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四年级英语(下)阶段测试二不Part1 Liste ning听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)()1. A. di nnerB.sister.()2. A.birdB. nurse()3. A. carB. arm()4. A. tallB. ball()5. A. forkB. horse二、选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10分)()1. A.wi ndyB.sunnyC. rai ny()2. A. sheepB. henC. cow()3. A. coldB. coolC.warm()4. A. libraryB. lu nchC. PE class()5. A. theseB. thoseC. ani mal()6. A.tomatoB. potatoC. carrot()7. A.green beans B. forkC. homework()8. A. sisterB. dinnerC.computer()9. A. girlB.birdC. nurse时间:60分钟;满分:105;考试范围:第1 4单元()10. A. weather B. hot C. sunny三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)()1. A. What are these?B. Look at the gree n bea ns.()2. A. Can I have some soup?B. Do you have a library?( )3. A. It s warm in Beijing.B. It s time to go to school.( )4. A. What s the weather like?B. Where is my ruler?( )5. A. It s time for English class.B. It s time to go to school.() 1. A.tomatoes B. potatoes C. horses() 2. A.cowB. sheepC. goat()3.A. lunchcoldC. dinner() 4. A.theseB. thoseC. garden()5.A. coldhotC. class( )6.A. go homeB. breakfastC. get upPart 2 Writing笔试部分( 70 分)、书写整齐,卷面整洁。 (5 分) 、读一读,选出不同类的单词。 (20 分)B.B.( )7. A. breakfast B. farm C . lunch( )8. A. rainy B. windy C. homework( )9 、 A. hensB. carrots C. green beans( )10 、 A. smallB. big C. green三、选择填空。 (20 分) 1. are these ?A. What B. Who C. Where)2. is the art roomIt s on the first floor.A. Who B. What C. Where) 3. Look the green beans.A. at B. in C. under) 4. How many do you have?A. cows B. horse C. hen( ) 5. -Can I have some soup?A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, you can. C. Yes, they are.( ) 6 . It s 40 degrees. It s very .A. hot B. cold C. cool( ) 7. - horses do you have?-Mmm Seve ntee n.A. How many B. Where C. What( ) 8. - What are these?- tomatoes.A It s B. Theyre C. Hes( )9. -What is it?.-Its 11:00.A.weather B.time C.colour( )10. - Hi, Chen Jie!Mark!-Hi, Mark!A.ImB.This is C.She is四、看左边的问句,从右边中选出合适的答语并将其字母编号写在题前的括号里 (10 分)()1. What are these?A. I have three.B.No, th()2.Whats the weather like in Beiji ng? 丄ey aren t.()3.Where s the library?C.It s on the second floor.()4. Are thesepotatoes?D.It s rainy.()5.How many cows doyou have?E.They rehorses.五、连词成句,注意第一个字母要大写,单词之间空一个字母大小,千万不要忘记最后的标点。(10分)1. thoseWhatare ( ?)4. report is This the weather (.)读理解,判断对错,对的打“ T”,错的打“ F”。( 10 分)六、Its a sunny day in the farm today. My fatherhe farm is very small. There are twelve horses,has asixtee nfarm. - T题cowsand fiftyhens. My father likestomatoes very much. So he hasmany tomatoes in the farm. Look! The tomatoes are red. Theyareverybeautiful.()1、Myfatherhas a big farm.()2、My father hastwelve horses.()3、Thetomatoes are green.()4、Myfatherlikes potatoes very much()5、Itssunnyin the farm today.
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