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五年级上册英语教案五篇1.五年级上册英语教案一、教学重点本课时的教学重点是Lets learn部分五种家务劳动的表达方法,要求学生做到四会,并能在情景中自然的加以运用。二、教学难点本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。三、课前准备1教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、英文卡片、声音、课件。2教师准备录音机及录音带。四、教学过程1Warmup(热身)(1)Lets chant 教师播放start部分Lets chant的录音,让学生边听边看图并能理解歌谣的意思。 反复听2-3遍后,可带领学生小声重复。 拍手掌握节奏,教师将Mike变成本班同学的名字进行提问:Tom, Tom, what can you do?可提问3-4人。(2)口语练习 谁的本领大: 男、女生进行比赛,分别用I can.来介绍自己会做的事,看看谁的本领大。 请同学边说边用动作表示,重复不加分,哪组说的最多即为获胜组。2 Presentation(新课呈现)(1)Start 教师出示图片请同学们观看,Oh, so many animals! What can they do? 角色扮演:教师提问,Bird, bird, what can you do?请学生挑选自己喜欢的动物边说边做动作。(2)Lets learn 学生观看教材的背景图,教师指图,用夸张的语气介绍:Shes Lucy. This is her room. Shes helpful! Are you helpful? What can you do? 然后播放课件或动画,带领全班一起反复跟读5个词组,提醒学生注意语音语调。 让学生在练习本上写一写单词和词组。3Lets play (趣味操练)(1)Lets play (猜一猜) 教师准备好英文卡片,每组的第一个同学上前来任选一张。 抽卡片的同学只能做出一个动作,如扫地,请本组的同学猜一猜并说出英文sweep the floor,这时前面的同学就可以说:Right! I can.哪组用的时间最快、说的最准确,就可加一分。教师可对优胜组进行奖励。(2)Lets play (接龙游戏) 将学生分成5组,每组发一个单词,如:clean, cook, floor, flower, empty,也可以用图片代替。 请本组同学配合,看词或是看图来说出一句完整话。如:I-I can-I can water-I can water the-I can water the flowers.说的又快又正确小组,教师可予以奖励。4Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)练一练 让学生做本单元A Lets learn部分的活动手册配套练习。 让学生每天在家中做适量的家务劳动,并用英语告诉你的家长。5. 板书单词:Im helpful! I can sweep the floor.cook the mealsclean the bedroomwater the flowersempty the trash2.五年级上册英语教案教学目标:1. The students can read the story and do exercise about the story.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can listen and complete the story.教学重点:How to read the story and listen to the story.教学难点:1. How to read the story and understand the story.2. How to do some exercise.教学过程:Step1:Review the storyT: Have the children talk about the story that have learned.S: Try to talk about.Step2:Read the storyT: Have the children look at the picture and guess the meaning.S: Look at the picture and try to guess.T: Explain the new words.S: Listen and think.(困)T: Have the children read the story by themselves.S: Read the story and try to understand.T: Play the tape and have the children listen to the story.S: Listen to the tape.Step3:Number the picturesT: Have the children look at the pictures and find the sentences in the story.S: Look at the pictures and try to find.T: Have the children read the story again and number the pictures.S: Read the story again and number.Step4:Check the correct answer.T: Have the children look at the sentences and try to check the correct answer.S: Look at the sentences and check the correct answer.T: Have the children do exercise in pairs.S: Pair work: do exerciseStep5:Listen and write the words.T: The teacher point to the picture and play the tape and have the children listen .S: Listen to the tape.(困)T: Play the tape again and have the children write the words.S: Listen to the tape again and try to read.T: Play the tape again and have the children check the answer.S: Check the answer.Homework:Have the children tell the story to their parents.课后反思:大部分学生能掌握做阅读题的方法,和技巧。3.五年级上册英语教案一、教学目标。1、会听说认读单词baby,happy,windy,sunny,sorry等词。2、知道以上单词中辅音字母加y的.发音特点。3、能完成听音排序和看图填词练习,并能认读。 重点二、难点。掌握一些辅音字母加y的词的发音规律。三、教学准备。课件、图片等。四、教学过程。(一)导入。1、课件出示Make a chant:Tall,tall,computer teacher is tall,Short,short,short,Science teacher is short,Thin,thin, thin,Art teacher is thin,Fat,fat,fat,Music teacher is fat,Funny,funny,funny,theyre so funny!2、出示目标,鼓励完成。(二)新课呈现。1、师利用课件出示Read,listen and chant中的五张图片,引导学生读出单词:baby,happy,windy,sunny,sorry。2、师播放单词录音,生跟读,指名读词,请学生评价发音,师再次带读发音,请学生分组、分男女生读词。3、学生听chant并跟读,师简要提示:分解歌谣各句内容及意义,逐句带读,请学生跟读熟练后再次播放chant,生随音乐节奏拍手并试唱歌谣。(三)操练。1、学生分组齐读上一活动中的chant,全班评价,评出朗诵小组。2、Listen,number and say。教师播放该部分录音,生第一遍静听并做标注,第二遍再听,完成标号练习,第三遍跟读,师指名汇报答案,全班订正。(四)巩固拓展。1、Listen,write and say。(1)课件出示该部分图片,放录音,学生跟读后请一人讲解意思,然后从课本第二个活动的九个单词中挑选合适的词填入划线部分。(2)同桌交流答案,齐读三句话,教师提醒学生注意语音语调。(3)Choose one sentence from above and write。2、生在练习本四线格里抄写本课看的单词及句子。4.五年级上册英语教案一、教学目标1. 能够读懂描述他人一天中所做家务的短文,抓住大意和关键信息。2. 能够根据范文,写出几句连贯的话来介绍自己一天中所做的家务。二、教学建议A. Lets read.1. 热身复习(1) 教师通过PPT依次出示生活中有关做家务的真实图片,学生大声说出相应英文词组,并找到相应的词组卡片出示给教师。(2) 教师按时间顺序简单介绍自己一天当中所做的家务,学生按顺序排列词组卡片。可以使用以下语言:Just now we reviewed some phrases about chores. I enjoy doing chores at home. Now please listen and order your cards.Tip:此活动,既复习了前两课中学习的新词汇和新功能句,同时起到让学生初步感知本节课所学短文的内容与结构的作用,为短文的理解和写作做好铺垫。备选活动学生两人一组,一人表演做家务,另外一人说出相应英文词组,并找到相应的英文卡片,表演的学生判断是否正确。2. 观察图片培养学生通过图片等信息预测短文内容的能力,回答以下问题:Who do you see? What are they doing?3. 阅读短文(1) 通读两篇短文,初步感知文章大意,回答问题:What do these two passages talk about?(2) 再次阅读短文,划出Susan和 Nancy所做家务词汇。(3) 通过回答问题梳理短文的主要内容。What chores does Susan do? What chores does Nancy do? What chores do they both do?(4) 学生独立完成图表。(5) 学生两人一组相互检查答案。(6) 教师使用投影核对答案。Tip:在核对答案过程中,教师可以引导学生边对答案边按时间顺序复述Susan和Nancy一天中所做的家务,最后将两人都做的家务放至中间交叉的圆圈中。以此来为B部分学生独立汇报活动做铺垫。B. Lets report.
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