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新概念英语第二册(上)期末测试卷一 单项选择填空。(15分)( ) 1. My aunt often calls _ my home every week. A at B in C on D to( ) 2. _ hot the water is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( ) 3. The house that _ by the fire belong to me.A was destroyed B were destroyed C destroyed D destroyed ( ) 4. Look, Ive bought _ sweets for you.A. any B. some C. a D the( ) 5. “I am a teacher,” Jack said. He said _.A. that I am a teacher B. I was a teacher C. that he is a teacher D. he was a teacher( ) 6. Did you buy _ coffee in the shop?A. any B. a C. no D some( ) 7. My father is still in Australia now. I hasnt seen him _January.A for B since C from D by ( ) 8. _ good boy he is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( ) 9. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. He asked me _.A. had I seen the film B. have I seen the filmC. if I have seen the film D. whether I had seen the film( )10. The classroom _ when the visitors arrived.A had cleaned B. had been cleaned C. was cleaned D. have cleaned( ) 11. I _ back in two days.A will come B come C came D comes ( ) 12. He will accept the job if the salary _not too low.A is B was C will be D has been( )13. He will get ill _ he eats too much.A unless B if C until D so as( ) 14. Put the umbrella _ the door.A beside B besides C be side D be sides( ) 15. He has_ smoking for many years.A given to B given back C given in D given up 三 用适当介词填空. (15 分)1. It is always the same _ these occasions. ( on in at )2. _ Wednesday evening, we left _ Hawaii. (in for on )3. Someone is knocking _ the door.( on at out )4.Will you look _ these little children for me ( after for at )5. _ the way, have you seen Mary today? ( in on by )6. The thief wanted to steal the diamond ring _the rich woman. ( of from out)7. The parcel was filled _ stones and sand. ( with of by )8. Can you see the words written _ the blackboard? ( on by with)9. This one is the most expensive dresses _ all the books _ the shop. (in on of)10. My young sister was born _ April 26th. ( in on into)11. _ the help _ the teachers,the students have made great progress _their study. (on in of with)12. He will be back _ an hour. ( on in by)13.Our train arrived_Shanghai_6:30_a foggy November day .(on in at )14.I wouldnt hear from him _ yesterday. (until on for )15. This piano was repaired _ my brother.( with on by )四、 按要求转换句子。(10分)1. They always play football in the playground. 否定句: _ 一般疑问句: _2. I had been here before you came, he said.间接引语:_3. Mother said (that) she ought to clean the room today.直接引语: _4. The film is very wonderful.感叹句:_5. She is taller than any other students in the class.改为最高级:_五、翻译 (20 分)1. At present, he has visited all parts of the country.2. He will take part in an important race.3. The coffee shop is open from 9am till 5pm.4. We said goodbye to him at the harbor yesterday.5. If he is busy, please dont disturb him.6.她的连衣裙比其他人的都贵。7.昨天很多人都报名参加了这个比赛。8. 他是作为一名作家而出名的。9.他可能忘记了他的家庭作业。10如果明天下雨我就呆在家里。六、阅读理解 ( 20 分)(A)Most people who work in the offices have a boss, So do I. But my boss is a little unusual . Whats usually about him? Its a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My bosss dog, Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is a telephone call for my boss, I always known if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog, I know my boss is out.( ) 1. People _ bring dogs to the office.A. usually B. often C. seldom D. sometimes( ) 2. My boss is Robinsons _ .A. boss B. employee C. keeper D. teacher( ) 3.Robinson goes to meetings _ my boss.A. for B. without C. instead of D. with( )4. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _.A. in the office B. at the meetings C. out of the office D. out of the work( )5. The passage tells us
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