be, come,look,sound,feel,keep,remain,grow,seem,appear 等后面。The story sounds interesting .这个故事听起来很有趣。The news was disappointing .这个消息令人失望。 【点津】动名词也可以作表语,此时主语和表语是对等关系, 可以互换位置。Your task is cleaning the windows ( =Cleaning the windows is your task.)你的任务是擦窗户。3作补足语(1) 现在分词可以在 see,hear,notice,watch,feel,look at, listen to,observe,have,get,leave,keep,set,catch, find等动词(短语)后面作宾语补足语。I noticed a man running out of the bank when I got off the car我下车的时候注意到一个男人匆匆忙忙地从银行里跑 出来。(2) 上面这类句子也可变成被动语态,这时,现在分词可看 成是主语补足语。She was heard singing an English song yesterday 昨天有 人听见她在唱英文歌曲。A cook will be fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen. 厨师若被发现在厨房内抽烟会被解雇。(3) with + 宾语+v-ingWith so many people looking at her, she felt nervous.4作状语 现在分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表时间、原因、结 果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随状况等。必须记住:从句 和主句的主语必须一致。(1) 表示时间。现在分词表时间时,相当于 when 等引导的 时间状语从句。 Be careful when crossing the road( =Be careful when you are crossing the road.)过马路时小心点。 Having turned off the TV, he began to do hishomework 关掉电视后,他开始做家庭作业。(=After he had turned off the TVhe began to do hishomework) (2) 表示原因 Being so excited, she couldnt go to sleep (=Becauseshe was so excited, she couldnt go to sleep.)因为她太兴奋了,所以睡不着。 Not having received his reply , she decided to make a call to him(=Because she hadnt recei ved his reply, she decided to make a call to him.因为没有收到他的 回信,她决定给他打个电话。(3) 表示方式或伴随,常相当于一个 and 引起的并列分句。 The teacher came into the classroom, holding a book in his hand. (=The teacher came into the classroom and held a book in his hand.) 老师手拿一本书走进教 室。 He came running into the room. (=He came and ran into the room)他跑进屋来。(4) 表示结果,常相当于一个 and 引起的并列分句。这类状 语常放在句子的后半部分,分词前往往有副词 thus,thereby(因此)或only,并有逗号同前面的句子成分隔开,常可译为“于是,所以,因而”等。这种分词的逻辑主语既可以是句子的主语,也可以是前边的整个句子。逻辑主语为前边的整个句子时,其作用相当于一个非限制性的定语从句。 The car was held up by the storm ,causing the delay.(=The car was held up by the storm and caused the delay.) 汽车被暴风雨所阻挡,因而耽搁了。 The old scientist died all of a sudden, leaving theproject unfinished.(=The old scientist died all of a sudden, and left theproject unfinished.)那位老科学突然去世,下未尽的事业。 He turned off the lamp, (thereby) seeing nothing.(=He turned off the lamp, thereby he saw nothing.) 他熄了灯,什么也看不见了。 A number of new machines were introduced fromabroad, thus resulting in an increase in production. (=A number of new machines were introduced from abroad, which resulted in an increase in production.)大量的新机器被从国外引入,导致生产增加。(5 )表示条件,常相当于一个if引导的条件状语从句。Working hard, youll succeed. (=If you work hard, youll succeed.) 努力工作,你就会成功。(6) 表示让步,常相当于一个 though 等引导的让步状语从 句。Though feeling tired, Billy he didnt stop working.(=Though Billy felt tired, he didnt stop working. 尽管觉得很累,但比利并没有停止他的工作。提示:如果现在分词作时间,条件或者让步状语时,前面可 以直接加相应的连词,如 when,while,unless,if ,though。Be careful when crossing the roadThough feeling tired, Billy he didnt stop working三、分词的否定式分词的否定式总是将否定词 not 置于分词之前,遇上现在 分词的完成式、被动式以及完成被动式,否定词应置于整个 结构之前。Not knowing what to do next, she stopped to wait .不知道 下一步干什么,她停下来等着。Not having finished the homework, the little girl doesnt dare to go to school小女孩没完成作业不敢去学校。四、独立成分作状语有些分词短语,其形式的选择不受上下文的影响,称作 独立成分。常见的有:generally speaking总的来说;judging from / by 根据判断;speaking of 说到;talking of谈到;frankly speaking 坦率地说;allowing for 考虑到。 Judging by his face, he was angry 从他的脸色上看, 他很生气。 The project will take about 8 months, allowing for delays caused by the rainy season.考虑到雨季的耽误,这项工程大约需要 8 个月。 Frankly speaking,the car is not worth buying. 坦率地 说,这部车不值得买。五基础练习题1. He sat there a novel.A. read B. reading C. reads D. had read2. Dont wake up the child.A. sleep B. slept C. sleeping D. sleepy3. A proverb goes: A _ stone gathers no moss.A. roll B. rolling C. rolled D. rolls4. The heavy rain kept us for two hours.A. wait B. waited C. waiting D. to wait5. We found the baby on the floor.A. slept B. sleep C. asleep D. sleeping6. Jack saw a woman near the dog , so he walked upto her.A. stood B. stands C. to stand D. standing7. our shoes in our hands , we crossed the stream.A. To carry B. Carrying C. Carried D. Carry8. my homework, I went home .A. Having f
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