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2020学年人教版英语精品资料www.ks5u.comUnit 5Section .单词拼写1The old man was sent to hospital because of high blood p_.2The cut on my arm b_ a lot when I was hurt yesterday.3As soon as he came back to life from the accident, he called an a_.4The dog was killed by rat p_.5He had a badly s_ ankle after falling down from the stairs.6More and more people are riding _ (电的) bikes.7The news of the _ (辐射) leak caused widespread public alarm.8An old woman was found _ (使窒息) to death.9The first a _ skills are of great use when needed.10He got hurt during the football match and the i_ was serious.答案:1.pressure2.bled3.ambulance4.poison5.swollen6electric7.radiation8.choked9.aid10.injury.用适当的介、副词填空1As soon as all the chairs are _ place, we can let the people in.2“Put on more clothes to protect yourself _ the cold,” Mother said to Tom.3He was so fat that the could only squeeze _ the door.4Fruit juices can be harmful _ childrens teeth.5After the storm, all the things in my garden seemed to be out _ place.6The three layers of skin act as a barrier _ diseases, poisons and the suns harmful rays.7I sat _ late the whole night, reading a novel.8He resigned for a variety _ reasons.9Dont get close _ the burning house.10Who acted _ his interpreter when he was on a visit abroad?答案:1.in2.from/against3.through4.to5.of6.against7up8.of9.to10.as.补全句子1如果生活在受污染的环境中,人们很容易生病。(fall)Living in a polluted environment, people may _ _ easily.2你需要向地方当局申请一笔补助金。(apply)You need to _ _ the local authority _ a grant.3她喜欢每件东西都各就各位。(place)She likes to have everything _ _.4他脱下湿衣服,拧干了上面的水。(squeeze)He took off his wet clothes and _ the water _ _ it.5报纸包含了一系列标题,提供了很多信息。(variety)Newspapers offer information, and they also cover _ _ _ topics.答案:1.fall ill2.apply to; for3.in place4.squeezed; out of5.a variety of.单句改错1The child tried his best to squeeze the juice out an apple._2Tom likes to have everything in the place in his room._3The people all over the world aided Haiti of money, medicine and other things._4His face was swollen to insect bites._5A piece of chewing gum stuck with my shoe._答案:1.out后加of2.去掉the3.of改为with4.to改为with5.with改为to.用恰当词语填空1The famous _ engineer always repairs _ machines for the factory.(electricity)答案:electrical; electricelectrical engineer“电机工程师”;electric machines“电机”。句意为“那位著名的电机工程师经常为工厂修理电机”。2Never _ I expect to hurt his feelings while I was expressing myself at the meeting.答案:did句意为“当我在会上表达自己的想法时,从没有想到要伤害他的感情”。never位于句首,用部分倒装。3(2014福建,32)_there no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.答案:Were考查虚拟语气的倒装。根据主句中的would have to wait可知,空格处应表示对现在情况的假设,故从句用一般过去时;另外,当if从句中含有be动词were及助动词had时,可以把if省略,同时把were或had提前,构成倒装句。句意:如果没有现代化的电信设施的话,我们将不得不等候好几周的时间来获得来自世界各地的消息。4Its a good habit to keep everything _ place in your study.答案:in句意:把书房里的物品摆放得井井有条是个好习惯。in place“在适当位置”。5We should never forget those who bled_ the success of the revolution.答案:for句意为“我们永远不能忘记那些为革命成功洒热血的人们”。bleed的过去式和过去分词都是bled。bleed for意为“为流血”。6Who should be responsible for the accident?The boss, not the workers.They just carried out the order_ told.答案:as“as told”为as they were told的省略形式。7What do you think made Mary so upset?_ (lose)her new car.答案:Losing完整形式为:Losing her new car made Mary so upset。8Do remember to see a doctor tomorrow!_(get)it.答案:GotGot it口语中常表示“知道了,明白了”。句意:务必记住明天去看医生!明白。9Whats wrong with your left arm?A bee has bitten it and it is swelling_.答案:up句意:“你的左臂怎么了?”“被蜜蜂蜇了,它肿了起来”。swell up“膨胀,肿胀”。10The teacher was angry that all of them arrived late for a(an) _ of reasons.答案:variety句意:由于种种原因,他们都来晚了,老师对此很生气。a variety of.表示“各种各样的”之意。.完形填空Mr. Henry taught sixth grade science. On the first day of class, he gave us a _1_ about an animal called the cattywampus(乌有猫),a kind of animal that died out during the Ice Age. He _2_ around a skull as he talked. We all took _3_ and later had a test.When he returned my paper, I was _4_. There was a big red“”through each of my answers. I had failed! _5_ must be some mistake! I had written down _6_what Mr. Henry said. Then I learned that everyone in the class had_7_. What had happened? Very simp
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