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四川省乐山市2024届中考英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Hi, you look _. Why are you so happy today?Can you believe it? I have just met Miss Zhou, my first teacher!A.excitedB.excitingC.excite二、单选题2_ amazing it is! The Shenzhou XVIII members raise fish for the first time in Tiangong space station.A.WhatB.HowC.What an三、单选题3Dear, put the knives out of the kids touch!OK. Ill do it right away. Its quite necessary to keep _.A.quietB.warmC.safe四、单选题4There are some after-school clubs in our school. You can _ between the Music Club and the Food and Drink Club.I prefer the Food and Drink Club, for I can learn more life skills.A.avoidB.chooseC.hide五、单选题5Ill never forget the experiences _ we had in the volunteer work last summer.Me too. The 3 days were meaningful and full of fun.A.whenB.whoC.that六、单选题6Hello, may I speak to Jenny, please?Wait a minute, please. She _ in the kitchen now.A.cookedB.is cookingC.will cook七、单选题7People _ wear helmets(头盔) when they ride e-bikes according to the traffic rules.Yes. Or they will be punished.A.mustB.canC.may八、单选题8There has been less and less pollution in Leshan these years.The government has made a great effort on it. Im sure this problem _ one day in the future.A.was solvedB.solvesC.will be solved九、单选题9I_ Mike on Monday. He invited us to visit his hometown in his letter.Do we accept his invitation? We havent met him for 3 years.A.heard fromB.came fromC.suffered from一十、单选题10Do you know Zhang Guimei, one of the “People Who Moved China”(感动中国人物)?Yes. _ she met lots of difficulties, she successfully helped so many students to go to college.A.AlthoughB.SinceC.If一十一、单选题11World Sleep Day falls on March 21st. Do you think sleep is important?I think so. Sleeping well can give you enough _.A.courageB.energyC.reason一十二、单选题12_ do you have a swimming class?Once a week.A.How muchB.How soonC.How often一十三、单选题13The composer who created Learn from the Role Model Lei Feng(学习雷锋好榜样) didnt _ the song would be enjoyed by many people for more than 60 years.A.expectB.allowC.receive一十四、单选题14I just went back from Guangzhou. Can you guess _?I suppose you took the high-speed train (高铁 ).A.how did I get thereB.when I got thereC.how I got there一十五、单选题15The Chengdu Horticultural Exhibition(成都园艺博览会) is really excellent! Thanks for inviting me here!_A.Im sorry.B.Youre welcome.C.No problem.一十六、完形填空 One spring day, a rose came out in the garden. When she met her neighbors, including a cactus(仙人掌) and other plants, she said to the cactus, “Im the most beautiful flower here, but you are full of thorns (刺) and so 1 !” Day after day, the rose never stopped being unfriendly to the cactus. However, the cactus 2 got sad or angry, and he replied calmly every time, “Every life has a purpose to be what it is.” As summer came, it was hot and 3 . The rose lost a lot of water and became weaker and weaker, but the cactus grew well. He had strong roots(根) system and was good at 4 water in his body. One day, the rose saw a bird make a small 5 in the cactus. The thirsty bird drank the water inside the cactus through the hole. “It must hurt,” said the rose. “Yes,” the cactus replied, “but I dont want to see my bird friend suffer.” The rose was so 6 that she asked the cactus for water. The cactus kindly agreed. He asked the bird to carry the water to the roses roots. The rose was ashamed(羞愧的) of what she had said to the cactus in the past. From then on, she 7 judging(评判) others by their looks.16A.uglyB.lazyC.strong17A.sometimesB.alwaysC.never18A.dryB.wetC.dirty19A.discoveringB.storingC.wasting20A.holeB.mealC.house21A.shyB.thirstyC.angry22A.keptB.beganC.stopped一十七、完形填空 Recently, a video has become popular online. In the video, a man at Beijings Summer Palace (颐和园) 1 information about the parks buildings with visitors. Is the man a tour guide? Whats so special about him? Well, in fact, he is a 2 at the Summer Palace. “One day I saw a few visitors. They were reading 3 , but they still couldnt find the right way, so I offered them some help,” says Zhang Xu, the cleaner. “In addition to(除以外) our daily cleaning work, we also provide more 4 like answering questions and giving directions.” For Zhang Xu, the Summer Palace is a special place. As a child, he came here to play. When he 5 up, he began to work here and became a part of it. Zhang started working at the Summer Palace in late 2021. “Every morning when I 6 here and begin my work, I feel like I am one of the stones in the garden,” he says. Zhang is interested in the Summer Palace. And he wants to 7 everythi
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