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Task 6 参考答题要点Task 6总体答题思路:记下listening中主题和例子的实词,复述每个“例子”或“过程”要用23句话 (需要练习)2006年9月15日listening: 主题1个: plant invasion plants into a new environment cause disaster (plant invasion是指外来植物破坏本地生态平衡)举例2个:对象/初始条件 salty tree South Africa in 60s(salty tree被引进南非)过程 successfully hold sand dunes, grow so tall, block sunlight (固沙成功、长得太高、挡住阳光)结果 neighboring plants lose territory (本地植物受害)对象/初始条件 bulk tree US in 70s(美国曾引进bulk tree)过程 look good, so developed a root system running miles, absorb water twice as much, reproduce fast(好看,但根系太发达、吸水太多、繁殖太快)结果 local plants die out (本地植物死亡)2006年10月8日listening: 主题1个:visual elements in arts include colors, textures and lines (视觉元素包括颜色、质地和线条)要点+举例2个:要点 function of visual elements(视觉元素的作用)举例 red warm color help express joy/excitement blue/purple cold color help keep cool/thinking(暖色调例如红色使人兴奋;冷色调如兰/紫使人冷静/思索)要点 texture also affect viewers (质地的视觉效应)举例marble/rock cause feeling of resistance wooden texture home + warmth(石头质地让人产生抗拒感;木头质地使人感到家和温暖)2006年10月15日listening: 主题1个: climate change has effect on animals (气候变化影响动物行为)举例1个:对象/初始条件 thunderbirds in Australia, extinct hundreds yr.ago, lots of skeletons found in one spot (澳大利亚thunderbird,几百年前灭绝,同一地点发现大量尸骨)过程 bird chase water & food drought continued last drop gone all died at the lake (鸟寻找食水,干旱继续,水蒸干,全部渴死)结果 drastic climate change affect animal behavior (动物受恶略气候影响)2006年10月21日listening: 主题1个:relationship between demands and prices (价格与需求之间的关系)要点+举例2个:要点 inverse proportion: prices up demands down (成反比:价格上涨,需求下降)举例 coffee price up less willing to buy + choose alternatives demand drop(咖啡价格上涨,人们不愿买,需求下降)要点 exception: prices up demands boost (特例)举例 18th century bread price go up + cant afford meat buy more bread to keep for fear of even higher bread price (18世纪面包涨价,可又买不起肉,只得多买面包以防面包价格更高)2006年10月22日listening: 主题1个:misconception: technology not always simplify life, sometimes complicate it (技术不总能让生活变得简单,有时会更麻烦)举例2个:对象/初始条件 too many remote controllers eg for TV, DVD (遥控器太多)过程 universal remote controller few hours to set up program remember button (万能遥控器:花几小时设置,记住每个按键)结果 mess up if forgotten(忘了就很麻烦)对象/初始条件 cell phone (手机)过程 smaller in size, smaller buttons (手机变小,按键变小)结果 difficult to press more wrong numbers(按错号码)2006年10月28日listening: 主题1个:arts help children develop (艺术帮助儿童成长)要点+举例2个:要点 platform for expressing feelings (艺术提供表达感情的平台)举例 proud till 3 yr. old 1/2 yr drawing of small figure jumping in the air(3岁才会说骄傲,但是一两岁就可以画小人雀跃)要点 arts help develop concentration (艺术帮助发展注意力)举例 build a car with clay fail first time try again and again succeed at last(捏泥汽车,不断重捏,直到成功)2006年10月29日listening: 主题1个:inventions or innovations happen either intentionally or accidentally (发明和发现不是有意选择的就是无意发现的结果)要点+举例2个:要点 most great inventions are intentional discoveries (大部分发明都是有意发现的结果)举例 previously 2 pair of glasses, one for far view, one for close views bi-focal glasses, popular at once(以前用两个单片镜,一个看远景,一个看近景眼镜发明)要点 some inventions discovered by accident (有些是意外发现)举例 X-ray, not know what it meant or how to use it(X光刚发明的时候,人们不知道它是什么,也不懂如何使用)2006年11月03日listening: 主题1个:too much info is as bad as too little info, esp. for customer service 2 models of info-control (信息太多和信息太少同样不好)要点+举例2个:要点 Descriptive Method: manage existing information (管理现有的信息)举例 help with eg send e-mail, make calls, search info(帮助确定何时回邮件、打电话、查信息等)要点 Predictive Method: predict info that one doesnt have (帮助预测未来信息)举例 predict eg potential customers, who are less likely to shift(预测潜在客户、谁是忠实客户)2006年11月17日listening: 主题1个: accidents can spark inspiration to write new poems (意外事件可以激发灵感,写出新诗)举例2个:对象/初始条件 Edgar Allan Poe, sitting idle at home (Poe在家闲呆)过程 heard 2 guy quarrelling, bad words (听到2人吵架、骂街)结果 inspired, great poem “To Be Honest” (激发创作灵感)对象/初始条件 artificially produced accidents(人为制造意外)过程 word on pages throw in the air pick up any 2 pages(在纸上写出单词,抛向空中,任意组合)结果 combination can be funny eg purple tree (结果有趣)2006年11月18日listening: 主题1个: introverted people: shy, timid extroverted people: sociable, outgoing (内向与外向的人特点不同)举例2个:对象/初始条件 introverted, prepare job interview (内向的人准备面试)过程 collect Q&A, practice (收集问题和答案,反复练习)结果 if succeeded, think it as hard work if not, check out problem and be better prepared(成功则认为是努力,不成功则检讨不足,准备下次机会)对象/初始条件 extroverted, prepare job interview (外向的人准备面试)过程 different(略过)结果 if succeeded, think it as lucky if not, not upset, think its bad luck(成功则认为是运气好,不成功也不心烦认为是运气差)2006年11月19日listening: 主题1个:reciprocity: mutual exchange of gifts, 2 types generalized +balanced reciprocity(reciprocity是指相互交换礼物,有2种)要点+举例2个:要点 generalized: no expectation of immediate paybacks(不用马上还)举例 newly moved need new bed brother
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