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七年级英语质量检测试题满分120分一. 单项选择题.(每题1分,共20分)1.Tom _ from Africa. He _ English. A. come, speaks B. comes, say C. is, speaks D. is, speak 2.My birthday is _ November. A. in B. on C. at D. with 3.I like _ to the movies _ my friends. A. go, with B. going, with C. going, and D.go, and 4.Miss Gao is _ English teacher _ Shanghai. A. our, on B. an, at C. an, from D.us, in 5.I live in _. A. Canada, Toronto B. Toronto, Canada C. Totonto, Australia D. Australia, Sydney 6.Is there a hotel in _? A. the neighborhood B. the near C. near here D. around me 7.The bank is on _. A. center street B. Center street C. Center Street D. the Center Street 8.Let me tell you the way _ my house. A. to B. in C. at D. near 9.The pay phone is the post office and the restaurant. A. next B .near C .between D. across10.Why _ you want _ the lions? A. do, see B. do, to see C. are, see D. are, to see 11.She likes_ with her friends and _ grass. A. play, eat B. play, to eat C. to play, eat D. playing, eat12.I sleep _ the day and work_ night.A. during,at B. in, on C. in, at D. at, at13.What language he and his friend speak ?A. is B .do C. does D are 14.Is there a supermarket ? No , .A this is not B. there isnt C is isnt D. there arent 15.This is a nice city many interesting places.A. of B. with C. on D. and 16 - do you like monkeys? - -Because they are very interesting .A What B. When C. What D Why17.Why do you often go to the park after school? Because I want to myself.A. relax B. relaxing C. relaxed D. happy18.The boy is new .He Brazil.A. come from B. is from C. comes in D. from come 19.- can I get to the post office ?-Go down this road and turn left .A. Where B. What C. How D. When 20.Many people like pandas they are beautiful and smart.A. why B. beause C. so D.for二.情景对话.选出正确的答案.(5分)A: Hi, Peter ! 21 B: Im going to the zoo.A: 22 .What animal do you like?B: 23 .A: Why?B: Because theyre strong and intelligent. What about you?A: 24 because theyre cute.B: Where are the koala bears from?A: Oh, 25 .A.I like koala bears.B.I like elephants.C. Where are you going?D. Theyre from Australia.E. It sounds great.三.完形填空(10分) There is a 26 in our city. 27 parents often take me there 28 weekends. I like animals. 29 the zoo, I can see tigers, lions, elephants, monkeys, pandas, 30 , snakes and many other 31 .Some animals are friendly, but some are 32 . Tigers, bears and some snakes are 33 . Thats 34 they have to stay in (呆在)cages(笼子). 35 I dont think its good for animals to stay in cages. They should be free.( )26A. lionB. zooC. post officeD. shop( )27 A. MyB. HisC. The D. Your( )28A. atB. onC. inD. /( )29A. OnB. AtC. InD. For( )30A. bearsB. pigsC. catsD. dogs( )31A. peopleB. animalsC. vegetablesD. cars( )32A. /B. isC. canD. not( )33A. friendlyB. shyC. cuteD. dangerous( )34A. whatB. whyC. whereD. how( )35A. AndB. ButC. /D. So四.阅读理解(30分)AThere is a nice girl in our class.She is in Row Five.She is thirteen years old.She is not tall and she is not short.She is a little bit fat(有点儿胖).She has a round face like an apple.She has two big black eyes and a small nose.Her mouth is big,but her ears are small.Her hair is short and black.She likes red.She is often in red clothes.But today she is wearing(穿着) a yellow sweater,blue trousers and brown shoes.She likes little animals.She has a little black dog in her home.She and the dog are good friends.Who is she?36.The girl is _.A.12 years oldB.13 years oldC.30 years old37.The girl is _.A.shortB.tallC.fat38.Her face is _.A.roundB.blackC.red39.The colour of her eyes is _.A.blueB.blackC.red40.Her good friend at home is _.A.a personB.a dogC.a catBDavid is my new friend.He comes from the United Kingdom.Now he is in Beijing.He speaks English and a littlt Chinese.His favorite countryis Auatralia,so he has a pen pal from this country,his pen pals name is Mike.Mike lives in Sydney,he speaks English,too.( )41、David is from _A、China B、England C、Japan D、the Unite States( )42、David lives in _A、Toronto B、Sydney C、Beijing D、Shanghai( )43、Davids pen pal comes from _ A、China B、Japan C、the United Kingdom D、Australia( )44、Australia is _s favor
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