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人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Go for it 八年级(上)Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister五步导学案I 教学内容、目标与要求题目Im more outgoing than my sister.题材内容本单元以描述朋友外表和个性特征, 比较个人与朋友之间的异同为题材, 增进朋友之间的相互了解。教 学 目 标语言知识目标功 能表述个性特征, 对人物进行比较。语 法形容词的比较级, both的用法。词 汇more, than, taller, shorter, thinner, longer, heavier, calmer, wilder, quieter, funnier, smarter, more athletic, more popular, twin, both, be good at语言技能目标听能听懂描述某人外表及个性特征, 人物之间外表及个性异同的句子和对话。说能口头描述某人的外表及个性特征, 能比较不同人物之间特征的异同。读能读懂对不同人物外表和个性描述的对话和简单文章。写能用S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象 结构描述不同人物的区别, 能用as + adj.原级+as 描述不同人物的相同处, 学会用both描述不同人物的相同处。演示与表达能在同学之间进行真实的介绍自己的朋友和家庭成员的特征。学习策略自学策略培养分类表述, 听取特定信息的习惯。合作学习策略掌握描述个人特征的表达方式, 结识朋友, 介绍朋友, 了解朋友, 形成一个学习集体, 互相帮助。情感态度介绍朋友时要尊重朋友, 实事求是地评价朋友和自己, 珍惜培养朋友之间真实而美好的友谊。任务能够运用所学结构和句式向别人介绍自己和朋友的异同。II 教学内容分析本单元以描述某人的个性特征为中心而展开, 中心话题围绕Talk about personal traits and compare people这个题材开展多种教学活动,从外表和性格两方面比较人物之间的相同与不同点, 由此引出taller, shorter, thinner, longer, heavier, calmer, wilder, quieter, funnier, more athletic, more popular, more serious, more outgoing 等词汇, 以及“S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象”这个重要的句子结构。Section A部分重在要求听说读三个方面比较不同双胞胎之间外表和性格的区别, 附带着在3a也提出了as.as 结构the same as结构表达两人的相同之处。与Section A部分比较, Section B部分则深入到比较自己和朋友的相同与不同之处, 并提出了“选择朋友”这个话题, 引导学生正确评价朋友, 引导学生结识真正的好朋友。初中 八 年级 英语 教学案执 笔审 核课 型课 时1授课班级授课时间姓 名学案编号No .1【课 题】Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sisterSectionA 1a-1c教师复备栏或学生笔记栏【学习目标】outgoing better loudly quietlyThats Tara, isnt it?Sam has longer hair than Tom . Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom.【学习重点难点】Sam has longer hair than Tom . Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom.【学法指导】1. Listening ;2. Pairwork .【教学过程】【教学过程】一、 导入(启发探究 3分钟)How do we describe people? Adjectives Sentences tall Jim is tall . quiet Lucy is quiet . _ _Lets describe the follwing people:(1)tall : Jim is taller than Tim .quiet : Lucy is quieter than Lily , etc .(2)late : Lucy was later for school than Lily . free : Lucy was freer than Lily last weekend ,etc .(3)heavy : Jim is heavier than Tim . funny : Jim is funnier than Tim , etc .(4)thin : Lucy is thinner than Lily . big : This apple is bigger than that one . etc . 当A 和B做比较时时,用“比较级+ than +比较对象”来表示。如:My room is smaller than yours. 我的房间比你的小。She got there earlier than I did. 她比我到得早。二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)I Before we describe the people in 1a,lets learn the new words.outgoing at adj.外向的 better bet(r) adj.更好的;较好的 adv.更好地loudly ladli adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地 quietly kwatli adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地II we can use all of them to describe the people.outgoing better loudly quietly III finish 1aIV . 写出下列各形容词的反义词.1. short_2.old_3.busy_4. thin_5. calm_6.early_7. good_8. hot_9. cool_10. ugly_11. same_12. happy_13. healthy_14. friendly_15. expensive_三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)I、完成17页1a1、Match cach word with its opposite.2、看图片,用尽可能多的形容词来描绘图中六个人物。注意要用到1a中的几组反义词。3、比较下列句子:a. Tom has short hair. a. Tom is calm. b. Tom has shorter hair than Sam. b. Tom is calmer than Sam.小组内说一说a、b两个句子有什么不同?你能理解这种比较的句子吗?4、小组活动:和你的组员共同比较图中三对双胞胎的不同点。II、完成17页1b1、听录音完成1b。录音播放同时抓住关键信息边听边记录。2、听录音并跟读。3、大声朗读录音材料并明确其含义。III、完成17页1c1、两人一组完成1c对话2、在全组表演1c对话3、在全班表演1c对话四、总结(引深探究 15分钟)写出下列形容词的比较级。funny thin small fast serious popular fat heavy outgoing athletic 用所给词的适当形式填空.1. My bike is _ , but hers is _ than mine .(new)2. Which is _ , this one or that one ?(nice)3. My brother is _ than my sister .(funny) 4. Li Ying is _ than Li Ping .(thin)5. She is a little quiet than _ .(I)6. My room is much bigger than _ .(she)7. My mother is very _ every day . And my father is even _ than her .(busy)8. This sweater is too big . Do you have a _ one ?(small)五、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6分钟)句型转换1. Tom is thin . Jim is thinner .(合并为一句) Tom is _ _Jim . Jim is _ _ Tom .2. This computer is newer than that one .(同义句) That computer is _ _ this one .3. Tom is twelve years old . Jim is fourteen years old .(合并为一句) Tom is _ _
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