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新托福独立写作结构盘点新托福独立写作结构盘点。新托福写作结构在备考写作中作用重大,本文为你详细讲解托福独立写作结构,助力托福写作高分!新托福独立写作结构盘点解析对托福有过了解的读者都知道,托福写作考试有相对固定的题目,特别是过去的老托福考试,有经典的185题库,所有的写作题目出自这题题库。现在的新托福对此进行了改革,对题库进行了扩大,但是不管是ETS公布的独立写作185题库,还是改革后网考中出现的独立写作题,它们都有一定的共性。独立写作185题库的题目可以按题材分类,对于同一题材或基本类似的题目,可以使用相同的理由和例子作为论据。如果能按照分类题材进行复习,就能节省时间并提高效率。但是光掌握话题是远远不够的,因为在拿到一个新托福的独立写作的题目后,很多考生依然不知所措,不知如何下手。老师建议广大托福考生在面对一个考题时,可以参考动笔前的解题三部曲:先审题找出话题和问题模式,第二步得出文章结构,第三部做Brainstorming扩展论据,准备完毕后再下笔写文章。本文将为大家介绍第二步得出新托福独立写作文章结构的一些技巧。从应考方面而言,在接触一个新托福独立写作的题目时,我们必须要掌握的是文章的结构。严谨的结构对观点的表达有事半功倍的作用。ETS公布的185题库的题目和近几年的托福网考考题,除了话题上的共性外,在问题模式上和雅思议论文一样,可以归为固定的几类问题模式:l 描述解释型l 比较对比型l 二选一型I 描述解释型1)概念判断判断一道作文题是否属于“描述解释型”,可以看题目是是否包含下列词汇:describe, explain, identify, why, reason, cause, what, how等。如:1. (独立写作185题库21题。一下括号中的题号均为ETS同一题库的题号)In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.2. (168题)Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. Why do some students study abroad? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.3. (179题)What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.2)对应结构分析由上述三道题目中关键词causes, why, what,我们可以判断它们属于“描述解释型”题目。那么此种问题模式所对应的文章结构安排如下:第一段:引言1. 背景陈述2. 给出主题陈述第二段:讨论话题第一点1. 分论点一(段落主题句)2. 例证一(论证过程)第三段:讨论话题第二点1. 分论点二(段落主题句)2. 例证二(论证过程)第四段:讨论话题第一点1. 分论点三(段落主题句)2. 例证三(论证过程)第五段: 结论1. 复述主题陈述2. 总结几个分论点对应的英文文章结构如下所示:Paragraph 1: IntroductionBackground + layoutParagraph 2-4: BodyReason one / Quality oneTopic Sentence + supporting sentencesReason two / Quality twoTopic Sentence + supporting sentencesReason three / Quality threeTopic Sentence + supporting sentencesParagraph 5: Conclusion:Restatement of the Body根据上述结构,前程百利专家给刚刚列举的三道题目中的第一题列出下列提纲:toefl原创范例(21题):Introduction: A few reasons are thought to contribute to such phenomenon of a longer life expectancy than before.Main body 1: First of all, availability of basic health care makes people live longer.eg. More doctors and medicine for common diseases readily availableMain body 2: Moreover, advances in medicine enable people to live a longer life.eg. development of vaccines against some diseases and flus to prolong patients lives.Main body 3: Last but not least, increasing awareness of health makes people live longer.eg. regular exercise and change of health-related habits.原创范例(168题):Introduction: Several factors are thought to be the essential to lead to this phenomenon that an increasing number of students choose to further their education abroad instead of at home, three of which are most significant.Main body 1: First of all, studying abroad enables the students to pursue a program that is not available in their home country.eg. learning US accounting systemMain body 2: Moreover, studying overseas is a good way to enhance their competitive edge in the future job market.eg. developing a western critical mindMain body 3: Last but not least, students can have access to a new language via pursuing education in a foreign country.eg. learning English in the USA通过上述结构的介绍,考生可以自行扩展第三题,模仿原创范例,写一个提纲。从上面提纲我们不难发现,在写此类文章过程中,要使文章结构上有逻辑的话,必须掌握表示列举关系和因果关系的连词,先列举如下:列举Enumeration:第一项,首先: in the first place, firstly, initially, first of all, to begin with, to start with, first and foremost第二项,此外: second, secondly, in the second place, also, besides, in addition, moreover, furthermore第三项,最后: third, thirdly, in the third place, last but not least, finally, eventually因果Cause and effect:原因: because, as, since, forbecause of, due to, on account of, as a result of, stemming from结果: as a result, consequently, therefore, thus, hence只有在掌握了表示此类关系的连词的基础上,考生才能自如地运用之前所列举的结构,连贯逻辑的表达。值得一提的是,在最近的考题中,描述解释型的题目出现的几率相对较低。但考生在考前还是需要全面复习,掌握此种问题模式和对应的文章结构,才能在考试中胸有成竹。
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