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1交叉使用长句与短句在英语写作中,过多地使用长句或过多地使用短句都不好,正确的做法是,根据实际情况在文章中交替使用长句与短句,使文章显得错落有致,这样不仅使文章在形式上增加美感,而且使文章读起来铿锵有力。【例句】 中午我们晒着太阳吃着野餐。休息一会儿后,我们唱歌的唱歌,跳舞的跳舞,还有的讲故事、下棋,大家玩得很开心。一般句:At noon we had a picnic in the sunshine.Then we had a short rest.Then we began to play happily.We sang and danced.Some told stories.Some played chess.优秀句:At noon we had a picnic in the sunshine.After a short rest,we had great fun singing and dancing,telling stories and playing chess.2避免同一词语的重复使用为了使文章更生动、更富表现力,同学们在写作时应尽量避免重复使用同一词语来表示同一意思,尤其是一些老生常谈的词语。如有的同学一看到“喜欢”二字,就会立刻想起like,事实上,英语中类似意思的词和短语很多,如love,enjoy,prefer,appreciate,be fond of,care for等。【例句】 我喜欢读书,而我的弟弟喜欢看电视。一般句:I like reading while my brother likes watching television.优秀句:I like reading while my brother enjoys watching television.3适当使用短语代替单词【例1】 他已决定长大了当老师。一般句:He has decided to be a teacher when he grows up.优秀句:He has made up his mind to be a teacher when he grows up.【例2】 他不大喜欢音乐。一般句:He doesnt like music.优秀句:He doesnt care much for music.4恰当套用某些固定表达方式【例1】 他太累了,不能再往前走了。一般句:He was very tired.He couldnt walk any further.优秀句:He was too tired to walk any further.【例2】 这电影很有趣,学生和老师都很喜欢。一般句:The film was very interesting.Both the teachers and the students liked it.优秀句:The film was so interesting that both the teachers and the students liked it.5灵活改变句子开头在通常情况下,英语句子的排列方式为“主语谓语宾语”,即主语位于句子开头。若根据情况适当改变句子的开头方式,比如使用倒装语序或以状语开头等,就会增强文章的表现力。【例1】 只有这样你才能把它做好。一般句:You can do it well only in this way.优秀句:Only in this way can you do it well.【例2】 门开了,史密斯先生走了进来。一般句:The door opened and Mr.Smith came in.优秀句:The door opened and in came Mr.Smith.【例3】 在小山顶上有一座古庙。一般句:There stands an old temple at the top of the hill.优秀句:At the top of the hill stands an old temple.6合理使用省略句合理恰当地使用省略句,不仅可以使文章精炼、简洁,而且会使文章更具文采和可读性。如:【例1】 他可能很忙,要是这样,我以后再来拜访。要是不忙,我现在可以见他吗?一般句:He may be busy.If he is busy,I will call later.If he is not busy,can I see him now?优秀句:He may be busy.If so,I will call later.If not,can I see him now?【例2】 她本可申请那份工作的,但她没有。一般句:She could have applied for that job.But she didnt do so.优秀句:She could have applied for that job,but she didnt.7适当运用非谓语结构 非谓语结构通常被认为是一种高级结构,适当运用非谓语结构,会给人一种熟练驾驭语言的印象。【例1】 听到这个消息他们都高兴得跳了起来。一般句:When they heard the news,they all jumped with joy.优秀句:Hearing the news,they all jumped with joy.【例2】 由于不知道她的地址,我没法和她联系。一般句:As I didnt know her address,I wasnt able to get in touch with her.优秀句:Not knowing her address,I wasnt able to get in touch with her.8注意文章的过渡与衔接书面表达的评分标准是把衔接和连贯作为核心标准来要求的。之所以如此,是因为这是构成语篇的最基本的条件。语句间的连接成分是衡量衔接与连贯很重要的标准之一。构成语篇连接成分的过渡词语,被称为“篇章纽带”,其语篇衔接作用是不言而喻的,学生要学会正确恰当地使用这些表示逻辑关系的关联词语,使文章前后连贯,结构紧凑、过渡自然。表示过渡与衔接的常用表达有:表示增加的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,again,on top of that,another等表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,later,immediately,soon,next,in a few days,gradually,suddenly,finally等表示空间顺序的过渡词:near,far from,in front of,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,to the right,to the left,around,on one side,outside等表示比较的过渡词:in the same way,just like,just as等表示对照的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,on the other hand,in spite of,even though等表示结果和原因的过渡词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,then,thus,otherwise等表示目的的过渡词:for this reason,for this purpose,so that,in order that等表示强调的过渡词:in fact,indeed,surely,necessarily,certainly,without any doubt,truly,to repeat,above all,the most important等表示解释说明的过渡词:for example,in fact,in this case,for,actually等表示总结的过渡词:finally,at last,in conclusion,as I have shown,in other words,in brief,as has been stated等9合理安排句型注意把意思相近、相似、互为补充的句子合为一个复杂句,使重点突出,并且要明确内在的逻辑关系。一般句:When it is my birthday,my mother will cook some dishes to celebrate my birthday,or she will give me some money to buy whatever I want.优秀句:To celebrate my birthday,mother always cooks some dishes or gives me some money to buy whatever I want.改后的句子由两句变为一句,句意更易理解,逻辑更清楚。注意中文和英文两种语言结构上的差别。(1)英文常用被动语态,而中文常用主动语态。The problem will be discussed tomorrow.明天讨论这个问题。(2)中文中主语多为人称代词,而英文中,人称代词、名词、动名词短语、不定式、从句等都能作主语。Its important to learn English well.Where and when the meeting will be held has not been decided.We aim at quality rather than quantity.Teaching the children is the thing I like best.10综合使用各类“高级”结构【例1】 现在人人都知道这消息了,我想一定是吉姆把它泄露出去的。一般句:Now everyone knows the news.I think Jim must have let it out.优秀句:Now everyone knows the news.I think it must be Jim who has let it out.【例2】 我们所能做的只是站在那儿,设法抓住违章者。一般句:We had to stand there to catch the offender.优秀句:What we had to do was stand there,trying to catch the offender.【例3】 如果她的发音不比她老师好的话,至少也不会比她老师的差。一般句:If her pronunciation is not better than her teachers,it is at least as good as her teachers.优秀句:Her pronunciation is as good as,if not better than,her teachers.11大胆使用高级词汇新出台的书面表达评分标准鼓励学生“尽量使用较复杂或较高级词汇”并对由此产生的错误采取了宽容的态度。这样一来,不仅老师要求学生在力所能及的情况下尝试使用高级词汇,而且学生也很乐意通过几个高级词汇来显示自己的水平和提高自己书面表达的档次。那么,什么才叫高级词汇呢?其实,这是一个并未严格界定且概念十分模糊的提法,主要指以下几种情况:(1)大纲外的常用词汇英语考试大纲中没有却又在阅读时经常
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