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牛津英语5B全部词汇1. bear熊2. bench凳子,长凳3. build/built建造4. cage笼子5. change变化,蜕变6. cherry樱桃7. clock钟8. cold冷的9. come on来吧10. cut the rice割稻11. degree度数12. diary日记13. different不同的14. dinosaur|恐龙15. fruit水果16. Gameboy|游戏机17. grape葡萄18. have some pigs养猪19. have some pigs养猪20. hum嗡嗡声21. in the tree在树上(外来物)22. kite|风筝23. millimeter毫米24. move移动25. musical clock音乐钟26. on the tree在树上(原生物)27. plant the rice种稻28. plum梅子,李子29. pop group流行乐队(组合)30. puppet|木偶,傀儡31. Put on32. rainy下雨的33. robot| 机器人,机械手34. rock石头35. roll over36. roll 37. lost dog38. living room / sitting-room39. heavy / heavier40. furniture41. fall/fell42. fall out43. enjoy44. easy / easier45. clear46. cheer47. bump48. roll over49. roll 50. lost dog51. living room / sitting-room52. heavy / heavier53. furniture54. fall/fell55. fall out56. enjoy57. easy / easier58. clear59. cheer60. bump61. score得分,进球62. shadow阴影, 影子63. sense感觉64. rise上升65. red plum杨梅66. practice练习,实习67. plum李子,杏子68. pineapple菠萝69. Oxford English牛津英语70. outside在 外面71. mountain大山,山脉72. match搭配,连线73. inside在 里面74. in pairs两人一组75. in front of 在 前面76. hill小山,山丘77. hide and seek捉迷藏78. hide躲藏,躲避79. flat公寓80. durian榴莲81. dictionary字典82. cut out剪出来,剪辑83. Childrens Day儿童节84. cherry樱桃85. block大楼(厦)86. behind在 后面87. vocabulary词汇88. unit单元89. text type课文类型90. page页数91. module模块,章节92. grammar语法93. daily expression日常用语94. content内容95. strawberry草莓96. sunny阳光灿烂的97. temperature气温,温度98. ten millimeters of rain 10毫米降雨量99. the same相同的100. there are有101. was(过去)/is(现在)是102. weather report气象预报(报告)103. weather天气104. were/are(过去)是/(现在)是105. windy刮风的106. 12 April ( the twelfth April) 四月十二日107. a long time ago很久很久以前108. above在 上方109. act out表演出来110. ago以前111. cream奶油112. daydream做白日梦113. dialogue对话114. die死亡115. different不同的116. dream做梦,梦117. drill消防演习,钻头118. drunk醉酒的119. get得到120. grade年级121. late迟到的122. let让,允许123. lie躺下来124. line线条,直线125. partner伙伴,同学126. pilot飞行员127. purple紫色的128. race竞赛,比赛129. ring铃响,戒指130. sail航海131. sin罪恶,罪行132. slide滑梯133. south南方134. space太空,宇宙135. stay逗留,停留136. term学期137. trip旅行138. trunk象鼻,树干139. weight体重,重量140. win赢得,胜利141. wing翅膀142. story-teller讲故事的人143. bowl碗144. 25wheel车轮145. aeroplane|飞机146. all day long整天147. along沿着,向前148. are/were是149. asleep|睡熟了的, 睡着了150. at the top of在顶上151. awake|醒的152. Be careful!|要小心153. Be quiet! 安静点!154. bean豆子155. bell铃铛156. between在两者之间157. both两者,都是158. branch树枝159. bump砰(的一声)160. cheer欢呼,笑一笑,干杯161. circle圆形162. clear清楚的163. coin硬币164. column专栏,竖格165. complete完成166. cross穿过,通过167. cupboard食物橱168. dialogue对话169. dinosaur恐龙170. do a survey做调查171. doll玩偶172. easy / easier容易/更容易173. enjoy欣赏174. fall out掉下去175. fall/fell落下,掉落176. favourite喜爱的177. feed饲养,喂养178. full/empty满的/空的179. furniture家具180. hammer榔头181. have got= have有182. hay干草183. hear听见184. heavy / heavier重/更重185. hotel饭店186. is/was 是,在187. join参加188. keep walking连续走189. key钥匙190. kilo公斤,千克191. living room / sitting-room / lounge客厅,起居室192. lost dog走失的狗 193. market市场194. musical instrument乐器195. near附近196. noise噪音197. old lady|老妇人,老太太198. parrot鹦鹉199. place地方200. police station警署201. post 邮寄,递送202. quiet/loud静的/响的203. rainbow彩虹204. report报告205. right正确的206. roll 滚动207. roll over挤压208. round prep.围绕(东西)209. say/said说话210. screwdriver螺丝刀211. shaker沙锤212. shake摇晃213. skateboard滑板214. soldier战士215. stand站立216. step台阶217. string细绳,细线218. summer holiday/winter holiday暑假/寒假219. tie系上220. timetable时间表221. tourist游客222. true/false真实的/虚假的223. try尝试224. visit访问,拜访225. walk/go past经过226. wear穿戴227. welcome欢迎228. zoo-keeper动物管理员229. animal|动物230. at home|在家231. autumn|秋天232. bank|银行233. bed|床234. cage|笼235. castle|城堡236. caterpillar|毛虫237. cherry|樱桃238. chick|小鸡239. chicken|小鸡240. clock|钟241. cloudy|多云的242. cocoon|茧243. cold|寒冷244. computer|计算机245. country park|国家公园246. cushion|垫子247. diary|日记248. different|不同的249. dinosaur|恐龙250. doll|娃娃251. duck|鸭子252. duckling|小鸭子253. farm|农场254. flat|公寓255. football|足球256. frog|青蛙257. fruit|水果258. garden|花园259. goose|鹅260. hot|热的261. hotel|旅馆,宾馆262. insect|昆虫263. lamp|灯264. mirror|镜子265. panda|熊猫266. parrot|鹦鹉267. picture|照片,图片268. pineapple|凤梨,菠萝269. place|地方270. plant house|植物房271. plum|李子272. police station|警察局273. pond|池塘2
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