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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上8B Unit 8 A green world词组Welcome to the unit(P.106-107)1. 种树 plant trees2. 对有益/害 be good/bad for3. 喜欢在花园里挖掘 like digging in the garden4. 种面包果树 plant breadfruit trees5. 通过骑自行车来减少空气污染 reduce air pollution by riding bicycles6. 通过缩短淋浴时间来节约水 save water by taking shorter showers7. 通过关灯来节约能源 save energy by turning off the lights8. 通过回收利用废物来保护环境 protect the environment by recycling waste9. 过绿色生活 live a green life10. 开车送某人去学校 drive sb. to school11. 开车送某人回家 drive sb. home12. 乘地铁 take the underground13. 导致严重的空气污染 cause serious air pollution14. 选择公共交通 choose public transport15. 记住去关灯 remember to turn off the lightsReading (P.108-111)16. 一个有高山、清澈蔚蓝湖泊的国家 a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes17. 尽力让它一直保持那样 try to keep it that way18. 被分成不同的几类 be separated into different groups19. 一个回收利用衣服的组织 an organization for recycling clothes20. 从全国各地收集旧衣服 collect old clothes from all over the country21. 一些,一些,还有一些 some, some, others22. 被送给工厂回收利用 be sent to factories for recycling23. 有许多法律来保护环境 have many laws to protect the environment24. 不允许砍伐树木 be not allowed to cut down trees25. 允许某人(不)做某事 allow sb. (not) to do sth.26. 因(做)某事惩罚某人 punish sb. for (doing) sth.27. 被警察罚款 be fined by the police28. 依靠其丰富的资源生存 depend on its rich resources to live29. 依靠某人做某事 depend on sb. to do sth.30. 理智地保护它 protect it wisely31. 使用来自太阳、风和水的能源 use energy from the sun, wind and water32. 这些新型能源 these new types of energy 33. 不仅成本低廉而且将用之不尽 cost very little and will never run out34. 用完,耗尽 run out35. 世界环境日 World Environment Day36. 做点(对保护环境)有益的事 do something to make a difference37. 对有影响,起作用 make a difference to 38. 被用光 be used up39. 处理用过的东西以便于它能再被使用treat sth. used so that it can be used again40. 那听起来像是个好主意。 That sounds like a good idea.Grammar (P.112-114)41. 在环境周 in Environment Week42. 在镇广场 in the town square43. 一个环境展 an environment show44. 向某人展示某物 display sth. to sb.45. 充满污染 be filled with/ full of pollution 46. 清除 clean up47. 除了人类 as well as/ besides people48. 水土污染 land and water pollution49. 行动起来改善环境 act to improve the environment50. 生物 living things51. 有机会思考我们周围的世界 have a chance to think about the world around us52. 齐心协力 work togetherIntegrated skills (P.115-116)53. 你有多环保? How green are you?54. 开/关水龙头 turn on/ off the tap55. 刷牙时 when brushing teeth56. 淋浴不到十分钟 take showers for less than 10 minutes57. 使用纸的双面 use both sides of the paper58. 回收空瓶 recycle empty bottles59. 这里是调查的结果。 Here are the results of the survey.60. 做许多事来帮助保护环境 do a lot to help protect the environment61. 成为世界各地一个严重的问题 become a serious problem all around the world62. 尽某人最大努力保护环境 try ones best to protect the environment63. 有更多的树木环绕 with more trees around64. 对有害 do harm to/ be harmful to65. 帮助防止暴风雨期间泥土流失 help keep soil in place during storms66. 在正确位置 in placeStudy skills & Task (P.117-119)67. 不但而且 not onlybut68. 挖掘出 dig up69. 变得越来越糟 is changing for the worse70. 保护环境 go green71. 这里是可以采取的简单步骤 Here are some simple steps to take.72. 如果可能的话再使用水 reuse water if possible73. 在使用 be in use74. 遵循这些小步骤 follow these small steps75. 对地球产生很大的影响 make a big difference to the Earth76. 培养绿色生活方式 develop a green lifestyle专心-专注-专业
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