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1、 People who learn a great deal in what seems like a very short time embody these qualities.(Para.1,Lines 2-3) 那些可以在看似极短的时间内收获颇丰的人身上常常会体现出这些品质。【Paraphrase】If a person can learn much in comparatively short time, they usually have these qualities. 【注释】句中“who learn a great deal in”是定语从句,修饰“people”,其中“what seems like a very short time”又是一个由what引导的名词性从句,作介词“in”的宾语。 在what引导的名词性从句中,what兼先行词和关系代词双重身份,即what = the thing(s) that。因此应特别注意,what既已包含先行词在内,它的前面就不应该再出现先行中心名词。这正是what和that的区分所在。另外,介词后面通常不能接that引导的从句,但可接what引导的名词性从句。2、 The learning is not so much the acquisition of information as it is an investigationa questioning, a turning over of the object of study to see all sides and facts.(Para. 4,Lines 5-7) 学习本身,与其说是获取信息,还不如说是一种调研是通过对研究对象的的质询和反复思索来了解事物的方方面面。【Paraphrase】Instead of only getting information, learning is more like the process of investigation, in which questions are raised and the object is studied carefully so that it could be understood thoroughly. 【注释】not so much as引导的是一个比较状语从句,其中as可换用but rather ,可译为与其说是不如说是 应当注意的是,not so much as 连在一起写,则相当于without/not even,意为连都不肯,甚至于不 3、 It is not knowing in sense of having a rigid opinion, but the ability to look again at another time, in a difference time, as Szent-Gyorgyi suggests, and to form a new understanding based on that observation.(Para. 4,Lines 7-9) 当然,这并不意味着思想的僵化,而是特指一种在不同时期从不同角度看待事物的能力。正如贞特格华尔西所指出的那样,要基于此种观察而形成新的理解。【Paraphrase】Just like what Szent-Gyorgyi says, learning doesnt mean having a fixed and inflexible knowledge. On the contrary, it requires us to have the ability to look at the same thing from different points of view and thus have different understandings.4、 Without these, our learning is but forth without substance.(Para. 5,Line 3) 如果不具备这些品质,我们的学习就如同泡沫,失去了物质的基础。【Paraphrase】If we dont have these qualities, our learning will only be like forth without substance. (It would be difficult for us to learn.) 【注释】is but=only Without is but a little place ,after all .天涯原咫尺,到处可逢君。(It is used when a person meets someone he knows or is in someway connected with him in a place where he would never have expected to do so.) 5、 The fruit of these seemingly dry qualities (which we prefer to admire in others) is the satisfaction of having tasted the fullness of completion, or the thrill of meeting a difficult challenge with success.(Para. 5, Lines 4-6) 这些看似单纯的品质(即我们倾向于在别人身上欣赏到的那些)能让我们得以享受圆满完成任务后的满足感或是成功迎接困难挑战后的激动。【Paraphrase】These qualities (which we ourselves might not possess, but appreciate it when others have them) may seem quite dull and sterile. However, once we have them, we would be able to accomplish our objects and feel the excitement when we successfully solve a difficult problem. 6、 With this attitude we may find ourselves treating even the most mundane discovery with wide-eyed wonder and joy. (Para. 5, Lines 9-10) 有了这种态度我们就会发现自己能用开阔的思维和愉悦的心情去对待那些即使是最平淡无奇的发现。【Paraphrase】If we can see things in that way, we would be able to broaden our eyes and treat even the most ordinary discoveries with great happiness. 【注释】find oneself doing:突然发现自己(不经意地)在做着某事,表示主动语态;而find oneself +done表示被动语态。另外在find oneself后面也可能跟介词短语。 7、 There is nothing quite so satisfying as undergoing a difficult process and after long hard discovering the true nature of that process. (Para. 7, Lines 2-4) 因为最令人满足的莫过于在历经磨难和长期辛劳之后发现这一过程的真谛。【Paraphrase】The most satisfying thing in the world is finding the true nature of a difficult process after taking great efforts in fulfilling it. 【注释】nothing is soas和nothing is more than 结构都具有最高级比较意思,nothing 可换用no、 nobody、 nowhere 、little 、few 、hardly 、scarely、等其他有否定含义的副词,可译为没有比更为的了、最等.
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